
  The purpose:the study was focused on identifying and culturing the two strains of Bacillus cereus,which were isolated from soy sauce residue.This paper by two strains extracted from soy sauce residue out of Bacillus natto identification and training,and record the number of single colonies at different hours in order to get the growth curve that two strains of Bacillus natto,preparing to explore resistance salt mechanism.Method:The experiment was performed by using MID biochemical identification of Bacillus strains strip perform to analysis and identify the strains,which proved that one was B.lentus B25,the other was Bacillus cereus B26.Then B25 and B26 were performed under different salt tolerant culture,and record the number of colonies of Bacillus every 2 h.Finally the growth curves of Bacillus cereus under different salt concentrations were obtained.Conclusion:Analysis of growth trends under different experimental salt according to the growth curve of bacteria Bacillus were obtained.The different salt concentration of bacterial growth curves were compared,and analyze the possible causes of their diference and similarities,providing a basis for the study of Bacillus tolerant mechanisms.
