Acne vulgar: estudo piloto de avaliaˋˋo do uso oral de 芍cidos graxos essenciais por meio de an芍lises cl赤nica, digital e histopatol車gica

作者:Costa; Adilson; Alchorne; Mauricio Mota Avelar; Michalany; Nilceo Schwery; Lima; Hermenio Cavalcante
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2007.


background: the relation among acne vulgaris, foods and treatment with essential fatty acids is unknown; however essential fatty acids are important in the pathophysiology of acne vulgaris. objectives: to verify the clinical response of acne vulgaris with essential fatty acids and to establish the best methods to assess therapy. methods: thirty-one volunteers took part in the study; in that, 16 (51.6%) received a product rich in essential fatty acids and 15 (48.4%) received a placebo. clinical examination, volunteer%26apos;s self-evaluation (subjective score), digital image and pathological evaluation were performed before and after treatment. results: there was no difference in the subjective score (p=0.419) and digital analysis (p=0.2187) between the product and placebo groups; there was a suggestive sign of improvement based on the pathological examination (p=0.087) but the chi-squared test showed no significance (‘2= 4.878); there was no statistical correlation between digital analysis and subjective score (p=0.127), between the subjective score and pathological examination (p=0.438). however, pathological and digital analyses showed correlation (p=0.012). conclusions: 1) further studies with larger samples should be used to evaluate the clinical benefit; 2) self-evaluation and digital analysis were not sufficient to indicate the best therapeutic standard - product or placebo - for acne vulgaris; 3) the correlation between digital and pathological analyses seems to be the best form to assess quality of this therapy; 4) pathological examination seems to be the most sensitive method to evaluate this therapeutic regimen.
