Vitamina E no soro e colostro humanos em condiˋˋes de jejum e p車s-prandial

作者:Dimenstein; Roberto; Medeiros; Ana C P; Cunha; Lahyana R F; Araujo; Katherine F; Dantas; Juliana C O; Macedo; Thamizy M S; Stamford; Tania L M
来源:Jornal de Pediatria, 2010.


objective: to evaluate alpha-tocopherol concentrations in maternal serum and colostrum under fasting and postprandial conditions. methods: thirty healthy childbearing women were recruited in a public maternity hospital, and samples of blood, fasting colostrum, and postprandial colostrum were collected from them up to 12 hours after delivery. results: the serum alpha-tocopherol concentration was 1,939.8㊣766.0 米g/dl. alpha-tocopherol levels in fasting colostrum (1,603.4㊣911.0 米g/dl) and in postprandial colostrum (1,515.0㊣890.9 米g/dl) did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference (p %26gt; 0.05). there was correlation between alpha-tocopherol levels in fasting and postprandial colostrum (p %26lt; 0.05), but not between serum and colostrum. conclusion: the lack of correlation between alpha-tocopherol levels in plasma and in colostrum, and the correlation between alpha-tocopherol concentrations in fasting and postprandial colostrum support the existence of a mechanism that controls the transfer of this nutrient, regardless of dietary intake.
