Hypoxia‐stimulated membrane trafficking requires T‐plastin

作者:M Wottawa; S Naas; J Bttger; G J van Belle; W Mbius; N H Revelo; D Heidenreich; M von Ahlen; A Zieseniss; K Krhnert; S Lutz; C Lenz; H Urlaub; S O Rizzoli; D M Katschinski
来源:Acta Physiologica, 2017, 221(1): 59-73.


Abstract(#br)Aim(#br)Traffic between the plasma membrane and the endomembrane compartments is an essential feature of eukaryotic cells. The secretory pathway sends cargoes from biosynthetic compartments to the plasma membrane. This is counterbalanced by a retrograde endocytic route and is essential ...