A fam赤lia e a educaˋˋo sexual dos filhos: implicaˋˋes para a enfermagem

作者:Almeida; Ana Carla Campos Hidalgo de; Centa; Maria de Lourdes
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2009, 22(1): 71-76.


objective: this paper aims to identify how parents experience the sexual education of their adolescent children. methods: qualitative descriptive and exploratory study, conducted in a private school in the municipal district of toledo, paran芍 state, brazil. data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed with content analysis. results: the parents reported interesting points regarding the approaches they use to educate their adolescent children regarding sexuality. these points included the open and honest dialogue, difficulties in communication, difficulties related to their own sexual education, the teaching of values, and the importance of sharing the sexual education of their children with the school. conclusion: there is a need for continuing support and education of patents regarding sexual education of their children since this is a complex issue to address.
