this is the first record of paravelia recens (drake %26 harris, 1935) (heteroptera: veliidae) in phytotelmata of guzmania brasiliensis ule, 1907 (bromeliaceae). the study was conduced at adolpho ducke forest reserve, located on road am 010 km 26, manaus, amazonas. twelve samplings were taken between april 2003 and april 2005, namely, six in the wet season and six in the dry season. twelve bromeliads were analysed for each sampling, six terrestrials and six epiphytics, totaling 144 samples. with the exception of the 2004 march and october samples, 94 specimens of p. recens were found. the number of individuals was similar in the stratums sampled, accounting for 46 terrestrials and 48 epiphytics. p. recens were found in great abundance in the wet season (t-test between season; t=2,57; p=0,011), and the abundance of individuals was positively correlated with water volume by bromeliad (rs= 0,18; p=0,033). this fact could be explained by the major input of water in the wet season, causing the increase of mean water volume by bromeliad.