Recuperaci車n post-fuego de la comunidad de l赤quenes ep赤fitos en la provincia de C車rdoba, Argentina

作者:Rodriguez; Juan Manuel; Estrabou; Cecilia; Fenoglio; Romina; Robbiati; Federico; Salas; Maria Cecilia; Quiroga; Gonzalo
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2009, 23(3): 854-859.


lichens are recognized bioindicators of environmental quality. studies of lichen communities in relation to forest fires have shown the response to fire over micro-environmental variables that shape the community in the absence of this disturbance. the aim of this contribution is to recognize the effect of fire on the lichen community of sierra chaco in cordoba province. two areas were selected, one without past fire and the other with fire in 1996. coverage and presence of lichen species on trees and shrubs were recorded in the two areas using systematic, standardized sampling. diversity and coverage of lichens is similar between the two areas but composition varies. the lichen species in the burned area are heliophilous and adapted to stress conditions. fire as a frequent disturbance promotes the growth of few species with high coverage that are resistant to the conditions imposed by disturbance. high intensity and high frequency fires limit development opportunities for the lichen community thus diminishing overall diversity and quality of forest systems in which they live.