
作者:楼春豪; 王瑟; 李静雅
来源:Contemporary International Relations, 2021, 31(03): 80-104.


Among the major countries in the world, Russia and India are two that have always maintained relatively stable relations. However, recent years have witnessed profound transitions in the regional and global strategic environments, hence increasing divergence between their foreign policy strategies. Furthermore, the traditional drivers of cooperation between the two countries are weakening, such that their disagreements are accumulating in plain sight. Their perceptions and policies surrounding the Indo-Pacific, in particular, have created significant strategic discord. In the foreseeable future, the foundational basis for strategic cooperation between Russia and India will not be fundamentally shaken, but reversing the trend of their drifting foreign policies will prove to be difficult. The gap between the two sides will continue to exist and is likely to further enlarge. The trajectory of Russia-India relations will entail changes in the international and regional landscapes. Overall, a stable Russia-India relationship is in China’s best interest.