
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of low crude protein (CP) level diet based on corn-peanut meal on growth performance and nitrogen utilization of Chinese Yellow chickens at 1 to 21 days of age. A total of 1 920 one-day-old rapidly-growing Lingnan Yellow chickens (half male and half female) were randomly allocated to 4 groups with 6 replicates per group and 40 chickens per replicate respectively by consistent sex and body weight. The dietary CP levels were 22. 5%, 21. 5%, 20. 5% and 19. 5% for the 4 groups, respectively. The experiment lasted for 21 days. The results showed as follows: 1) the average daily gain (ADG) of chickens was affected by dietary CP levels or sex and their interaction effects (P <0.05) . Both the ADG of chickens in 22. 5% and 21. 5% CP groups were significantly greater than those in 20. 5% and 19.5% CP groups (P <0.05), and there was a significant linear effect of dietary CP levels on ADG of chickens (P <0.05) . The ADG of male chickens in 22. 5% CP group was the greatest, which was significantly greater than those in the other 3 CP groups (P <0.05) . The ADG of male chickens in 21.5% CP group was also greater than those in 20.5% and 19. 5% CP groups (P < 0. 05) . Both the ADG of female chickens in 22. 5% and 21.5% CP groups was greater than that in 19.5% CP group (P <0.05) . 2) The feed / gain (F / G) was affected by dietary CP levels (P < 0. 05), along with a significant linear effect (P < 0. 05) . The F / G of chickens in 22.5% CP group was the least, which was significantly less than those in the other 3 CP groups (P < 0. 05) . The F / G of chickens in 21.5% CP group was also less than that in 19.5% CP group (P <0.05) . 3) Nitrogen (N) utilization rate of chickens was affected by dietary CP levels (P <0.05) . The N utilization rate of chickens in 21.5% CP group was the greatest, which was greater than those in the other 3 groups. The N utilization rate of chickens in 19.5% CP group was greater than that in 20. 5% CP group (P < 0. 05) . It is concluded that the growth of male chicken is still affected by low CP level diet supplemented with crystal amino acid, which is based on corn and peanut kernel cake. Dietary CP level of rapid Chinese Yellow chickens aged 1 to 21 days can be reduced by 1 to 2 percentage points. It is suggested that male and female chickens should be fed separately to achieve accurate regulation of their nutrition, and to improve N utilization rate and reduce N emissions.
