
although invasive species are one of the main reasons for the loss of biodiversity, in brazil there is little information about biological invasions in terrestrial ecosystems. sandy coastal plain forests (restinga) and shrubby vegetation are places extremely susceptible to this kind of threat. the goal of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of the exotic species calotropis procera in the restinga do xex谷, farol de sˋo tom谷, campos dos goytacazes, rj, brazil. a survey covering an area of 126 ha (1400 m x 900 m) was carried out, where a total of 475 individuals were sampled (mean of 3.8 indiv.ha-1). to assess the spatial distribution and population structure of this species, three transects (300 m x 10 m) were created, which were perpendicular to the vegetation gradient from interior to shoreline, and all individuals of c. procera were sampled. a total of 28 individuals %26gt; 50 cm tall were sampled, and no individuals %26lt; 50 cm tall were found in the three transects. the plants were restricted to areas with vestiges of human disturbance. the absence of seedling samples within the transects is probably related to the fast growth of this species after germination. the results showed that c. procera has a great potential of invading disturbed areas in restinga vegetation. a plan to control and eradicate this species should be considered by the brazilian environmental agency.
