Aus那ncia de veia cava inferior: relato de caso

作者:Alves; Elton Correia; Ferro; Gabriela Boia Rocha; Frana; Luciana Karla Lira; Jaco; Mabel Batista; Pitta; Guilherme Benjamin Brando
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2010.


the congenital absence of the inferior vena cava is a rare and occasional finding at complementary exams or abdominal surgeries. as the majority of patients without other malformations are asymptomatic, it is hard to estimate the prevalence of these anomalies. our goal was to report a case of a 28-year-old patient, male, referred to thorax x-ray due to high fever state (39oc), nonresponder to medication. the x-ray suggested azygos vein dilatation. the interview about cardiovascular symptoms revealed thoracic pain during both physical exercises and at rest, and occasional dyspnea during sleep related to the period of intensification of physical exercises. computadorized tomography with and without contrast did not solve the case, what explain the request of an angiotomography, that showed absence of thoracic inferior vena cava.
