Search for the doubly charmed baryon ■

作者:R.Aaij; C.Abellán Beteta; T.Ackernley; B.Adeva; M.Adinolfi; H.Afsharnia; C.A.Aidala; S.Aiola; Z.Ajaltouni; S.Akar; P.Albicocco; J.Albrecht; F.Alessio; M.Alexander; A.Alfonso Albero; G.Alkhazov; P.Alvarez Cartelle; A.A.Alves Jr; S.Amato; Y.Amhis; L.An; L.Anderlini; G.Andreassi; M.Andreotti; F.Archilli; J.Arnau Romeu; A.Artamonov; M.Artuso; K.Arzymatov; E.Aslanides; M.Atzeni; B.Audurier; S.Bachmann; J.J.Back; S.Baker; V.Balagura; W.Baldini; A.Baranov; R.J.Barlow; S.Barsuk; W.Barter; M.Bartolini
来源:Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020, 63(02): 12-26.


A search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ is performed through its decay to the Λc+K-π+ final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 Te V. The data correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 9 fb-1. No significant signal is observed in the mass range from 3.4 to 3.8 Ge V/c2. Upper limits are set at 95% credibility level on the ratio of the Ξcc+ production cross-section times the branching fraction to that of Λc+ and Ξcc++ baryons. The limits are determined as functions of the Ξcc+ mass for different lifetime hypotheses, in the rapidity range from 2.0 to 4.5 and the transverse momentum range from 4 to 15 GeV/c.

  • 单位
    University of LIVERPOOL; University of bristol; The University of Liverpool; The University of Bristol