it is important to identify the origin and distribution of the circumflex femoral arteries (cfa) at the time of vascular reconstructive surgery. the femoral triangle contents in 92 lower extremities of formolized adult male cadavers of different ethnic groups, were dissected uncovering the femoral artery (fa) and its branches originating at the level of the femoral triangle. the origin of each cfa was identified determining the origin type and location. the medial circumflex femoral artery (mcfa) originated from the fa in 43 cases (46.7%); from the profunda femoris artery (pfa) in 41 cases (44.6%); from a common trunk formed by the pfa and cfa in 7 cases (7.6%), and in one case (1.1%) from the lateral circumflex femoral artery (lcfa). in 75 cases (81.5%) the mcfa was most proximal than the lcfa, and in 9 cases (9.8%) it originated at the same level. the lcfa originated at the pfa in 68 cases (73.9%); from the fa in 17 cases (18.5%); from a common trunk formed by the pfa and cfa in 7 cases (7.6%). the origin of the lcfa was considered regardless, whether the descending branch originated therein or from the fa. considering the presence of a number of important elements it is essential to identify the precise origin of the arteries and its eventual variations in procedures carried out in that area.