
Algorithms for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of objects based on their projections are essential in various biological and medical imaging modalities. In cryo-electron tomography (CET) a major challenge for reconstruction is the limited range of projection angles, which manifests itself as a "missing wedge" of data in Fourier space making the reconstruction problem ill-posed. Here, we apply an iterative reconstruction method that makes use of nonuniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) to the reconstruction of cryo-electron tomograms. According to several measures the reconstructions are superior to those obtained using conventional methods, most notably weighted backprojection. Most importantly, we show that it is possible to fill in partially the unsampled region in Fourier space with meaningful information without making assumptions about the data or applying prior knowledge. As a consequence, particles of known structure can be localized with higher confidence in cryotomograms and subtomogram averaging yields higher resolution densities.