Italy-Netherland PhD Program: The I.O. PhD Research Program

作者:Bellissima Valentina; Borghesi Alessandro; Bozzetti Valentina; Dessi Angelica; Fabiano Adele; Risso Francesco M; Salvo Vincenzo; Satriano Angela; Silvagni Davide; Varrica Alessandro; van Bel Frank; Visser Gerard H A; Vles Hans J S; Zimmermann Luc J I; Gavilanes Antonio D W; Gazzolo Diego*
来源:Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2011, 24: 111-113.


In the framework of long-term scientific collaboration among the founder members coming from Holland and Italy there was a growing consensus to activate a philosophical doctorate (PhD) program, involving young Italian researchers in the field of perinatal medicine, neonatology and pediatrics. The aims were to promote excellence in research, offering to young Italian physicians the opportunity to maturate an International research experience leading to PhD degree, and to promote human and technological improvement energies in perinatal, neonatal and pediatrics research. Thus, an official collaboration among the Dutch Universities from Maastricht and Utrecht and the Italian Children's Hospital from Alessandria, has been activated on March 1st 2010, finalized to the PhD program. The experimental phase included the selection of projects and relative candidates after an interview-selection focusing on their scientific attitudes and the availability on their research projects. Candidates' selection started on May 2010 and on September 29th ten projects and candidates have been approved by the scientific commission. Research topics included: perinatal asphyxia, aging and the origin of adulthood neurodegenerative disease, neuroprotective strategies, biochemical pulmunology, intrauterine growth retardation and perinatal teratology. To date, all projects have been approved by local Ethics Committee from the University/Hospital of origin of the candidates. Five manuscripts have been published and/or submitted to international Journals regarding pneumology, perinatal asphyxia and teratology, whilst about 60-70% of data regarding clinical studies have already been collected.