Allergic contact dermatitis is becoming a common skin problem all over the world. It accounts for about 4-7% of all dermatological problems. This is due to a delayed hypersensitivity reaction following contact with antigens. Hypersensitivity to chemicals appears to become a serious health problem for the general population, particularly in their work environment it will be the most incapacitating condition as a consequence of skin being exposed to chemical agents. Allergic contact dermatitis is characterized by erythema, scaling, edema, vesiculation and oozing. Itching varies from mild to severe. These features can be correlated with vicharchika. So in order to manage vicharchika in terms of Allergic contact dermatitis, a comparative study was done to evaluate the effect of virechana and shamanaushadhis. Group A was given virechana followed by shamanoushadhis i.e., Laghu sootashekara vati and Nava kwatha along with Manjishtadi taila for external application for 30days. Group B was given only shamanoushadhis for 30 days. The efficacy of the treatment was assessed by noting the prime lakshanas of vicharchika like shyava varna, pidaka, kandu and srava before and after the treatment and statistically analysed using student &t* test. After treatment it is observed that, both shodhana chikitsa and shamana chikitsa have their own role in the management of vicharchika. Even statistically, both are having highly significant values within the individual groups. But when both shodhana and shamana treatment are statistically compared, they show no significant values which means that both are effective with no significant difference between them.