Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento de Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill, em diferentes substratos, utilizaram-se plantas micropropagadas nas seguintes etapas: indu o, crescimento, multiplica o e enraizamento dos brotos. Ap車s o enraizamento, asplantulas foram aclimatizadas em casa de vegeta o, usando-se os seguintes substratos: solo n o adubado, solo adubado de acordo com an芍lise de solo, solo + p車 de coco (1:1 e 2:1), solo + esterco de bovino (1:1 e 2:1), solo + bioadubo (1:1 e 2:1), em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com quatro repeti es. As plantulas possu赤am entre 1 a 2 cm de comprimento e foram enterradas a dois ter os no solo. Semanalmente, foram medidas as alturas das plantas e contado o n迆mero de brota es. Verificou-se diferen a significativa ao n赤vel de 5% de probabilidade pelo Teste t quando comparados os efeitos dos diferentes substratos. Conclui-se que deve-se utilizar o substrato 角 base de esterco bovino na aclimatiza o da palma forrageira. The study aimed to evaluate the development of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill, in different substrates, using micropropagated plants in the following stages: induction, growth, multiplication and bud rooting. After rooting, seedlings were acclimatized in greenhouse, by means of the following potting mixture: unfertilized soil, fertilized soil according to soil analysis, soil + coconut dust (1:1 and 2:1), soil + bovine manure (1:1 and 2:1), soil + biofertilizer (1:1 and 2:1), randomly applied with four replications. The seedlings had between 1 and 2 cm of length and were planted two thirds under the soil. There were weekly measures of the plants* height and the number of shoots. Significant difference to the level of 5% of probability for test was verified when comparing the effects of different substrates. Results show that the potting mixture must be based onbovine manure in the acclimatization of palm grass.