Results of dark matter search using the full PandaX-Ⅱ exposure

作者:王秋红; 阿布都沙拉木·阿布都克力木; 陈葳; 谌勋; 陈云华; 程晨; 崔祥仪; 樊英杰; 方德清; 符长波; 付孟婷; 耿立升; Karl Giboni; 顾琳慧; 郭绪元; 韩柯; 何昶达; 黄迪; 黄焱; 黄彦霖; 黄周; 季向东; 巨永林; 李帅杰; 刘华萱; 刘江来; 马文博; 马余刚; 冒亚军; 孟月; 倪恺翔; 宁金华; 宁旭阳; 任祥祥; 商长松; 司琳; 申国防; 谈安迪; 王安庆; 王宏伟; 王萌; 王思广; 王为; ***; 王舟; 武蒙蒙; 吴世勇; 邬维浩; 夏经铠; 肖梦姣; 谢鹏伟; 燕斌斌; 杨继军; 杨勇; 喻纯旭; 袁鞠敏; 袁影; 曾鑫宁; 张丹; 张涛; 赵力; 郑其斌; 周济芳; 周宁; 周小朋
来源:Chinese Physics C, 2020, 44(12): 188-204.


We report the dark matter search results obtained using the full 132 ton·day exposure of the Panda X-II experiment, including all data from March 2016 to August 2018. No significant excess of events is identified above the expected background. Upper limits are set on the spin-independent dark matter-nucleon interactions. The lowest 90% confidence level exclusion on the spin-independent cross section is 2.2 ×10-46 cm2 at a WIMP mass of 30 Ge V/c2.