
this paper is a survey of rubiaceae subfamilies antirheoideae, cinchonoideae and ixoroideae in the guaribas biological reserve, para赤ba, brazil. intensive collections were made from october/2000 to october/2001. twelve species, 10 genera and five tribes were recognized. the most diverse subfamily was antirheoideae, with five species, four genera and two tribes. the genera with the most species were guettarda l. (2) and tocoyena aubl. (2). alibertia a. rich. ex dc., alseis schott, chiococca p. browne, chomelia jacq., coutarea aubl., posoqueria aubl., sabicea aubl., and salzmannia dc. were represented by only one species each. keys, descriptions, comments on morphology and species distributions, as well as illustrations of the taxa are provided.