
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is highly prevalent the world over. an estimated 7% to 10% of the global adult population is affected. in brazil, the incidence of chronic bronchitis is 12.7% among individuals over the age of 40. economic studies have great relevance in devising policies for dealing with diseases of such high prevalence. the majority of data related to the costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is culled from national health databases. there have been only a few studies evaluating the direct public health costs of the disease. in analyzing those studies, one can conclude that a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient generates a direct annual expenditure of 1200 to 1800 usd. however, the cost is correlated with the severity of the disease. patients suffering from the more severe forms can require as much as double that expenditure, and early diagnosis is therefore vital. the most cost-effective strategy is early detection of the disease, in concert with anti-smoking campaigns. in the most advanced stages of the disease, the greatest costs are incurred due to hospitalization. in such cases, correct treatment of the acute exacerbations of the disease is crucial to minimizing costs. the average cost of a hospital stay in brazil is 2761 brazilian reals, which is equal to that of one full year of outpatient treatment. antibiotic therapy accounts for only a small fraction of the total cost of treating such acute exacerbations. the use of more efficacious antibiotics may represent a more cost-effective strategy for reducing the rate of treatment failure. economic analysis should allow for the identification and implementation of the most cost-effective strategies for treating this disease.
