Compreendendo a viv那ncia do paciente portador de doenˋa de Crohn

作者:Sarlo; Roberta Soares; Barreto; Carolina Ribeiro; Domingues; Tania Arena Moreira
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2008.


objective: to understand the meaning of having crohn%26apos;s disease. methods: qualitative study, with a hermeneutic approach. eight interviews were held, with patients who have a confirmed diagnosis of the disease. the main question of the study was: %26quot;what is it like to have crohn%26apos;s disease?%26quot;. results: the analysis was performed according to a category identified as: changes in the life perspective. the main changing factors of the category were: having a chronic disease, food, fear, lack of freedom, prevention of complications and hope. for doing so, they use a few strategies to overcome the difficulties, developing their own skills to move forward. conclusion: trying to understand the human nature, knowing how a person is and their feelings are a construction that needs to be improved in the healthcare courses, so that the professionals can provide the necessary support to the patients and offer adequate nursing care.
