
作者:**爽; 李丹; 高雪飞; SHI Caijuan
来源:太赫兹科学与电子信息学报, 2023, 21(05): 628-631.


A compact patch antenna is designed, which is with structures of cross-shape slot, Complementary Split Ring Resonator(CSRR), and loaded transmission line. To implement the compactness in size, these structures are etched on the ground plane, then the input impedance has been improved. The CSRR is employed to improve impedance matching between the source and radiation patch, and the cross-shape slot on the radiation patch is utilized to increase the bandwidth. The design is validated by comparison of realistic field simulation with measurement results of an antenna prototype. The presented antenna is much smaller in size than conventional antennas with CSRR, showing good performances at the resonant frequency. The experimental results accord well with simulated results.