Estimaci車n de la Masa Muscular de los Miembros Apendiculares, a Partir de Densitometr赤a Fot車nica Dual (DEXA)

作者:Rodriguez Rodriguez; Fernando Javier; Almagia Flores; Atilio Aldo; Berral de la Rosa; Francisco Jose
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2010.


the aim of this investigation is to create a regression formula that allows establishing the quantity of muscle mass for limb considering %26quot;gold standard %26quot; to the dexa method. 20 amateur cyclists trained are evaluated considering 45 anthropometrics measures, later applying the method dexa across equations of regression in the platform spss 17, a formula of estimation is established for muscle mass of the upper limb where, mmes (kg) = ((height - fold triceps) x (0.043 x perimeter relaxed arm2) - weigh) / 1000, with a value r = 0.83 and one mistake estimated of 0,61 kg. for the muscle mass for low limb it is established, mmei (kg) = (height - adds folds thigh and leg) x diameter femoral2 + (perimeter average thigh + perimeter leg) / 1000, with r= 0.74 and estimation error of 1.2 kg. the determination of these components by segment, improve the specificity of the anatomical knowledge of individuals of different populations, particularly in sportsmen, who defer his distribution of tissue according to the sports discipline and at a very low cost, since anthropometry does.
