Impacto cl赤nico do diagn車stico de sepse 角 admissˋo em UTI de um hospital privado em Salvador, Bahia

作者:Juncal; Verena Ribeiro; Britto Neto; Lelivaldo Antonio de; Camelier; Aquiles Assuno; Messeder; Octavio Henrique Coelho; Farias; Augusto Manoel de Carvalho
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2011.


objective: to describe the clinical characteristics, laboratory data, and clinical outcomes of patients with and without sepsis admitted to the icu of a private hospital in the city of salvador, brazil, and to identify clinical variables related to a worse prognosis in those with sepsis. methods: this was a longitudinal study including all patients admitted to the general icu of the hospital portugu那s, in the city of salvador, brazil, between june of 2008 and march of 2009. at icu admission, two groups of patients were identified: with sepsis and without sepsis. epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data were collected, and the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation ii (apache ii) score was calculated. results: of the 144 patients in the study, 29 (20.1%) had sepsis. among the patients with sepsis, males accounted for 55.2%, the mean age was 73.1 ㊣ 14.6 years, and the mean apache ii score was 23.8 ㊣ 9.1, compared with 36.3%, 68.7 ㊣ 17.7 years, and 18.4 ㊣ 9.5, respectively, among those without sepsis. there were significant associations between a diagnosis of sepsis and the following variables: apache ii score; in-hospital mortality; icu mortality; hr; mean arterial pressure; hematocrit level; white blood cell count; and antibiotic use. the use of life support measures and lower hematocrit levels were associated with a worse prognosis in the patients with sepsis. conclusions: the patients diagnosed with sepsis presented worse clinical outcomes, probably due to their greater severity. hematocrit level was the only variable that was a predictor of mortality risk in the patients with sepsis.
