Enxerto aorto bi-il赤aco com veia femoral superficial: uma opˋˋo nas infecˋˋes de pr車teses e endopr車teses a車rticas - relato de caso

作者:Metzger; Patrick Bastos; Barbato; Heraldo Antonio; Angelieri; Fernanda Maria Resegue; Almeida; Bruno Loureno de; Filho; Frederico Augusto de Carvalho Linhares; Jordo; Eduardo da Silva; Kambara; Antonio Massamitsu; Rossi; Fabio Henrique; Izukawa; Nilo Mitsuru
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2011.


one of the most feared complications in vascular surgery is the infection of synthetic graft. it affects 2% of conventional surgery procedures and about 0.3 to 6% of endovascular procedures. we report the case of a patient treated for abdominal aortic aneurysm with both methods; after six years, this patient had the prosthesis removed because of infection. bilateral superficial femoral vein were used as substitute with success.
