eight new records of liverwort species for par芍 state are reported; five of these are also new records for northern brazil. these species come from the ferreira penna scientific station (1o42%26apos;30%26quot;s; 51o31%26apos;45%26quot;w) located in caxiuanˋ national forest (eastern amazonia). they are ceratolejeunea desciscens (sande-lac.) schiffn., colura greig-smittii jovet-ast, lejeunea raddiana lindenb. gottsche, rectolejeunea emarginuliflora (gottsche) a. evans, arachniopsis monodactyla (spruce) r.m. schust., plagiochila aerea tayl., plagiochila gymnocalycina (lehm. %26 lindenb.) lindenb. and plagiochila martiana (nees) lindenb. relevant taxonomic comments are included as well as species illustrations.