Ictericia secundaria a cistoadenoma seroso pancre芍tico gigante

作者:Goi; S; Vila; J J; Valle; J; Martin Cuartero; J; Ruiz Clavijo; D; Jimenez Perez; F J
来源:Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 2010.


serous cystadenoma is the second most frequent pancreatic cystic neoplasm and accounts for 1-2% of exocrine neoplasms of the pancreas. recently, they have been identified more frequently, due to the improvement in imaging techniques. differential diagnosis should be performed with mucinous cystoadenoma, due to the latter%26apos;s potential for malignant transformation. we present the case of a female patient who underwent examination for painless jaundice and cholestasis, with a final diagnosis of pancreatic serous cystoadenoma.
