Paniculite pancre芍tica como a primeira manifestaˋˋo de doenˋa visceral: relato de caso

作者:Souza; Fernanda Homem de Mello de; Siqueira; Elisa Beatriz Dalledone; Mesquita; Lismary; Fabricio; Lincoln Zambaldi; Tuon; Felipe Francisco
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


pancreatic panniculitis is a rare pathological condition affecting 2-3% of patients with pancreatic disease. in 40% of cases the condition precedes manifestations of pancreatic disease. we report the case of a 71-year-old female who presented with an erythematous tender node which had appeared one month previously, progressing to ulceration and yellowish exudation. no abdominal symptoms. biopsy revealed fat necrosis and vacuolated macrophages represented by amorphous amphophilic areas. laboratory examination and ct scan revealed chronic pancreatitis. it is assumed that release of pancreatic enzymes such as trypsin may enhance the permeability of the microcirculation leading to lipase and amylase causing the subcutaneous fat necrosis observed in the lesions. histology showed %26quot;ghost cells%26quot; and, firstly, septal panniculitis, followed later by lobular panniculitis. treatment focused on resolution of the underlying pancreatic disease
