
the cultivation of camu-camu myrciaria dubia (h.b.k.) mc vaugh has presented countless phytosanitary problems, among them, tuthillia cognata hodkinson et al. (hemiptera: homoptera, psyllidae), which often is noticed as a secondary pest. this study aimed to determine the level and the intensity of infestation (%) for t. cognata, as well as to study the biological cycle and behavioural aspects of t. cognata, in experimental plantation of camu-camu. 17 and 14 specimens from plantation i and ii, respectively, were randomly selected. the arithmetic average, the standard deviation, the variance and the total amplitude were calculated for each studied variable. a level of infestation of 82% (plantation i) and 57% (plantation ii), an intensity of infestation of 94% (plantation i) and 75% (plantation ii) and an average number of six nymphs/leaf in each plantation were found, indicating that t. cognata is one of the key pest on this culture. adults of chrysoperla sp. (neuroptera: chrysopidae) and nymphs of reduviidae (hemiptera: heteroptera), which can to be considered as probable biological control agents for t. cognata, were found in the plantations.
