Nevo displ芍sico (nevo at赤pico)

作者:Rezze; Gisele Gargantini; Leon; Alexandre; Duprat; Joo
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2010.


atypical nevum (dysplastic) is considered an important factor associated with increased risk of developing cutaneous melanoma. it is believed that atypical nevi are precursor lesions of cutaneous melanoma. they may be present in patients with multiple melanocytic nevi (atypical nevus syndrome) or isolated and in small numbers in a non-familial context. the disease usually begins at puberty and predominates in young people. it has a predilection for sun-exposed areas, especially the trunk. the major challenge in relation to atypical nevi lies in the controversy of defining its nomenclature, clinical diagnosis, dermoscopic criteria, histopathological diagnosis and molecular aspects. this review aims at bringing knowledge, facilitating comprehension and clarifying doubts about atypical nevus.
