Membrana de l芍tex da seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis), com e sem polilisina a 0,1% e tela de marlex na reconstruˋˋo de defeitos iatrog那nicos da parede abdominal de ratos

作者:Paulo; Neusa Margarida; Lima; Flavia Gontijo de; Siqueira Junior; Juarez Tavora de; Fleury; Luiz Fernando Froes; Sant' Ana; Fabiano Jose Ferreira de; Borges; Alinne Cardoso; Telles; Thalita da Costa
来源:Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2005.


purpose: to compare seringueira latex membrane implant, with and without polilysine at 0.1% and marlex mesh on the repair of iatrogenic abdominal defects in rats. methods: a circular segment block of approximate three centimeters of diameter was sectioned out of the ventral adominal muscle wall of 31 wistar rats. the skin was preserved. the animals were divided into three experimental groups: only latex, latex and polilysine at 0.1%, and marlex mesh. some rats underwent eutranasia at five and some at 120 days after surgery. fragments of abdominal wall were collected and submitted at histophatologic analysis. results: the main alterations observed in groups treated with the latex membrane with and without polilysine were dehiscence (21 animals) and evisceration (two animals). the elimination of implant occurred at an average of 13,8 days. these animals presented fiber conjunctive tissue formation, similar to that observed in the group which received the marlex mesh. other alterations noted were viscera-parietal adherences in all evaluated groups. conclusion: the seringueira%26apos; s latex membrane, with or without polilysine 0,1%, when used on the reconstruction of abdominal defects in rats is eliminated at 13.8 days after its implantation, leaving a fiber base of reparation, similar to that observed after marlex mesh implantation.
