Learning Center
Eugenio 赤maz y la Guerra contra la Guerra
Eunotiaceae (Bacillariophyceae) em igarap谷s da Amazˋnia Central, Manaus e Presidente Figueiredo, Brasil
Euglenophyceae de ambientes l那nticos na plan赤cie costeira do Rio Grande do Sul, Sul do Brasil: g那neros Euglena Ehr. e Lepocinclis Perty
Eunotia Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyceae) do rio Guaraguaˋu, litoral do Paran芍, Brasil
Euglenophyta no Parque Estadual Delta do Jacu赤, Rio Grande do Sul, Sul do Brasil. 3. G那nero Strombomonas Defl.
European Food Law 每 Beginning and Development
European Urology:局限性前列腺癌行根治性手术或放疗后患者生存和并发症——一项国际合作性综述
Eur Urol:系统评价减瘤性肾切除术在分子靶向药物时代及其后的价值及意义:个体化治疗转移性肾细胞癌患者的探索之路
Eur Urol:儿童及青少年精索静脉曲张的治疗——来自欧洲泌尿外科学会/欧洲小儿泌尿外科学会指南专家组的系统综述及Meta分析
Eur J Obstetr:微点阵激光在女性压力性尿失禁的应用研究
Eu~(3 )/TiO_2光催化剂降解罗丹明B
European Urology:雄激素剥夺疗法对Gleason 8分与Gleason 9~10分前列腺癌总生存期的影响
Euro NCAP推荐系统在中国的应用分析
Euler恒等式π~2/6=sum (1/k~2) from k=1 to ∞的初等证明
European Urology:机器人辅助膀胱全切患者的肿瘤学预后是否优于开放膀胱全切?
Eur Urol:对转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌患者中实施根治性前列腺切除术的可行性、安全性以及术后生活质量的探讨
Eur Urol:男性膀胱微生物状态与下尿路症状相关
European Urology:低风险前列腺癌患者对于主动监测的选择以及依从性的影响因素——一种混合方法的系统性综述
EuroSCORE Ⅱ和SinoSCORE在单中心冠脉搭桥术中预测效能的分析
Eu2+- Mn2+共掺T相硅酸盐荧光粉的制备与发光性能
Eu~(3 )掺杂MMoO_4(M=Ca,Sr)荧光粉的表征及发光性质
Eu~(2 )激活的M_7Mg_2(SiO_4)_4C1_2(M=Ca,Sr,Ba)荧光性质的研究
Eur Urol:肾部分切除术及根治性肾切除术后患者肾功能预测因素的研究
Eutrophication status and phytoplankton community structure in Chenghai Lake in summer and winter [程海湖夏冬季浮游植物群落结构与富营养化状况研究]
Eu3 激活的钨酸盐荧光粉的制备及其发光性质的研究
Eu~(3 )-芦丁配合物与DNA相互作用的电化学和紫外可见吸收光谱研究
Eu~(3 )掺杂的红色荧光粉制备及荧光性能研究
Eu(TTA)2(phen)MAA /PVA纳米复合纤维的制备及发光性能
Eur Urol:COVID-19大流行期间泌尿生殖系统肿瘤诊疗变化及意大利肿瘤学家的反应:一项全国性调查的结果
Eur Urol:Certolizumab Pegol治疗女性难治性间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征的有效性及安全性研究——单中心随机,双盲,安慰剂对照试验
European Urology:一项关于微通道经皮肾镜碎石的系统评价
European Urology:初发T1HG膀胱尿路上皮癌的治疗策略——新见解及新推荐
Eur Urol:Gleason评分分级分组5组的前列腺癌转录组学的异质性
Eur Urol:泌尿外科先天性疾病的终身管理是患者与外科医师面对的挑战
Eur Urol:尿道成形术与尿道内切开术治疗复发性球部尿道狭窄的疗效比较
EuroSCORE Ⅱ在心脏手术患者风险预测中的应用进展
Eur Urol Focus:经皮神经电刺激和经皮胫神经刺激治疗特发性非梗阻性尿潴留的有效性评估(循证医学证据)
Eur Urol:肾功能降低程度与肾癌患者的癌症相关死亡率有关吗?
Eur Urol:肾脏嫌色细胞癌病理分级系统——介绍一种整合肿瘤凝固性坏死的4级分类法
Eur Urol:经尿道电凝和电切治疗膀胱疼痛综合征/间质性膀胱炎患者的预后比较(前瞻性随机对照研究)
Eur Urol Focus:神经调节治疗慢性盆腔疼痛的安全性及有效性(循证医学证据)
Eur Urol:局部及局部进展期高危肾细胞癌患者术后复发、早期进展及总生存期的临床预测模型
Eur Urol:雄激素受体剪接变异体7预测激素敏感型前列腺癌患者雄激素剥夺疗法的短期应答
Eur Urol:良性前列腺梗阻术后的勃起功能障碍:一项随机对照试验的系统回顾和网络荟萃分析
Eur Urol:PARP1用于预测携带PBRM1基因突变的透明细胞型肾癌患者对PD-1抑制剂免疫治疗效果的价值研究
Eur Urol:肉毒素A联合间歇性清洁导尿在神经源性膀胱尿失禁患者中的应用(有效性及安全性研究:两项Ⅲ期随机对照试验汇总结果)
Eur Urol:思考老问题的新方法—膀胱输尿管反流患者尿路感染后尿微生物群及其代谢谱的改变
Eutectic Electrolyte with Unique Solvation Structure for High‐Performance Zinc‐Ion Batteries
EuroPace 2003关于心房颤动导管根治术简报
Euro NCAP与C-NCAP侧面碰撞工况下WorldSID 50th假人损伤研究
Euro NCAP实车测评结果归类分析与探讨
Eurocode3 1-6 2007版与2017版屈曲工程算法在风电塔架设计中的对比研究
Eureka Springs!在东西之间!——中美诗歌对话纪行
Eur Respir J:系统性红斑狼疮相关性肺动脉高压患者的长期预后
Eur Uro:临床cT1期肾细胞癌手术治疗:根治性肾切除术vs.肾部分切除术
Eur Urol:全肿瘤CDK12突变分析明确前列腺癌特殊亚型的不同基因组和临床特征
Eur Urol:新确诊的转移性肾细胞癌患者延迟接受减瘤性肾切除术的意义
Eur Urol:Wnt信号通路的活化与mCRPC对阿比特龙及恩杂鲁胺一线治疗的耐药相关
Eur Urol:CDK12突变的进展型前列腺癌患者的临床特征及预后分析
Eu3+掺杂的La(Sal)3 Phen的合成工艺及荧光性能
Euro NCAP中方向盘接触主观评价方法的改进
Eur Urol:转移性肾癌患者的肾脏原发肿瘤对全身系统性治疗的应答研究
Eur Urol:米拉贝隆与抗毒蕈碱药物联合治疗膀胱过度活动症的有效性和安全性(循证医学证据)
Eur Urol:水刀治疗轻至中度前列腺增生导致的良性梗阻——第一个法国水刀临床研究的12月随访结果
Eur Urol:经阴道修复顶端膀胱阴道瘘:一种改良的Latzko技术(大型单中心数据)
Eur Urol:前列腺动脉栓塞治疗良性前列腺梗阻相关男性下尿路症状:治疗选择还是谨慎等待?
Eur Urol:临床再分期和肿瘤测序并不是预测肌层浸润性膀胱癌新辅助化疗反应的准确指标
Eur Urol:欧洲泌尿外科学会2021版肾细胞癌指南更新——以免疫检查点抑制剂为基础的联合治疗方案已成为未经治疗的转移性肾细胞癌的标准治疗策略
Eur Urol:高危局限性前列腺癌患者中致病性DNA损伤修复基因胚系突变对新辅助新型内分泌治疗效果的影响
Eur Urol Focus:膀胱内注射A型肉毒毒素治疗男性单纯性膀胱过度活动症的与前列腺术后膀胱过度活动症的有效性及安全性对比
European Heart Journal:王春生团队发现寒潮诱发主动脉夹层发病重要依据
Eur Respir J:低剂量CT在老年肺炎诊断的应用
European Radiology科学论著摘要(2018年7月、8月杂志)
European Radiology科学论著摘要(2018年9月、10月杂志)
EuroBLECH 2018:迈向数字现实
EuroCIS 2018:技术颠覆零售
everStick PERIO牙周夹板固定松动下前牙的临床观察
Evaluation of Petrifilmˋ Select E. coli Count Plate medium to discriminate antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli
Evoluci車n, particularidades y car芍cter informacional de la toma de decisiones organizacionales
Evoluci車n, particularidades y car芍cter informacional de la toma de decisiones organizacionales Evolution, particularities and informational character of the organizational decision making
Evaluaci車n de las revistas cient赤ficas cubanas Evaluation of Cuban scientific journals
Evaluaci車n de la preservaci車n y conservaci車n del fondo documental de la biblioteca de medicina natural y tradicional de Camag邦ey Assessment of the documentary collection preservation and conservation of the of the natural and traditional medicine library of the city of Camag邦ey
Evaluaci車n de la preservaci車n y conservaci車n del fondo documental de la biblioteca de medicina natural y tradicional de Camag邦ey
Evaluaci車n de sitios Web en Internet: Propuestas para la evaluaci車n de sitios web de bibliotecas p迆blicas y de salud Internet Websites evaluation: proposals for the assessment of Websites of public and health libraries
EvaCyT: una metodolog赤a alternativa para la evaluaci車n de las revistas cient赤ficas en la regi車n iberoamericana EVACYT: An alternative methodology for the evaluation of the scientific journals in Latin America
Evaluaci車n y calidad de los servicios de informaci車n: una propuesta te車rico-metodol車gica
Evaluaci車n y calidad de los servicios de informaci車n: una propuesta te車rico-metodol車gica Evaluation and quality of the information services: a theoretical and methodological proposal
EvaCyT: una metodolog赤a alternativa para la evaluaci車n de las revistas cient赤ficas en la regi車n iberoamericana
Evaluaci車n de sitios Web en Internet: Propuestas para la evaluaci車n de sitios web de bibliotecas p迆blicas y de salud
Evoluci車n y estado actual de la alfabetizaci車n en informaci車n en Cuba Evolution and current state of information literacy in Cuba
Evoluci車n de la ciencia archiv赤stica Evolution of the Archive Science
Evoluci車n y estado actual de la alfabetizaci車n en informaci車n en Cuba
Evoluci車n de la ciencia archiv赤stica
Evoluci車n del frente mar赤timo
Evaluation of Esophageal Varices by Multidetector-row CT: Correlation with Endoscopic &Red Color Sign*
Evoluci車n temporal de las plaquetas y los anticuerpos antiplaquetarios en pacientes de 芍rea end谷mica con malaria no complicada
Evaluaci車n y mejora en la informaci車n de los pacientes que se realizan una endoscopia
Evoluci車n hist車rica de la reconstrucci車n mamaria
Evoluci車n de la ansiedad y de la depresi車n detectada durante la hospitalizaci車n en un servicio de Medicina Interna
Evoluci車n en las caracter赤sticas epidemiol車gicas de la tuberculosis en Navarra (1994-2003)
Evaluaci車n de un programa de actualizaci車n de las recomendaciones sobre la higiene de manos Evaluation of a program for updating recommendations about hand hygiene
Evaluaci車n de la adecuaci車n de las estancias en un hospital de tercer nivel
Evaluaci車n de un programa de actualizaci車n de las recomendaciones sobre la higiene de manos
Evaluaci車n de la adecuaci車n de las estancias en un hospital de tercer nivel Evaluation of the appropriateness of stays in a third level hospital
Evoluci車n hist車rica de la reconstrucci車n mamaria Historical evolution of breast reconstruction
Evaluaci車n de los resultados de un programa de Dispensaci車n Responsable de Bebidas Alcoh車licas
Evaluaci車n del programa de Vigilancia Epidemiol車gica en Salud laboral: Red de M谷dicos Centinela de Salud Laboral en Navarra (1998-2007)
Evaluation of the mine gases hazard in the closed hard coal mine Niwka-Modrzej車w§
Evaluation of Economical Effectiveness Development in ZEOCEM Bystr谷, by the Method META ws for period 2001/2002
Evaluaci車n de los resultados de un programa de Dispensaci車n Responsable de Bebidas Alcoh車licas Evaluation of results of a program of Responsible Alcoholic Beverage Dispensing
Evaluaci車n del programa de Vigilancia Epidemiol車gica en Salud laboral: Red de M谷dicos Centinela de Salud Laboral en Navarra (1998-2007) Evaluation of the Sentinel Surveillance Program in Occupational Health in Navarra (1998-2007)
Evoluci車n en las caracter赤sticas epidemiol車gicas de la tuberculosis en Navarra (1994-2003) Evolution of the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis in Navarra (1994-2003)
Evoluci車n de la lactancia materna en la poblaci車n que atiende el Centro de Salud de Mendillorri Evolution of breastfeeding in the population attending the Mendillorri Health Centre
Evoluci車n de la lactancia materna en la poblaci車n que atiende el Centro de Salud de Mendillorri
Evolution of ice-dammed proglacial lakes in 迆ltima Esperanza, Chile: implications from the late-glacial R1 eruption of Recl迆s volcano, Andean Austral Volcanic Zone
Evoluci車n paleoambiental de la transici車n glacial-postglacial en la Formaci車n Agua Colorada (Grupo Paganzo), Carbon赤fero, Sierra de Narv芍ez, NO argentino
Evaluation of the efficiency of the sewage treatment plant from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), RS, Brazil Avalia o da efici那ncia da esta o de tratamento de esgoto da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), RS, Brasil
Evaluation of water quality parameters for monitoring natural, urban, and agricultural areas in the Brazilian Cerrado Avalia o de parametros de qualidade de 芍gua para monitoramento de 芍reas naturais, urbanas e agr赤colas no Cerrado brasileiro
Evaluation of the sampling methods applied to phycoperiphyton studies in the Ratones River estuary, Brazil Avalia o dos m谷todos de coleta aplicados no estudo do ficoperif赤ton no estu芍rio do rio Ratones, SC, Brasil
Evaluation of Efficacy and Side Effects of FILGRASTIM Versus PD-Grastim in Prevention of Neutropenia in Patients with Neuroblastoma Under Treatment with OPEC Chemotherapy Protocol 每 A Comparative Study
Evaluation of the Nurses* Problems in Using Methods to Reduce Injection Pain in Children
Evaluation and Comparison of Admission and Discharge Criteria in Admitted Patients* of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Bahrami Children*s Hospital with the Criteria of American Academy of Pediatrics
Evaluation of an Immunochromatographic Strip (Xenostrip 每Tv) Test for Diagnosis of Vaginal Trichomoniasis Compared with Wet Mount and PCR Assay
Evoluˋˋo hist車rica dos Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
Evoked Potentials: Electrical Events Specific to Brain*s Receiving Sensory Input
Evaluation of Patient*s Exposure Rate in Handling Sensitive Films to Green and Blue Spectrum
Evaluation du pouvoir disjonctif des variables cat谷gorielles impliqu谷es dans la s谷lection du palmier 角 huile (Elaeis guineensis jacq.) en C te d*Ivoire
Evaluating the Antibacterial Activity of Elephantopus scaber Extracts on Clinical Isolates of 汕-lactamase Producing Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from UTI Patients
Evaluation des strat谷gies paysannes d*adaptation aux changements Climatiques : Cas de la production du ma s au Nord-B谷nin
Evaluation naturelle de l*impact de Beauveria bassiana : Champignon enthomopathog豕ne dans la dynamique de population de Hypothenemus hampei, scolyte de baies des cerises de Coffea canefora
Evaluaci車n de la infiltraci車n como indicador de calidad de suelo mediante un microsimulador de lluvias Evaluation of infiltration as soil quality indicator by a micro rainfall simulator
Evaluaci車n de la diversidad morfol車gica en Crotalaria incana L. (Fabaceae, Faboideae), una leguminosa silvestre de valor forrajero Evaluation of morphological diversity in Crotalaria incana L. (Fabaceae, Faboideae), a native forage legume
Evaluaci車n del potencial tecnol車gico de galactomananos del endospermo de semillas de Prosopis sp. para el uso en la industria de alimentos Evaluation of the technological potential of galactomanan from the endosperm of Prosopis sp. to be used in food industry
Evaluaci車n de una metodolog赤a de pron車stico estad赤stico para la condici車n h赤drica del suelo en la regi車n pampeana argentina Evaluation of a statistical forecasting method for the soil water condition in the Argentinean pampas region
Evaluaci車n de los componentes del rendimiento en semilla mediante coeficientes de sendero en poblaciones de agropiro alargado Seed yield components evaluation using path coefficients in tall wheatgrass populations
Evaluaci車n de da o de gorgojos en poblaciones de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) con alto n迆mero de ra赤ces laterales Evaluation of root curculio/weevil damage in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) populations with large numbers of lateral roots
Evaluation of an Alcohol-based Sanitizer Spray*s Bactericidal Effects on Salmonella Inoculated onto Stainless Steel and Shell Egg Processing Equipment
Evaluaci車n de dos generaciones de h赤bridos y progenitores de sorgo tolerantes al fr赤o. I: variabilidad gen谷tica y adaptabilidad
Evaluaci車n de la calidad e incidencia de hongos en frutos refrigerados de zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore and Stearn
Evaluaci車n de dos generaciones de h赤bridos y progenitores de sorgo tolerantes al fr赤o. II: aptitud combinatoria, heterosis y heterobeltiosis
Evaluaci車n gen谷tica de clones de olivo en el desierto de Atacama, Chile
Evaluaci車n del nopal verdura como alimento funcional mediante opciones reales
Evaporatranspiraci車n y su relaci車n con la evaporatranspiraci車n a equilibrio de una huerta de nogal pecanero (Carya illinoinensis) del norte de M谷xico
Evaluaci車n del efecto del aprovechamiento foliar en Chamaedorea quezalteca Standl. %26amp; Steyerm. (Palmae), en la reserva de la bi車sfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, M谷xico
Evaluation of consumers* choice of wooden dining furniture in Southwestern Nigeria: A market strategy for furniture manufacturers and marketers
Evaluation of the nutritional quality of Chaetoceros muelleri Sch邦tt (Chaetocerotales: Chaetocerotaceae) and Isochrysis sp. (Isochrysidales: isochrysidaceae) grown outdoors for the larval development of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) (Decapoda: Penaeidae)
Evaluation of culturable, nitrifying, ammonium-oxidizing, and metabolically active bacteria in shrimp farm effluents of Kino Bay, Sonora, M谷xico
Evaluation of HIV-Leishmania co-infection in patients from the northwestern Paran芍 State, Brazil = Avalia o da co-infec o HIV-Leishmania em pacientes da regi o noroeste do Estado do Paran芍, Brasil
Evaluaci車n de la toxicidad mioc芍rdica por drogas.
Evaluaci車n de un m谷todo pr芍ctico para estabilizar el d,l-HMPAO.
Evaluaci車n con im芍genes en Fibrodisplasia Osificante Progresiva (FOP): Caso cl赤nico pedi芍trico
Evid那ncias cient赤ficas no controle da dor no per赤odo neonatal
Evaluation of the risk for pressure ulcers in bedridden elderly at home Evaluaci車n del riesgo de 迆lceras por presi車n en cama ancianos en el hogar Avalia o de risco para 迆lcera por press o em idosos acamados no domic赤lio
Evoluˋˋo cl赤nica de pacientes com insufici那ncia renal aguda em unidade de terapia intensiva
Evoluˋˋo da funˋˋo renal de pacientes portadores do V赤rus da Imunodefici那ncia Humana/ S赤ndrome da Imunodefici那ncia Adquirida
Evoluˋˋo do DSM quanto ao crit谷rio categorial de diagn車stico para o dist迆rbio da personalidade antissocial
Evaluaci車n de la severidad, proporcionalidad y riesgo de muerte de reci谷n nacidos de muy bajo peso con restricci車n del crecimiento fetal: an芍lisis multic谷ntrico sudamericano
Evoluˋˋo ecocardiogr芍fica de rec谷m-nascidos com persist那ncia do canal arterial
Evolution of infrapopliteal artery stenting Evolu o dos implantes de stents em art谷rias infrapopl赤teas
Evoluˋˋo cl赤nica de alteraˋˋes tomogr芍ficas incidentais de seios paranasais em indiv赤duos assintom芍ticos: estudo de coorte
Eventos cardiorrespirat車rios adversos ap車s vacinaˋˋo prim芍ria de rec谷m-nascidos de muito baixo peso
Evaluation of sampling methods for periphytic fauna in macrophytes at the Espinha o Mountain Range Biosphere Reserve, Minas Gerais State, Brazil = Avalia o dos m谷todos de amostragem para fauna perif赤tica em macr車fitas na Reserva da Biosfera, Serra do Espinha o, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Evaluation of body growth and myoenteric neurons of Wistar rats after neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate = Avalia o do crescimento corporal e dos neur nios mioent谷ricos de ratos Wistar ap車s tratamento neonatal com glutamato monoss車dico
Evoluci車n paleoambiental de la transici車n glacial-postglacial en la Formaci車n Agua Colorada (Grupo Paganzo), Carbon赤fero, Sierra de Narv芍ez, NO argentino Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the glacial-postglacial transition in the Agua Colorada Formation (Paganzo Group), Carboniferous, Sierra de Narv芍ez, NW Argentina
Evaluaci車n de estimadores no param谷tricos de la riqueza de especies. Un ejemplo con aves en 芍reas verdes de la ciudad de Puebla, M谷xico
Evaluaci車n biol車gica de 99mTc-Voriconazol como potencial agente de diagn車stico de infecciones f迆ngicas por centellograf赤a gamma.
Evaluaci車n del compromiso neuropsiqui芍trico mediante SPECT cerebral en las enfermedades col芍geno-vasculares
Evaluaci車n de la actividad de 99mTc-DMSA efectivamente inyectada en pacientes pedi芍tricos.
Evaluaci車n de actividad de linfoma con F18-fluordeoxiglucosa (FDG): interferencia por presencia de grasa parda.
Evolu o hist車rica da revista Acta Cir迆rgica Brasileira (1986-2005)
Evaluation of the Consumers* Trust Effect on Viral Marketing Acceptance Based on the Technology Acceptance Model
Evaluation of Retailers* vs Customers* Views on the Usage of Advertising as Communication Tool
Evaluating the impact of public subsidies on a firm*s performance: a two-stage quasi-experimental approach
Evidence on the role of ownership structure on firms* innovative performance
Evaluaci車n del impacto de un programa de formaci車n sobre el tiempo de b迆squeda de un empleo
Evaluation framework for healthcare integration pilots in the Basque Country/Marco evaluativo de las experiencias de integraci車n asistencial en el Pa赤s Vasco
Evolution of the integrative health care literature in the CAM field〞a bibliometric analysis
Evaluaci車n de los ratings de la deuda auton車mica a trav谷s del an芍lisis discriminante
Evoluci車n de la inversi車n vs. evoluci車n de la selecci車n portuaria provincial
Evoluˋˋo do status de performance, 赤ndice de massa corp車rea e distancia percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos em pacientes com cancer de pulmˋo avanˋado submetidos 角 quimioterapia
Evoluˋˋo da funˋˋo pulmonar ap車s tratamento com goserelina em pacientes com linfangioleiomiomatose
Evaluation of Some Biological Aspects of the Presence of Abrasive Silica and Thickening Silica ˋin Basic Formulations of Dentifrices
Evaluaci車n de las Ramas Diagonales, Anterosuperior, Posterolateral Derecha y Lateral del Coraz車n: Un Estudio en Individuos Colombianos
Evaluaci車n de los M谷todos de Localizaci車n del Punto Pronasal para la Reconstrucci車n Facial Forense
Evaluaci車n de los Efectos de Diversas Intensidades de Estimulaci車n Nerviosa Sobre la Amplitud de la Respuesta en Diferentes Especies
Evaluaci車n de la Enseˋanza y Aprendizaje por Parte de Estudiantes de un Programa de Talentos Acad谷micos (BETA-PUCV) Frente a un Curso de Neuroanatom赤a Funcional
Evaluaci車n del Efecto del Tratamiento con Acido Lipoico Administrado a la Rata Wistar Intoxicada con el Fruto de Karwinskia humboldtiana
Evaluaci車n de la Proliferaci車n de C谷lulas Madres Mesenquimales Estimuladas con Diferentes Intensidades de Ultrasonido de Baja Intensidad
Evaluaci車n y Estandarizaci車n de la Calidad del Espermiograma: Nuevos L赤mites Inferiores de Referencia
Evaluaci車n de los Componentes del Somatotipo e 赤ndice de Masa Corporal en Escolares del Sector Precordillerano de la IX Regi車n, Chile
Evaluaci車n de la Asimetr赤a Vertical Mandibular, en Pacientes con Mordida Cruzada Posterior Uni y Bilateral
Evaluaci車n Pr芍ctica de la Anatom赤a Basada en la Teor赤a de las Inteligencias M迆ltiples de Gardner, Carrera de Odontolog赤a de la Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Evoluci車n de la Morfolog赤a del Raquis e Inclinaci車n P谷lvica en Ciclistas de Diferentes Edades: Un Estudio Transversal
Evaluating Accuracy and Precisi車n in Morphologic Traits for Sexual Dimorphism in Malnutrition Human Skull: a Comparative Study
Evaluaci車n de la Anatom赤a Mandibular Relacionada con la Osteotom赤a Sagital de la Rama
Evaluaci車n Morfom谷trica de la Relaci車n Embrio-Uterina de las Etapas Pre y Post Implantacional en Conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Evaluaciones Pr芍cticas Objetivadas en Anatom赤a: Diferencias de Rendimiento en Preguntas Realizadas en Modelos, Preparaciones Anat車micas y Cad芍veres
Evaluaci車n de las Variaciones del 芍ngulo de Torsi車n del F谷mur en F谷mures Aislados de Individuos Brasileˋos
Evaluation of In Vitro Production of IFN-污, IL-10, IL-12 and IL-13 by Blood Cells in Patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Lesions
Evaluation of Interleukin 1汕 in Febrile Convulsion
Evaluaci車n de las Variaciones del 芍ngulo de Torsi車n del F谷mur en F谷mures Aislados de Individuos Brasile os Evaluation of Changes of Femoral Torsion Angle in Brazilian Individuals Isolated Femur
Evaluation of Facial Asymmetry Using Soft-Tissue Thickness for Forensic Purposes Evaluaci車n de la Asimetr赤a Facial Mediante el Grosor de Tejidos Blandos para Prop車sitos Forenses
Evaluaci車n y Estandarizaci車n de la Calidad del Espermiograma: Nuevos L赤mites Inferiores de Referencia Evaluation and Standardization of the Quality of Semen: New Lower Reference Limit
Evaluation of Articular Eminence Morphology and Inclination in TMJ Internal Derangement Patients with MRI Evaluaci車n de la Morfolog赤a e Inclinaci車n de la Eminencia Articular en Pacientes con Trastorno Interno de ATM con MRI
Evidence of Fractality in a Pattern of Crystallization of Bovine Cervical Mucus Obtained at Oestrus Evidencia de Fractalidad en un Patr車n de Cristalizaci車n de Moco Cervical Bovino Obtenido en Estro
Evaluaci車n de la Proliferaci車n de C谷lulas Madres Mesenquimales Estimuladas con Diferentes Intensidades de Ultrasonido de Baja Intensidad Evaluation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation Using Different Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Intensities
Evoluci車n de la Morfolog赤a del Raquis e Inclinaci車n P谷lvica en Ciclistas de Diferentes Edades: Un Estudio Transversal Evolution of Spinal Morphology and Pelvic Tilt in Cyclists of Different Ages: A Cross Sectional Study
Evaluation of Lingual Frenulum Using Geometric Morphometrics Evaluaci車n del Frenillo Lingual Utilizando Morfometr赤a Geom谷trica
Evaluaci車n de los Componentes del Somatotipo e 赤ndice de Masa Corporal en Escolares del Sector Precordillerano de la IX Regi車n, Chile Evaluation of the Somatotipe Components and Body Mass Index in Scholarships of Foothills at the IX Regi車n, Chile
Evaluaci車n de la Anatom赤a Mandibular Relacionada con la Osteotom赤a Sagital de la Rama Evaluation of Mandibular Anatomy Related to Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy
Evaluaci車n de la Asimetr赤a Vertical Mandibular, en Pacientes con Mordida Cruzada Posterior Uni y Bilateral Evaluation of Mandibular Asymmetry in Unilateral and Bilateral Posterior Crossbite Patients
Evoluˋˋo em duas s谷ries hist車ricas do 赤ndice de massa corporal em adolescentes
Evoluˋˋo do estado nutricional de pacientes desnutridos ou com excesso de peso candidatos a transplante pulmonar
Evoluˋˋo da pneumonia lipoide ex車gena em crianˋas: aspectos cl赤nicos e radiol車gicos e o papel da lavagem broncoalveolar
Evoluˋˋo cl赤nica de um grupo de pacientes com TB multirresistente atendidos em um centro de refer那ncia na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Evoluˋˋo espaˋo-temporal dos casos de tuberculose em Ribeirˋo Preto (SP), nos anos de 1998 a 2002
Evoluˋˋo da mortalidade por tuberculose em Fortaleza (CE), entre 1980 e 2001
Evoluˋˋo das pol赤ticas p迆blicas e programas de controle da asma no Brasil sob a perspectiva dos consensos
Eventos adversos ap車s vacinaˋˋo contra o pneumococo
Evaluation of Electronic Cigarette Use (Vaping) Topography and Estimation of Liquid Consumption: Implications for Research Protocol Standards Definition and for Public Health Authorities* Regulation
Evaluation of Kostiakov*s Infiltration Equation in Furrow Irrigation Design According to FAO Method
Evaluaci車n Pr芍ctica de la Anatom赤a Basada en la Teor赤a de las Inteligencias M迆ltiples de Gardner, Carrera de Odontolog赤a de la Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile Practical Evaluation of the Anatomy Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences of Gardner, Odontology Career of the Antofagasta University, Chile
Evaluaci車n Morfom谷trica de la Relaci車n Embrio-Uterina de las Etapas Pre y Post Implantacional en Conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Morphometric Evaluation of the Embryo-Uterine Relationship of the Pre and Post Implantational Stages in Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Evaluation of the Estral Cycle in Rats after Treatmen twith Dexamethasone for Polycystic Ovaries, Induced by Constant Illumination Evaluaci車n del Ciclo Estral en Ratones Despu谷s del Tratamiento con Dexametasona para Ovarios Poliqu赤sticos, Inducidos por Iluminaci車n Continua
Evaluation of Cephalic Indices: A Clue for Racial and Sex Diversity Evaluaci車n del 赤ndice Cef芍lico: Una Clave de la Diversidad Racial y de Sexo
Evaluation of Cervical Posture of Adolescent Subjects in Skeletal Class I, II, and III Evaluaci車n de la Postura Cervical en Sujetos Adolescentes con Clase Esqueletal I, II y III
Evaluaci車n del Efecto del Tratamiento con Acido Lipoico Administrado a la Rata Wistar Intoxicada con el Fruto de Karwinskia humboldtiana Evaluation of the Effect of Treatment with Lipoic Acid Administered to the Wistar Rat Intoxicated with the Fruit of Karwinskia humboldtiana
Evaluaci車n de los Efectos de Diversas Intensidades de Estimulaci車n Nerviosa Sobre la Amplitud de la Respuesta en Diferentes Especies Evaluation of the Effects of Various Intensities of Nerve Stimulation on the Scale of the Response in Different Species
Evaluation of the Baudoin Condylar Index Diagnostic Test for Sex Determination Evaluaci車n de la Prueba Diagn車stica 赤ndice Cond赤leo de Baudoin para Determinaci車n del Sexo
Evaluation of Lumbar Vertebral Body and Disc: A Stereological Morphometric Study Evaluaci車n del Cuerpo y Disco Vertebral Lumbar: Estudio Morfom谷trico Estereol車gico
Evaluating Accuracy and Precisi車n in Morphologic Traits for Sexual Dimorphism in Malnutrition Human Skull: a Comparative Study Evaluaci車n de la Exactitud y Precisi車n en los Rasgos Morfol車gicos de Dimorfismo Sexual en Cr芍neos Humanos Malnutridos: un Estudio Comparativo
Evaluation of Dental Eruption of Third Molars in the Length of Mandible Evaluaci車n de la Erupci車n Dentaria de los Terceros Molares en Relaci車n a la Longitud de la Mand赤bula
Evaluaci車n de las Ramas Diagonales, Anterosuperior, Posterolateral Derecha y Lateral del Coraz車n: Un Estudio en Individuos Colombianos Evaluation of the Heart Diagonal, Anterosuperior, Right Posterolateral and Lateral Branches: A Study in Colombian Individuals
Evaluation of Some Biological Aspects of the Presence of Abrasive Silica and Thickening Silica in Basic Formulations of Dentifrices Evaluaci車n de Algunos Aspectos Biol車gicos de la Presencia de S赤lice Abrasivo y S赤lice Espesante en Formulaciones B芍sicas de Dent赤fricos
Evolution of ice-dammed proglacial lakes in 迆ltima Esperanza, Chile: implications from the late-glacial R1 eruption of Recl迆s volcano, Andean Austral Volcanic Zone Evoluci車n de lagos proglaciales embalsados por hielo en 迆ltima Esperanza, Chile: Implicancias de la explosi車n volc芍nica tardiglacial R1 del volc芍n Recl迆s, Zona Volc芍nica Austral Andina
Evolution of the Great Tehuelche Paleolake in the Torres del Paine National Park of Chilean Patagonia during the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene Evoluci車n del Gran Paleolago Tehuelche en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine de la Patagonia chilena durante el 迆ltimo M芍ximo Glacial y Holoceno
Evid那ncia observacional das brisas do lago de Balbina (Amazonas) e seus efeitos sobre a concentraˋˋo do ozˋnio
Evaluaci車n de la eficiencia fotosint谷tica del fitoplancton en un lago amaz車nico (Lago Boa) y en un lago andino (Lago Guatavita)
Evidence for an Early-Middle Miocene age of the Navidad Formation (central Chile): Paleontological, paleoclimatic and tectonic implications Evidencias de una edad miocena temprana-media de la Formaci車n Navidad: Implicancias paleontol車gicas, paleoclim芍ticas y tect車nicas
Evaluation of soybean cultivars on the embryogenic and organogenic potential = Avalia o de cultivares de soja quanto ao potencial embriog那nico e organog那nico
Evapotranspira o, coeficientes de cultivo e efici那ncia do uso da 芍gua da cultura do piment o em diferentes sistemas de cultivo = Evapotranspiration, crop coefficients and water use efficiency of the bell pepper crop in different cropping systems
Evaluation of the Possibility to Replace Conventional Rheological Wheat Flour Quality Control Instruments with the New Measurement Tool 每 Mixolab
Evaluation of supplementation of sucrose medium on the synthesis of Zymomonas mobilis bio-products = Avalia o da suplementa o do meio de sacarose na forma o de bio每 produtos por Zymomonas mobilis
Evidence and Expert Opinions: Drying Needling versus Acupuncture(Ⅰ)—The American Alliance for Professional Acupuncture Safety(AAPAS) White Paper 2016
Evaluation of the quality of dried distiller's grains with solubles for normal and high sugary corn genotypes during dry–grind ethanol production
Evaluating Lehman’s Laws of software evolution within software product lines industrial projects
Evaluation of the Early Access STR Kit v1 on the Ion Torrent PGM™ platform
Evaluation on Clinical Efficacy of Fuzheng Jiedu Huayu Decoction combined with Antibiotics in the Treatment of Pneumonia in the Elderly—A prospective, multi-center, double-blind, parallel, randomized controlled trial
Evolution of structure and mechanical properties of hard yet fracture resistant W‐B‐C coatings with varying C/W ratio
Evaluation of exosomal miR‐9 and miR‐155 targeting PTEN and DUSP14 in highly metastatic breast cancer and their effect on low metastatic cells
Evidence for a humid interval at ~56–44 ka in the Levant and its potential link to modern humans dispersal out of Africa
Evidence for Degradation of the Chrome Yellows in Van Gogh’s Sunflowers : A Study Using Noninvasive In Situ Methods and Synchrotron‐Radiation‐Based X‐ray Techniques
everStick PERIO高强纤维夹板在外伤移位前牙中的应用评价
Every 23 Minutes的修辞格审美鉴赏
Evaluation and Comparison of Five Popular Fake Face Detection Networks [5种流行假脸视频检测网络性能分析和比较]
Evaluation of the groundwater discharge and the spatial distribution of radium isotope in Quanwan Bay of Lake Qinghai [青海湖泉湾镭同位素的空间分布与沿岸地下水排放评价]
Evolution of Tribological Behavior of Polytetrafluoroethylene Filled with Nano-ZrO2 and Polyetheretherketone Based on Block-on-Ring Friction Model [纳米ZrO2和聚醚醚酮填充聚四氟乙烯的摩擦学性能基于环-块摩擦模型的演变过程]
Evaluation and characterization of an endosperm-specific sbeⅡa promoter in wheat
Evaluation of the stress‐inducible production of proline in transgenic sugarcane (Saccharum spp.): osmotic adjustment, chlorophyll fluorescence and oxidative stress
Evolution of emission characteristics and species of industrial VOCs emission in Pearl River Delta Region, 2010~2017 [珠三角2010~2017年主要工业源VOCs排放结构与组分变化]
Event Validation原理及应用分析
Evolut Low Risk研究两年随访结果解读
Evading the strength-ductility trade-off at room temperature and achieving ultrahigh plasticity at 800℃in a TiAl alloy
Evaluating the impact of aggregation and RTS/CTS schemes on IEEE 802.11 based Linear Wireless Ad‐Hoc Networks
Evidences of the late Quaternary activity of the Angren segment of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone [雅鲁藏布江断裂带昂仁段晚第四纪活动证据]
Evaluating Twenty‐Year Trends in Earth's Energy Flows From Observations and Reanalyses
Evaluating CAP wildflower strips: High‐quality seed mixtures significantly improve plant diversity and related pollen and nectar resources
Evolution, target genes certification and expression analysis of microRNA-137 in Japanese ornamental carp (Cyprinus carpio var. koi) [锦鲤 microRNA-137 系统进化、靶基因验证及表达分析]
Evaluation of Mercury Pollution in Soil of Different Land Use Types in Coal-fired Industrial Area [燃煤工业区不同土地利用类型土壤汞含量污染评价]
Evaluation on Forecasts of a Cold Wave in China and Its Eurasian Cold Air Activity by CFSv2 System in November 2015 [CFSv2 系统对 2015 年 11 月中国一次寒潮过程及其欧亚冷空气活动的预报评估]
Evolving pattern and influencing factors of regional tourism development potential in China [武陵山片区旅游经济空间差异及驱动因子研究]
Evaluation of long-term water purification efficiency and cleaning method of gravity-driven membrane filtration [重力流超滤长期净水效果评价及其清洗方法]
Evaluations of Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI) Level 1 Data [星载痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪1级数据质量评价]
Evolution of Glacier Debris Flow and Its Monitoring System along Sichuan-Tibet Traffic Corridor [川藏交通廊道林波段冰川泥石流发育动态演化分析及监测预警方案]
Evaluation of Simulated Performance of CLM4.5 in Alpine Meadow over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau based on Measured Soil Properties [基于实测土壤属性 CLM4.5 对青藏高原高寒草甸模拟性能的评估]
Evolution of vegetation concrete structures under action of drying-wetting cycles [干湿循环作用下植被混凝土结构演化]
Evidence based nursing of aged coronary artery bypass grafting [老年冠状动脉旁路移植术的循证护理]
Evaluation of climate suitability of spring maize during the whole growth period in Northeast China [东北春玉米全生育期气候适宜度评价]
Evaluation of CMIP Earth System Models on Root Biomass Simulation [CMIP地球系统模型对植被根生物量 模拟的评估研究]
Evidence-based construction of index system for postoperative care of patients with colorectal cancer [基于循证构建结直肠癌术后造口患者照护服务指标体系]
Evaluation of antioxidant activity in pulp of 35 litchi varieties [35个荔枝品种抗氧化活性评价]
Evaluating Performance of Noah-MP LSM with GLDAS Forcing Data over Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau [GLDAS 资料驱动的 Noah-MP 陆面模式青藏高原地表能量交换模拟性能评估]
Evolution of coral shingle cays in the Nansha Islands during 2009-2017 [2009—2017 年南沙群岛珊瑚礁砾洲演变]
Evaluation index of rock brittleness considering stress change rate [考虑应力变化速率的岩石脆性评价指标]
Evaluation of Extreme Weather Indices over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in NEX-GDDP [多模式产品对青藏高原极端气候模拟能力评估]
Evaluation of Main Characteristics and Research Progress in Clinical Studies of Leuprolide Acetate Sustained-Release Microspheres [醋酸亮丙瑞林缓释微球主要特性评价及临床应用研究进展]
Evolution of water quality of poyang lake using WQI method and driving factors identification [基于WQI法的鄱阳湖水质演变趋势及驱动因素研究]
Evaluations and Analysis of Applicability of the Different Parameterization Schemes and Reanalysis Data in the Typical Alpine Lake Areas [不同参数化方案和再分析资料在典型高原湖泊地区的适用效果评估分析]
Evaluation and Projection of CMIP6 Models for Climate over the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)Plateau [CMIP6 模式对青藏高原气候的模拟能力评估与预估研究]
Evaluation of suitability and emission reduction benefits of photovoltaic development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region [京津冀地区光伏开发空间适宜性及减排效益评估]
Evolution and Application of Digital Micromirror Device Based Maskless Photolithography [数字微镜无掩模光刻技术进展及应用]
Evaluation of Sub-Health Status of Chinese Urban Residents Using the Sub-health Measurement Scale Version 1.0 [基于亚健康评定量表(SHMS V1.0)的我国城镇居民亚健康状况评价研究]
Evaluation of the Abundance or Deficiency of Micronutrient in Soil and Leaves of Different Kinds of Citrus Orchards and Tree Ages [不同种类和树龄柑橘园土壤和叶片微量元素含量与丰缺评价]
Evolution of deep source rock and resource potential of primary light oil and condensate [深层烃源演化与原生轻质油/凝析油气资源潜力]
Evolution of Sustainable Development Strategy and Coastline Layout in Heavy Chemical Area: Enlightenment of Japan's "Kawasaki Model" [重化工区域可持续发展战略与岸线布局演进-日本"川崎模式"的启示]
Evaluation on Carrying Capacity of Agricultural Water and Land Resources and Identification of Affecting Factors in Kazakhstan [哈萨克斯坦农业水土资源承载力评价及其影响因素识别]
Evil Waveform Evaluating Method for New GNSS Signals [一种新型卫星导航信号波形畸变特性评估新方法]
Evidence of rapid Miocene exhumation of the Zagros Foreland basin: constraints from apatite (U-Th)/He ages [扎格罗斯前陆盆地晚中新世快速剥露证据-来自磷灰石(U-Th)/He的约束]
Evaluation method and application of data recognition capability of VOCs online monitoring equipment [VOCs在线监测设备数据识别能力的评估方法及应用]
Evaluation of Skin Permeability Based on Impedance Detection by Microsensor Technology [基于阻抗检测微传感技术的皮肤渗透性评估方法]
Event generators for η/η' decays at BESⅢ
Evaluating European ECOSTRESS Hub Evapotranspiration Products Across a Range of Soil‐Atmospheric Aridity and Biomes Over Europe
Evolution of global scientific collaboration in mRNA vaccine research: Insights from bibliometric and social network analysis (2010~2023)
Evaluation of hypoxia tolerance in F3 hybrids of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala♀) x topmouth culter (Culter alburnus♂)
Event-triggered £ 2-gain control for networked systems with time-varying delays and round-robin communication protocol
Event-triggered adaptive prescribed performance tracking for nonlinear time-varying systems with unknown control directions ☆
Evaluation of air quality changes in a Chinese megacity over a 15-year period (2006-2021) using PM2.5 receptor modelling☆,☆☆
Evaluation of optimal dietary protein levels and meat quality of adult hybrid abalone (Haliotis discus hannai♀ x H. fulgens♂) under two representative water temperatures
EverAg收购Partners for Production Agriculture以加速增长
Evita 4呼吸机常见故障维修案例
Evolution Toward the Observational Features of a Stripped Envelope Type Ⅱb Supernova in a Binary System
Evaporation Induced Spontaneous Micro‐Vortexes through Engineering of the Marangoni Flow
Evaluation of spatial allocation of residential quarters and public service facilities based on the perspective of“15 minutes life circle”: A case study of Urumqi City [“15 分钟生活圈”视角下住宅小区与公共服务设施空间配置评价——以乌鲁木齐市为例]
Evolution of Lightning Radiation Sources of a Strong Squall Line over Beijing Metropolitan Region and Its Relation to Convection Region and Surface Thermodynamic Condition [北京一次强飑线过程的闪电辐射源演变特征及其与对流区域和地面热力条件的关系]
Evaluation of Typhoon Waves Simulated by Wave Watch-Ⅲ Model in Shallow Waters Around Zhoushan Islands
Evolution of lithofacies and paleogeography and hydrocarbon distribution worldwide(Ⅱ)
Evaluation of mountain slope stability considering the impact of geological interfaces using discrete fractures model全文替换