objective: to study the social-demographic profile of medical students and assess the prevalence of stress symptoms in these students. methods: the inventory of symptoms of stress for adults of lipp (issl) was used to evaluate the symptoms of stress and a questionnaire was applied to identify the participants%26apos; social-demographic characteristics. results: two hundred medical students registered at the federal university of cear芍 (ufc), taking basic and clinical courses, were interviewed. participants were predominantly male (54.5%), single (100%), born in fortaleza (87%), mean age 21 years (sd = 2.3). female students showed higher levels of stress%26apos; symptoms than male students, 30.1% and 19.6% respectively, (p %26lt; 0.001). the prevalence of symptoms of stress was 49.7% and students attending the fourth semester showed the highest levels of symptoms (p = 0.002). conclusions: the conclusion is that medical students at ufc have levels of stress similar to those reported in international studies.