
this work presents the species and the distribution of the ceratium schrank (pyrrophyta) from coastal and oceanic waters of pernambuco state. sampling were performed aboard the research vessel victor hensen, during the jops ii project, leg 5, from february 25 to march 3, 1995. collections were carried out in 34 stations, distributed in 7 profiles perpendicular to the coast, with 14 stations located at the neritic region and 20 at the oceanic one. samples were collected with a bongo net, 64 mm and fixed with 4% neutralized formaldehyde. fifty eight specific and underspecific taxa were identified, outranking as the most frequentc. contortum var. karstenii (97%), c. macroceros var. macroceros (82%), c. teres, c. euarcuatum (79%), and ceratium tripos subsp. tripos (73%) the last one being the only abundant subspecies. 56% of the taxa ocurred at the neritic and oceanic region. the oceanic region presented 42% of species per sample analised.
