A Search for Solar Axions and Anomalous Neutrino Magnetic Moment with the Complete Panda X-Ⅱ Data

作者:周小朋; 曾鑫宁; 宁旭阳; 阿布都沙拉木·阿布都克力木; 陈葳; 谌勋; 陈云华; 程晨; 崔祥仪; 樊英杰; 方德清; 符长波; 付孟婷; 耿立升; Karl Giboni; 顾琳慧; 郭绪元; 韩柯*; 何昶达; 黄迪; 黄焱; 黄彦霖; 黄周; 季向东; 巨永林; 李帅杰; 刘华萱; 刘江来; 芦晓盈; 马文博; 马余刚; 冒亚军; 孟月; 倪恺翔; 宁金华; 任祥祥; 商长松; 申国防; 司琳; 谈安迪; 王安庆; 王宏伟; 王萌; 王秋红; 王思广; 王为; ***; 王舟; 武蒙蒙; 吴世勇; 邬维浩; 夏经铠; 肖梦姣; 谢鹏伟; 燕斌斌; 杨继军; 杨勇; 喻纯旭; 袁鞠敏; 袁影; 张丹; 张涛; 赵力; 郑其斌; 周济芳; 周宁
来源:Chinese Physics Letters, 2022, 38(01): 43-47.


We report a search for new physics signals using the low energy electron recoil events in the complete data set from PandaX-Ⅱ,in light of the recent event excess reported by XENON1 T.The data correspond to a total exposure of 100.7 ton·day with liquid xenon.With robust estimates of the dominant background spectra,we perform sensitive searches on solar axions and neutrinos with enhanced magnetic moment.It is found that the axionelectron coupling g_(Ae) <4.6 × 10~(-12) for an axion mass less than 0.1 keV/c~2 and the neutrino magnetic momentμ_v <4.9 × 10~(-11)μ_B at 90% confidence level.The observed excess from XENON1 T is within our experimental constraints.