Learning Center
It's not just the heat and the drought: the role of ozone air pollution in the 2012 heat wave
It's Time to Have 'The Talk': Cost Communication and Patient-Centered Care
It's a myth that protection against disease is a strong and general service of biodiversity conservation: Response to Ostfeld and Keesing
It's Time for a Standard Glucose Report from CGM
It's time to give up on dark matter
It's time to exploit your favorite quirky organism with new technologies
It's about time: Rhythms as a new dimension of molecular marine research
It's easy to produce chartjunk using Microsoft (R) Excel 2007 but hard to make good graphs
It's agony for us as well: Neonatal nurses reflect on iatrogenic pain
It's a bear market: evolutionary and ecological effects of predation on two wild sockeye salmon populations
It's complicated - Factors predicting decisional conflict in prenatal diagnostic testing
It's Time to Reappraise the Impact of Auto-PEEP
It's Not Appendicitis!
It's the way he tells them (and who is listening): men's dominance is positively correlated with their preference for jokes told by dominant-sounding men
It's all in the hormones
It's an honour. Optometry in the Order of Australia
It's Gettin' Hot in Here: Breeding Robust Yeast Starter Cultures for Cocoa Fermentation
It's a Match! Near-Optimal and Incremental Middlebox Deployment
It's not what you put in that is important, it's what you take out
It's All in the Mix: Blend-Specific Behavioral Response to a Sexual Pheromone in a Butterfly
It's a wrap: encapsulation as a management tool for marine biofouling
It's Not So Easy to Make Resilience Go Away: Commentary on Infurna and Luthar (2016)
It's All About Location, Location, Location A New Perspective on Trauma Transport
It's Totally Tubular....Riding The New Wave of Ovarian Cancer Research
It's in the eyes: Planning precise manual actions before execution
It's All About the Terminology: Term Infants and Postterm Infants
It's not right, but we do it. Exploring why and how Czech farmers become renewable energy producers
It's all about the pentiums: The use, manipulation, and storage of digital microscopy imaging data for the biological sciences
It's my party and I eat if I want to. Reasons for unhealthy snacking
It's time to reconsider early-morning testosterone tests
It's Good But it's Not Right: Instructional Self-Talk and Skilled Performance
It's the Man Not the Machine
It's about time for neural crest
It's been a Weyl coming
It's not all traction: the pseudo 'fringe sign' in frontal fibrosing alopecia
It's Not Easy Being Blue: Are There Olfactory and Visual Trade-Offs in Plant Signalling?
It's All About Grids
It's time to get together: Announcing the new society for evolutionary developmental biology in the Americas
It's all in the mime: Actions speak louder than words when teaching the cranial nerves
It's all starting to come together
It's All Over but the Crying: The Emotional and Financial Impact of Internet Fraud
It's time to phase in RHD genotyping for patients with a serologic weak D phenotype
It's a predator-eat-parasite world: how characteristics of predator, parasite and environment affect consumption
It's time for "keratinocyte carcinoma'' to replace the term "nonmelanoma skin cancer''
It's Time to Replace Organic Chemistry with Nutrition as a Pre-med Requirement
It's a Non-Dialysis Day ... Do You Know How Your Patient Is Doing? A Case for Research into Interdialytic Activity
It's Over, Man
It's not just the joints, it's the whole thing: qualitative analysis of patients' experience of flare in psoriatic arthritis
It's All in Your Head: Context-Dependent Cortical Pain Processing in the Orbitofrontal Cortex
It's not about the endotracheal tube: reply to editorial on our paper "Endotracheal intubation in the pediatric emergency department"
It's About Time ...
It's all, in the table RESPONSE
It's All about Those Bases: The Need for Incorporating Parasite Genetic Heterogeneity into the Development of Schistosome Vaccines
It's not a 'thing' but a 'place': reconceptualising 'assets' in the context of fire risk landscapes
It's not just the subjects - there are too many WEIRD researchers
It's tough to be small: dependence of burrowing kinematics on body size
It's about time: The coupling of biological clocks and veterinary medicine
It's Others, Not the Police: Smoking, Reprimand, and Fines Among Adults of Korean Descent in California
It's a Wonderful Life: A Career as an Academic Scientist
It's Not About the Game: Don Imus, Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Media
It's Not The Money, Stupid!
It's the machine that matters: Predicting gene function and phenotype from protein networks
It's All in the Timing: Birth Seasonality and Infant Survival in Eulemur rubriventer
It's Not Easy Being Green: the Viridans Group Streptococci, with a Focus on Pediatric Clinical Manifestations
It's the Data!
It's All about the Talent
It's NOT rocket science: rethinking our metaphors for research in health professions education
It's a knockout: CCN3 suppresses neointimal thickening
It's Not Just About Bears: A Problem-Solving Workshop on Aboriginal Peoples, Polar Bears, and Human Dignity
It's time to depolarise the unhelpful PSA-testing debate and put into practice lessons from the two major international screening trials
It's funny because we think it's true: laughter is augmented by implicit preferences
It's a choice to move forward: women's perceptions about treatment decision making in recurrent ovarian cancer
It's not the end: Physiologic assessment of E-C coupling of muscle
It's not only the Overweight: It's the Visceral Fat
It's All in Your Head: Why Is the Body Inversion Effect Abolished for Headless Bodies?
It's not what you think Pain in the genital area was followed by ulceration
It's not just deprivation - or is it?
It's not all swine flu ... are we missing opportunities to diagnose primary HIV infection in patients with flu symptoms?
It's Bigger Than CPR and Futility: Withholding Medically Inappropriate Care
It's Time to Eat! Using Mobile Games to Promote Healthy Eating
It's the Plastic!
It's All About Relationships! The Psychology of Human Rights
It's Time to Compare Anemia Management Strategies in Hemodialysis
It's All About the Data
It's the Water, Stupid!
It's Much More than Just Pretty Pictures
It's All About Dwell Time-Reduce It and Infection Rates Decrease?
It's Time: An Argument for a National Emergency Medicine Education Research Center
It's Not Just What You Do, but What's on Your Mind: A Review of Kwame Anthony Appiah's "Experiments in Ethics"
It's Not a Black and White Issue
It's all in for the HER family in tumorigenesis
It's not the precut; it's the why done and who by
It's the Unknown Unknowns That Matter
It's More than Sex: Exploring the Dyadic Nature of Sleep and Implications for Health
It's About Time: Use of Nonpharmacological Interventions in the Nursing Home
It's Just a Saying ...
It's All for the Kids: Gender, Families, and Youth Sport
It's about the Journey, Not the Destination: The Birth of Radioimmunoassay
It's a Small, Small World: Data Collection Strategies for Research With Children and Adolescents
It's all about the format - unleashing the power of RAW aerial photography
It's Part of What We Are: Some Irish Contributors to the Development of the Chemical and Physical Sciences
It's all related
It's not 'just deprivation': Why do equally deprived UK cities experience different health outcomes?
It's probably in the Air: Medical Meteorology in Denmark, 1810-1875
It's time to think about the head and heart!
It's a long shot, but it just might work! Perspectives on the future of medicine
It's still important, just doesn't hurt
It's Our Turn Implications for Pathology From the Institute of Medicine's Report on Diagnostic Error
It's Never Just HIV: Exposure to an HIV Prevention Media Campaign and Behavior Change Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Participating in the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System in New York City
It's a gas
It's time to get real about conservation
It's Tough to Make Predictions, Especially About the Future ... of Rectal Cancer
It's Harder to Break a Relationship When you Commit Long
It's Freezing to Death
It's Time to Change the Rules
It's not only what you say, it's also how you say it: communicating nipah virus prevention messages during an outbreak in Bangladesh
It's a family act: the geminin triplets take center stage in motile ciliogenesis
It's all relative: analyzing microbiome data as compositions
It's All in the Mix: Diagnosis and Management of Food Intolerance Reply
It's in the Milk: Feeding the Microbiome to Promote Infant Growth
It's not now or never: Implications of investment timing and risk aversion on climate adaptation to extreme events
It's a trap: sampling bias due to animal personality is not always inevitable
It's a Small World for Random Surfers
It's All in the Mix: Diagnosis and Management of Food Intolerance
It's a Matter of Time Assessment of Additional Time Budgeted for Commuting to McGill University Across Modes
It's Health Care Delivery, Stupid: Implementing the New Canadian Cardiovascular Society Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Guidelines
It's a long, long walk: accessibility to hospitals, maternity and integrated health centers in Niger
It's who you know: patient-sharing, quality, and costs of cancer survivorship care
It's a Bull's Market
It's Your GameaEuro broken vertical bar Keep It Real: Can Innovative Public Health Prevention Research Thrive Within a Comparative Effectiveness Research Framework?
It's All About You: An ERP Study of Emotion and Self-Relevance in Discourse
It's the Amount of Thought that Counts: When Ambivalence Contributes to Mammography Screening Delay
It's the procedure not the patient: the operative approach is independently associated with an increased risk of complications after rectal prolapse repair
It's a kind of magic-what self-reports can reveal about the phenomenology of insight problem solving
It's not all in the cilium, but on the road to it: Genetic interaction network in polycystic kidney and liver diseases and how trafficking and quality control matter
It's all in your head: the role of quantity estimation in sperm competition
It's a Material World: Trends in Material Extraction in China, India, Indonesia, and Japan
It's about time
It's the end of the world as we know it* - An era comes to a close
It's time for SIRT1
It's all about me: Narcissistic chief executive officers and their effects on company strategy and performance
It's still all about graphene
It's Showtime: Do Managers Report Better News Before Annual Shareholder Meetings?
It's a Lipid's World: Bioactive Lipid Metabolism and Signaling in Neural Stem Cell Differentiation
It's Not Your Mother's Marijuana Effects on Maternal-Fetal Health and the Developing Child
It's a Cell-Eat-Cell World
It's Not Just About the Money: Gender and Youth Migration from Rural China
It's Not So Simple: A More Complex Behavioral and Psychological Perspective on Genetic Enhancement (and Diminishment)
It's all the miners' fault: On the nonlinearity in US unemployment rates
It's not easy being green: the effects of attribute tradeoffs on green product preference and choice
It's Not Me, It's You: How Gift Giving Creates Giver Identity Threat as a Function of Social Closeness
It's all about the people: Best papers and thanks
It's time to quit
It's futile to believe that RCT studies will steer us to Godot
It's Not Whether You Win or Lose, It's How You Play the Game? The Role of Process and Outcome in Experience Consumption
It's all in the mindset: Effects of varying psychological distance in persuasive messages
It's a Small World: Boardroom Networks and Stock Performance
It's just not fair: exploring the effects of firm customization on unfairness perceptions, trust and loyalty
It's Time to Move from the A1c to Better Metrics for Diabetes Control
It's all a matter of consensus: Leader role modeling strength as a moderator of the links between ethical leadership and employee outcomes
It's Worth a Try: The Treatment Experiences of Rural and Urban Participants in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Computerized Psychological Treatment for Comorbid Depression and Alcohol/Other Drug Use
It's the end of ideology as we know it
It's Now or Never: Fertility-Related Knowledge, Decision-Making Preferences, and Treatment Intentions in Young Women With Breast Cancer-An Australian Fertility Decision Aid Collaborative Group Study
It's not too late: The onset of the frontocentral P3 indexes successful response inhibition in the stop-signal paradigm
It's Not You, It's the Law: Eyewitness Memory Scholars' Disappointment With Perry v. New Hampshire
It's Not That We Don't Know, It's That We Don't Care: Explaining Why Selective Exposure Polarizes Attitudes
It's About Time: Divergence, Demography, and the Evolution of Developmental Modes in Marine Invertebrates
It's not black or white-on the range of vision and echolocation in echolocating bats
It's never the same: the role of homogeneity in online services
It's not all about the testes: medical issues in Klinefelter patients
It's time to rebuild the evidence base
It's not just the television: survey analysis of sedentary behaviour in New Zealand young people
It's a knockout!
It's the sequence, stupid!
It's not cricket: The Ashes of nursing education
It's Diagnostics, Stupid
It's not what you say but the way that you say it: an fMRI study of differential lexical and non-lexical prosodic pitch processing
It's all about flaps: Dna2 and checkpoint activation
It's not all in your head
It's T-ALL about Notch
It's time to abandon an upper limit of normal for prostate specific antigen: Assessing the risk of prostate cancer
It's Time to Make Organized Colorectal Cancer Screening Convenient and Easy for Patients
It's MORe exciting than mu: crosstalk between mu opioid receptors and glutamatergic transmission in the mesolimbic dopamine system
It's Not What You Get but When You Get It: The Effect of Gift Sequence on Deposit Balances and Customer Sentiment in a Commercial Bank
It's a Free for All-Insulin-Positive Cells Join the Group of Potential Progenitors for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
It's Time to Mow the GRAS in Type 1 Diabetes
It's on: Early interpretations of ATLAS results in jets and missing energy searches
It's Good to Feel Better But It's Better To Feel Good and Even Better to Feel Good as Soon as Possible for as Long as Possible. Response Criteria and the Importance of Change at OMERACT 10
It's all in a day's work: Regulation of DNA excision repair by the circadian clock
It's for your own good: Benevolent sexism and women's reactions to protectively justified restrictions
It's all relative: Competition and status drive interpersonal perception
It's the DNA That Counts
It's the economy ...
It's a knockout!
It's All in the Symmetry
It's Time for Gene Therapy to Get Disruptive!
It's Getting Better All the Time: Comparative Perspectives from Oceania and West Africa on Genetic Analysis and Archaeology
It's Time: The Case for PrEP as an Active Comparator in HIV Biomedical Prevention Trials
It's good to talk! Changes in coronary revascularisation practice in PCI centres without onsite surgical cover and the impact of an angiography video conferencing system
It's Not Just About the French Fry: Avoidance as an Idiom of Distress Among Overweight and Obese Adolescent Boys
It's Complicated: Inflammation from Metchnikoff to Meryl Streep
It's time to overcome clinical inertia
It's a Just World No Matter Which Way You Look at It
It's all about balance: p53 and aging
It's time to swim! Zebrafish and the circadian clock
It's Complicated-but Doable: The Right Supports Can Enable Elders with Complex Conditions to Successfully Age in Community
It's All in the Timing: Too Much E2F Is a Bad
It's the Destination and It's the Journey: Using Multilevel Modeling to Assess Patterns of Change in Psychotherapy
It's all in the timing Modeling isovolumic contraction through development and disease with a dynamic dual electromechanical bioreactor system
It's All in the Delivery! An Analysis of Instructional Strategies From Effective Health Education Curricula
It's Better to Give Than to Receive: The Role of Social Support, Trust, and Participation on Health-Related Social Networking Sites
It's Right to Be Sad The Role of Meta-Appraisals in the Sad-Film Paradox - A Multiple Mediator Model
It's the Thought That Counts: The Role of Hostile Cognition in Shaping Aggressive Responses to Social Exclusion
It's not all science - in response
It's the rents, stupid! The political economy of the resource curse
It's the Thought That Counts: Examining the Task-dependent Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Executive Function
It's the Mind-Set That Matters: The Role of Construal Level and Message Framing in Influencing Consumer Efficacy and Conservation Behaviors
It's time to pay attention to the endometrium
It's Not Just the Alcohol: Gender, Alcohol Use, and Intimate Partner Violence in Mae La Refugee Camp, Thailand, 2009
It's in the bag: Parental involvement in a numeracy at-home program
It's all about Extraversion: Why Facebook friend count doesn't count towards well-being
It's in the sample: The effects of sample size and sample diversity on the breadth of inductive generalization
It's about Space, It's about Time, Neuroeconomics and the Brain Sublime
It's time for a practical method quantifying vascular calcification
It's All in the Genes: Moving Toward Precision Medicine in Critical Illness
It's the Thought (and the Effort) That Counts: How Customizing for Others Differs from Customizing for Oneself
It's time for disruptive innovation in psychotherapy
It's Time for a Paradigm Shift in the Quantitative Evaluation of Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony
It's Got the Look: The Effect of Friendly and Aggressive "Facial" Expressions on Product Liking and Sales
It's Only a Matter of Time: Death, Legacies, and Intergenerational Decisions
It's elementary: Enhancing Fe3+ reduction improves rice yields
It's a family matter: Molecular phylogenetics of Atheriniformes and the polyphyly of the surf silversides (Family: Notocheiridae)
It's not only the economy, stupid! Good governance matters in elections
It's a pleasure: a tale of two cortical areas
It's not all equal: a multiphasic theory of thymic involution
It's Not Just Sex
It's About Time: How Input Timing Is Used and Not Used To Create Emergent Properties in the Auditory System
It's tough to be strong: Advances in bioinspired structural ceramic-based materials
It's the Fracture that Matters - Bone Disease in COPD Patients
It's all about gender, or is it?
It's NOT FAIR! Or is it? The promise and the tyranny of evidence-based performance assessment
It's time to focus on teaching the teachers for healthcare improvement
It's the thought that counts: The effects of construal level priming and donation proximity on consumer response to donation framing
It's Not a War on Science
It's time to redefine inflammation
It's Madness: The Politics of Mental Health in Colonial Korea
It's whom you know that counts
It's not just physical: a qualitative study regarding the illness experiences of people with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
It's all about timing: An electrophysiological examination of feedback-based learning with immediate and delayed feedback
It's not just what you eat but when: The impact of eating a meal during simulated shift work on driving performance
It's more than dryness and fatigue: The patient perspective on health-related quality of life in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome - A qualitative study
It's All in the Brain: A Review of Available Functional Genomic Annotations
It's not funny: How changes in I-f limit maximum heart rate with aging
It's Bad-Really Bad-But Does it Matter? Medication Adherence in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
It's what's on the inside that counts: evidence for intracellular G-protein-coupled receptor signaling in inflammatory pain
It's cool to be dominant: social status alters short-term risks of heat stress
It's Time to Increase Community Hospital-Based Health Research
It's not all about the honey
It's not just the snow; it's also the cold
It's the little things that count: Meiofaunal density and production in the sediment of two headwater streams
It's Been a Hard Day's Night-What Determines Impact of Less Than 24/7 Rapid Response Systems?
It's a gas! Pneumatic release of VMT
It's Time to Shine the Light on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
It's "PT" for SCD!
It's all in the timing: the importance of concurrency and short gap length in the control of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infections
It's all in the hands: peripheral stigmata of infective endocarditis
It's got four wheels but is it a 'Ferrari' or a 'Fiat Bambino'? A critical reappraisal of evidence-based medicine
It's not always varicocele: A strange case of Zinner syndrome
It's Time to Dispel the Myth of "Asymptomatic" Schistosomiasis
It's all relative: Centromere- versus pole-based error correction
It's not the heart: autonomic nervous system predisposition to lethal ventricular arrhythmias
It's more than stamp collecting: how genome sequencing can unify biological research
It's not all about the knee adduction moment: the role of the knee flexion moment in medial knee joint loading
It's Time to Reassess the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Hypothesis: CSL112, a Novel Promising Reconstituted HDL Formulation
It's not too late: a proposal to standardize the terminology of "late-onset" cytomegalovirus infection and disease in solid organ transplant recipients
It's story time!: exploring the potential of multimodality in oral storytelling to support children's vocabulary learning
It's not about the bike: enhancing oxygen delivery
It's Not Just the Pills: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of HIV Antiretroviral Adherence Research
It's a Beautiful Thing
It's Time for a Strategic Approach to Observation Care
It's Not All Fun and Games: Sports, Concussions, and Neuroscience
It's the 21st century: isn't it past time to ban menthol cigarette sales?
It's all about the money? A qualitative study of healthcare worker motivation in urban China
It's about time: The development and validation of a rapid optimized single antigen bead (ROB) assay protocol for LABScreen
It's Complicated: Navigating Multiple Identities in Small Town America
It's time to move beyond the "Great Chain of Being"
It's the Partnership, Stupid
It's a question of endurance Patients with head and neck cancer experiences of F-18-FDG PET/CT in a fixation mask
It's not U, it's B
It's more complicated than we think: The implications of social capital on innovation
It's Time to Broaden the Replicability Conversation: Thoughts for and From Clinical Psychological Science
It's time to allow assisted injection in supervised injection sites
It's easier to get along with the quiet neighbours
It's about time: Insights into temporal genetic patterns in oceanic zooplankton from biodiversity indices
It's just sand between the toes: how particle size and shape variation affect running performance and kinematics in a generalist lizard
It's worth the wait: optimizing questioning methods for effective intraoperative teaching
It's Not What It looks Like, It's What It Really Is: Challenges With Liver Transplant
It's not about eating
It's All About My Team: Mega-Sport Events and Consumer Attitudes in a Time Series Approach
It's Time for the Genetic Counseling Profession to Embrace Social Media
It's in our interests not to be in conflict-of interest, that is
It's all about energy
It's Harder to Splash on Soft Solids
It's not me, it's you: why I'm breaking up with medical research
It's not all about the creeks: protection of multiple habitats will improve biodiversity conservation in a eucalypt forest
It's the quality that counts: audit of the quality of transfer information for patients moving their HIV care between units
It's a Small World ... Looking from a Different Perspective
It's Academic: Public Policy Activities Among Faculty Members in a Department of Medicine
It's getting better all the time? Using secular trends to understand the impact of neurocritical care
It's All Positive
It's Alive! Continuous Feedback in UI Programming
It's all about communication RESPONSE
It's Not Just Lunch: Extra-Pair Commensality Can Trigger Sexual Jealousy
It's Still the Water Reply
It's All About Flow in a Complex Adaptive System
It's Not About You: A Simple Proposition for Improving Biology Education
It's about numbers, not pictures
It's the Anxiety: Facilitators and Inhibitors to Nursing Students' Career Interests in Mental Health Nursing
It's Right, Left is Rare
It's the Thought That Counts
It's not about seat time: Blending, flipping, and efficiency in active learning classrooms
It's a SMAD/SMAD World
It's Funny Here. Is It There?
It's odd not to use odds response
It's All About the Journey
It's not what you hear, it's the way you think about it: appraisals as determinants of affect and behaviour in voice hearers
It's Time to Explore the Role of Emotion in Medical Students' Learning Reply
It's Never Too Early to Look Subclinical Disease in Sarcomeric Dilated Cardiomyopathy
It's Still the Water
It's time to say goodbye ... (to the first-generation drug-eluting stent era)
It's barcoding Jim, but not as we know it
It's possible to derive TBP from partial distillation data
It's good to know: How treatment knowledge and belief affect the outcome of distant healing intentionality for arthritis sufferers
It's a dog-eat-croc world: dingo predation on the nests of freshwater crocodiles in tropical Australia
It's complicated: Pain, priorities and primary care
It's all in the timing
It's a trap: bone abnormalities and autoimmune disorders resulting from TRAP deficiency
It's the Recipient That Counts: Spending Money on Strong Social Ties Leads to Greater Happiness than Spending on Weak Social Ties
It's who I am and what we eat. Mothers' food-related identities in family food choice
It's Not All in Your Head
It's About Time: Team-Based Editing at the American Journal of Public Health
It's a small world after all - viral genomics and the global dominance of viruses
It's not just for laparoscopy anymore: Use of insufflation under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance by Interventional Radiologists for percutaneous placement of intraperitoneal chemotherapy catheters
It's all in the crystals ...
It's Time to Consider Changing the Rules The Rationale for Rethinking Control Groups in Clinical Trials Aimed at Reversing Type 1 Diabetes
It's All Connected: Mental Health and Primary Care Preface
It's About Time
It's that time again
It's Not Behcet's!
It's not about the money
It's about the Students
It's the problem, stupid!
It's the holes that matter
It's time to take the split-standard out of the split-prep
It's Your Game: Keep It Real: Delaying Sexual Behavior with an Effective Middle School Program
It's T Time for Normal Blood Vessels
It's not all black and white: visual scene parameters influence optokinetic reflex performance in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
It's 10 pm; Do You Know Where Your Data Are? Data Provenance, Curation, and Storage
It's Not Just the Basal Ganglia: Cerebellum as a Target for Dystonia Therapeutics
It's time to take psilocybin seriously as a possible treatment for substance use disorders
It's about time: studying gene regulatory programs across serial organs
It's never too early! Evidence for rushing your acute coronary patients to the cath lab
It's all change for the new editor - Not another bioengineer
It's All About Leadership
It's More Than Design: Construction & Building Operation
It's in your eyes-using gaze-contingent stimuli to create truly interactive paradigms for social cognitive and affective neuroscience
It's the Cholesterol, Stupid!
It's a Mental Thing: 5 Keys to Improving Performance and Enjoying Sport
It's no surprise! Men are not hit more than women by the health consequences of unemployment in the Northern Swedish Cohort
It's a Bright and Sunny Day ANESTHESIOLOGY in 2011
It's Lemma with Quantum Calculus (q-Calculus): Some Implications
It's the Writing on the Wall: Whiteboards Improve Inpatient Satisfaction With Provider Communication
It's Time to Explore the Role of Emotion in Medical Students' Learning
It's time for a centralized registry of laboratory-acquired infections
It's time to abandon the sliding scale
It's All About the Brain
It's Time for the Real International Journal
It's alive, I tell you!
It's Complicated: Examining Smokers' Relationships With Their Cigarette Brands
It's not what you do it's the way that it's measured: quality assessment of minor ailment management in community pharmacies
It's Time for CMS to Utilize Functional Assessment as a Key Quality Component
It's never too late: Smoking cessation after stereotactic body radiation therapy for non-small cell lung carcinoma improves overall survival
It's not right but it's permitted: Wording effects in moral judgement
It's like night and day: Diel net-effects on Cercopagidae densities in the Laurentian Great Lakes
It's All a Matter of Perspective
It's a Matter of Respect
It's still worth theorizing on LEL, despite the heterogeneity and complexity of the processes (Response to commentators)
It's All in the Anticipation: How Perception of Threat Is Enhanced in Anxiety
It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature: Functional Materials in Insects
It's All about Timing: The Involvement of Kir4.1 Channel Regulation in Acute Ischemic Stroke Pathology
It's not (only) the mean that matters: variability, noise and exploration in skill learning
It's more than skin-deep: The relationship between social victimization and telomere length in adolescence
It's Time We Fix the Peer Review System
It's not all about moral reasoning: Understanding the content of Moral Case Deliberation
It's not just the food you eat: Environmental factors in the development of food allergies
It's All About Communication: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Collaboration Between Volunteers and Staff in Pediatric Palliative Care
It's not all about the Soprano: Rhinolophid bats use multiple acoustic components in echolocation pulses to discriminate between conspecifics and heterospecifics
It's the Other Way Around! Early Modulation of Sensory Distractor Processing Induced by Late Response Conflict
It's like balancing on a slacklineA description of how adults with congenital heart disease describe themselves in relation to physical activity
It's Not a Small World After All
It's Powerful, Legitimate, and Urgent, but Is It Equitable? Stakeholder Claims Within the Attributes of Stakeholder Salience in Sport
It's Not All About the Face: Variability Reveals Asymmetric Obligatory Processing of Faces and Bodies in Whole-Body Contexts
It's Not Just Insurance: The Affordable Care Act and Population Health
It's about time: Cesarean sections and neonatal health
It's a Hard-Knock Life: Game Load, Fatigue, and Injury Risk in the National Basketball Association
It's not just an open or shut case
It's all in the timing: Acceptability of a financial incentive intervention for linkage to HIV care in the HPTN 065 (TLC-Plus) study
It's a trust thing: Assessing fishermen's perceptions of the California North Coast marine protected area network
It's not just what you have, but how you use it: solar-positional and behavioural effects on hummingbird colour appearance during courtship
It's in the eye of the beholder: selective attention to drink properties during tasting influences brain activation in gustatory and reward regions
It's all a matter of necessity and concern: A structural equation model of adherence to antihypertensive medication
It's Time to Remember Hippocrates
It's Tea Time: Interference of Ayahuasca Brew on Discriminative Learning in Zebrafish
It's a Small World After All
It's reticulated: the liver at the heart of atherosclerosis
It's happening sooner than you think: spotlighting the pre-medical realm
It's time to evolve from Scadding: phenotyping sarcoidosis
It's not just 'What' you do, it's also the 'Way' that you do it: Patient and Public Involvement in the Development of Health Research
It's Been a Great Year
It's Complicated: Why Raters' BMI Poorly Explained Attractiveness Ratings
It's too soon to pull the plug on antibiotic cycling
It's more than just luck: A qualitative exploration of breastfeeding in rural Australia
It's the 21st century. Why are scientists still writing books?
It's not the 'what', but the 'how': Exploring the role of debt in natural resource (un) sustainability
It's the deceiver, not the receiver: No individual differences when detecting deception in a foreign and a native language
It's not about the leaders
itSIMPLE: towards an integrated design system for real planning applications
Ita Askonas and her influence in the field of antigen presentation
Itaco-perinone as a molecule with potential use in white light emitting materials. The effect of methyl- and methylene groups on the formation of perimidine and perinone structures
Itaconic Acid-Functionalized Magnetic Latex Particles for Pb2+ Removal
Itaconic Acid Based Surfactants: I. Synthesis and Characterization of Sodium n-Octyl Sulfoitaconate Diester Anionic Surfactant
Itaconate Links Inhibition of Succinate Dehydrogenase with Macrophage Metabolic Remodeling and Regulation of Inflammation
Itaconic Acid Is a Mammalian Metabolite Induced during Macrophage Activation
Itaconic anhydride based amphiphilic copolymers: Synthesis, characterization and stabilization of carboxyl functionalized, PEGylated nanoparticles
Itaconic Acid modified Halloy-site/Carbon black dual filler System in Styrene Butadiene Rubber Nanocomposites
Itaconic acid grafted carboxymethyl chitosan and its nanoparticles: Preparation, characterization and evaluation
Itaconic anhydride homopolymerization during radical grafting of poly (lactic acid) in melt
Itaconic acid derivatives and diketopiperazine from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus aculeatus CRI322-03
Itaconic Acid Grafted Starch Hydrogels as Metal Remover: Capacity, Selectivity and Adsorption Kinetics
Itaconic acid production from glycerol using Escherichia coli harboring a random synonymous codon-substituted 5 '-coding region variant of the cadA gene
Itaconic acid - a versatile building block for renewable polyesters with enhanced functionality
Itaconic acid used as a versatile building block for the synthesis of renewable resource-based resins and polyesters for future prospective: a review
Itaconic Acid as an Environmentally Benign Catalyst in Efficient and Scalable Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones
Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory metabolite that activates Nrf2 via alkylation of KEAP1
Itaconic acid production in microorganisms
Itaconic copolymer modified loess for high-efficiently removing copper ions from wastewater
Itaconate: an emerging determinant of inflammation in activated macrophages
Itaipu royalties: The role of the hydroelectric sector in water resource management
Itajai, Santa Catarina - Azorean ancestry and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3
Itakura-Saito distance based autoencoder for dimensionality reduction of mass spectra
Italic detection and rectification
Italian mitochondrial DNA database: results of a collaborative exercise and proficiency testing
Italian Residential Buildings: Economic Assessments for Biomass Boilers Plants
Italian albumin usage (or misusage?)
Italian wines and Asia: policy scenarios and competitive dynamics
Italian, or French?
Italy%26apos;s contribution to global health: the need for a paradigm shift
Italian consensus guidelines for the diagnostic work-up and follow-up of cystic pancreatic neoplasms
Italian Version of the Physical Therapy Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties
Italian Study on Depressive Disorders (STudio Italiano MAlattia Depressiva, or STIMA-D): A Nationwide Snapshot of the Status of Treatment for Major Depression
Italian mediterranean index and risk of colorectal cancer in the Italian section of the EPIC cohort
Italian Version of the Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment (PANDA): A Useful Instrument to Detect Cognitive Impairments in Parkinson's Disease
Italian registry of cardiac magnetic resonance
Italian ryegrass establishment by self-seeding in integrated crop livestock systems: Effects of grazing management and crop rotation strategies
Italian external and multicentric validation of the MD Anderson Cancer Center nomogram and prognostic index for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients: analysis of 1502 cases
Italian Cardiological Guidelines for Sports Eligibility: a commentary
Italian red squirrels and introduced parakeets: victims or perpetrators?
Italian WEEE management system and treatment of end-of-life cooling and freezing equipments for CFCs removal
Italian recommendations for Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) management
Italian multicentre observational study of the prevalence of CCSVI in multiple sclerosis (CoSMo study): rationale, design, and methodology
Italian Multicenter Study on Low-Density Lipoprotein Apheresis Working Group 2009 Survey
Italian Expert Panel on the management of patients with coexisting spondyloarthritis and inflammatory bowel disease
Italian economic dualism and convergence clubs at regional level
Italian Version of University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Activity Score: Cross-Cultural Adaptation
Italian Population-Based Values of EQ-5D Health States
Italy and the Dialogue on Human Health between Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Western Medicine
Italian households' willingness to pay for green electricity
Italian guidelines on thrombolysis indications in ischemic stroke have been revised after the IST-3 trial and Cochrane review
Italian Cardiological Guidelines for Sports Eligibility in Athletes with Heart Disease: Part 2
Italian Cardiological Guidelines for Sports Eligibility in Athletes with Heart Disease: Part 1
Italian version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. Psychometric proprieties and measurement invariance across sex, BMI-status and age
Italian common bean landraces: diversity and population structure
Italian Families and Family Interventions
Italian neo-endemism in a widespread group of leafhoppers insects: A revision of the Eupteryx aurata group (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) using morphology, ecology and genetics
Italian Perspective on Psoriasis, Spondyloarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Immunopathology and Role of Etanercept Introduction
Italian Perspective on Psoriasis, Spondyloarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Immunopathology and Role of Etanercept Conclusion
Italian psychiatrists' perception on cognitive symptoms in major depressive disorder
Italian survey on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gastrointestinal bleeding in children
Italian Society of Surgery and Association of Stoma Care Nurses Joint Position Statement on Preoperative Stoma Siting
Italian standardization of the Apples Cancellation Test
Italian experience on use of ESW therapy for avascular necrosis of femoral head
Italian validation of the Sleep Condition Indicator: A clinical screening tool to evaluate Insomnia Disorder according to DSM-5 criteria
Italian Validation of Homophobia Scale (HS)
Italian neuropsychology in the second half of the twentieth century (vol 36, pg 361, 2015)
Italian neuropsychology in the second half of the twentieth century
Italian normative data for the Battery for Visuospatial Abilities (TERADIC)
Italian legumes: effect of sourdough fermentation on lunasin-like polypeptides
Italian Frontotemporal Dementia Network (FTD Group-SINDEM): sharing clinical and diagnostic procedures in Frontotemporal Dementia in Italy
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) as a High-Potential Bio-Ethanol Resource
Italian Validation of Homophobia Scale (HS) Response
Italian Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AME) & Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (AMD) Position Statement
Italian version of the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory-Head and Neck Module: linguistic validation
Italian appeal court: a genetic predisposition to commit murder?
Italian validation of INQoL, a quality of life questionnaire for adults with muscle diseases
Italian consensus statement on paediatric HIV infection
Italica (Seville, Spain): use of local marble in Augustan age
Italian real-life experience of omalizumab
Italian accelerometric archive: geological, geophysical and geotechnical investigations at strong-motion stations
Italian Multicenter Study on Low-Density Lipoprotein Apheresis: Retrospective Analysis (2007)
Italian-Moldovan international nurse migration: rendering visible the loss of human capital
Italian travel memoirs of a hematologist's grandson. IV. Napoli
Italian travel memoirs of a hematologist's grandson. III. Parma
Italian travel memoirs of a hematologist's grandson. II. Dozza
Italian travel memoirs of a hematologist's grandson. I. Bologna
Italian multicentre study on microbial environmental contamination in dental clinics: a pilot study
Italian validation of the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale: a perspective to rheumatic diseases
Italian hospitals on the web: a cross-sectional analysis of official websites
Italian cardiovascular mortality charts of the CUORE project: are they comparable with the SCORE charts?
Italian cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Oxford shoulder score
Italian Consumer Attitudes Toward Products for Well-being: The Functional Foods Market
Italy's stem-cell challenge gaining momentum
Italian horticultural and culinary records of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbitaceae) and emergence of the zucchini in 19th-century Milan
Italian expert consensus for the management of actinic keratosis in immunocompetent patients
Italian translation and validation of the Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ-2002)
Italian guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update 2015
Italian Registry of Complications associated with Regional Anesthesia (RICALOR). An incidence analysis from a prospective clinical survey
Italian symptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis study (ISIDE)
Italian consensus conference for the outpatient autologous stem cell transplantation management in multiple myeloma
Italian Marine Technology Research Comes of Age
Italian and Slovenian forest governances within the International context
Italian Guidelines
Italian Chapter of the International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound expert consensus document on coronary computed tomography angiography: overview and new insights
Italian aquaculture and the diffusion of alien species: costs and benefits
Italian daily platelet transfusion practice for haematological patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy with or without stem cell transplantation: a survey by the GIMEMA Haemostasis and Thrombosis Working Party
Italian normative data for a stroke specific cognitive screening tool: the Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS)
Italian consumers%26apos; income and food waste behavior
Italian performance in cancer research
Italian seas wave extremes: a preliminary assessment
Italian post-marketing surveillance for adverse event reports after MF59-adjuvanted H1N1v vaccination
Italian multicenter experience with flow-diverter devices for intracranial unruptured aneurysm treatment with periprocedural complications-a retrospective data analysis
Italian psychiatric reform 1978: milestones for Italy and Europe in 2010?
Italian multicenter study on infection hazards during dental practice: Control of environmental microbial contamination in public dental surgeries
Italian guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update 2011
Italian Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents and the Diagnostic-clinical Management of HIV-1 Infected Persons
Italian Society of Hematology practice guidelines for the management of iron overload in thalassemia major and related disorders
Italian Contributions to the Development of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensors for Diabetes Management
Italian school psychology as perceived by Italian school psychologists - The results of a national survey
Italy and Austria before and after study: second-hand smoke exposure in hospitality premises before and after 2 years from the introduction of the Italian smoking ban
Italy's Participation in Three IEA Civic Education Studies (1971-2009)
Italian guidelines for management and treatment of hyperbilirubinaemia of newborn infants >= 35 weeks' gestational age
Italianity is associated with lower risk of prostate cancer mortality in Switzerland
Italian guidelines for noninvasive imaging assessment of focal liver lesions: development and conclusions
Italian evidence-based guidelines for the management of influenza-like syndrome in adults and children
Italian validation of Multiple Visual Analogue Scales for Bipolarity (MVAS-BP) of Ahearn and Carroll
Italian guidelines for primary headaches: 2012 revised version
Italian Field Survey Reveals a High Diffusion of Avian Metapneumovirus Subtype B in Layers and Weaknesses in the Vaccination Strategy Applied
Italian freshwater biodiversity: status, threats and hints for its conservation
Italian guidelines and therapeutic algorithm for actinic keratoses
Italian Guidelines for Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Italian autochthonous chicken breeds conservation: evaluation of biodiversity in Valdarnese Bianca breed (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Italian network for obesity and cardiovascular disease surveillance: A pilot project
Italian Intersociety Recommendations on pain management in the emergency setting (SIAARTI, SIMEU, SIS 118, AISD, STARED, SICUT, IRC)
Italian Volcanic lakes: a diversity hotspot and refuge for European charophytes
Italian population allele and genotype frequencies for the AmpliType(R) PM and the HLA-DQ-alpha loci
Italian familial defective apolipoprotein B patients share a unique haplotype with other Caucasian patients
Italian cancer figures - Report 2009 Cancer trend 1998-2005
Italian laypeople's assumptions about human nature compared with ten personality theories
Italian Society of Endocrinology Career Award Lecture: From somatostatin to... somatomedin
Italian Oncological Pain Survey (IOPS) A Multicentre Italian Study of Breakthrough Pain Performed in Different Settings
Italian intersociety consensus statement on antithrombotic prophylaxis in hip and knee replacement and in femoral neck fracture surgery
Italian Society of Hematology, Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, and Italian Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation Guidelines for the Management of Indolent, Nonfollicular B-Cell Lymphoma (Marginal Zone, Lymphoplasmacytic, and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma)
Italians use abstract knowledge about lexical stress during spoken-word recognition
Italian Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Infectious Disease Management of Osteomyelitis and Prosthetic Joint Infections in Adults
Italian Adolescent Gambling Behaviour: Psychometric Evaluation of the South Oaks Gambling Screen: Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA) Among a Sample of Italian Students
Italian Nurses' Experience of Stalking: A Questionnaire Survey
Italian guidelines on thrombolysis indications in ischaemic stroke have been revised after IST 3 trial and Cochrane Review: PROS
Italian Survey on adjuvant treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (ISA)
Italian Peninsula preserves an evolutionary lineage of the fat dormouse Glis glis L. (Rodentia: Gliridae)
Italian consensus conference for colonic diverticulosis and diverticular disease
Italian translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the PedsQL (TM) 3.0 Diabetes Module questionnaire in children with type 1 diabetes and their parents
Italian guidelines on the systemic treatments of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis
Italian, Multicenter, Phase III, Randomized Study of Cisplatin Plus Etoposide With or Without Bevacizumab as First-Line Treatment in Extensive-Disease Small-Cell Lung Cancer: The GOIRC-AIFA FARM6PMFJM Trial
Italian intersociety consensus on DOAC use in internal medicine
Italian Metallurgy
Italian patients with more recent onset of Major Depressive Disorder have a shorter duration of untreated illness
Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration under Fascism: From Florence to Jerusalem and New York
Italian and Swedish adolescents: differences and associations in subjective well-being and psychological well-being
Italian Psychology and Jewish Migration under Fascism from Florence to Jerusalem and New York
Italian Adolescents and Emergency Contraception: A Focus Group Study
Italian domination in trees
Italian Prostate Biopsies Group: 2016 Updated Guidelines Insights
Italian Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale
Italian and Alpine three-dimensional crustal structure imaged by ambient-noise surface-wave dispersion
Italian Diffuse/Multivessel Disease ABSORB Prospective Registry (IT-DISAPPEARS). Study Design and Rationale
Italian Registry of Cardiac Computed Tomography
Italian guidelines for the management and treatment of neonatal cholestasis
Italian hop germplasm: Characterization of wild Humulus lupulus L. genotypes from Northern Italy by means of phytochemical, morphological traits and multivariate data analysis
Italian and Italian-style hard cooked cheeses: Predictive formulas for Parmigiano-Reggiano 24-h cheese yield
Italian Registry of Patients with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: General Data and Quality of Life Evaluation
Italian Ministry of Health and the Istituto Superiore Di Sanita: from vigilance to ownership?
Italian ryegrass for the phytoremediation of solutions polluted with terbuthylazine
Italian Multicenter Phase III Randomized Study of Cisplatin-Etoposide With or Without Bevacizumab as First-Line Treatment in Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer: Treatment Rationale and Protocol Design of the GOIRC-AIFA FARM6PMFJM Trial
Italian guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update December 2014
Italian Percutaneous EVAR (IPER) Registry: outcomes of 2381 percutaneous femoral access sites' closure for aortic stent-graft
Italian university students' self-perceived health and satisfaction of life
Italian Credit Mobility Students Significantly Increase Their Alcohol Intake, Risky Drinking and Related Consequences During the Study Abroad Experience
Italian and Spanish commercial tomato sauces for pasta dressing: study of sensory and head-space profiles by Flash Profiling and solid-phase microextraction-gas chomatography-mass spectrometry
Italian national guidelines for the screening of gestational diabetes: Time for a critical appraisal?
Italian Bipolar II vs I patients have better individual functioning, in spite of overall similar illness severity
Italian guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update 2016
Italy introduces pre and post operation monitoring phases for offshore seismic exploration activities
Italian Validation of the Queer/Liberationist Scale (Short Version) in a Sample of University Students: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Italian real life experience with brentuximab vedotin: results of a large observational study on 234 relapsed/refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma
Italian real-life experience with brentuximab vedotin: results of a large observational study of 40 cases of relapsed/refractory systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Italian prescribing patterns in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Italian survey on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Italian consensus Guidelines for the management of hepatitis B virus infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Italian normative data and validation of two neuropsychological tests of face recognition: Benton Facial Recognition Test and Cambridge Face Memory Test
Italian Advisory Board: sFlt-1/PlGF ratio and preeclampsia, state of the art and developments in diagnostic, therapeutic and clinical management
Italian monitoring registries: a tool for a safer use of innovative drugs? Data from the national pharmacovigilance system
Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Control and Winter Wheat Response to POST Herbicides
Italian norms for the Freedman version of the Clock Drawing Test
Italian quake: critics' logic is questionable
Italian COnsensus in Neuroradiological Anesthesia (ICONA)
Italian Linguistic Validation of the FACE-Q Instrument
Italian gay fathers%26apos; experiences of transnational surrogacy and their relationship with the surrogate pre- and post-birth
Italian Continuing Medical Education Program: An Evidence-Based Course for Surgeons and Health Personnel of a Regional Transplantation Center
Italo Calvino and Science: The alphabets of the world
Italian Law "Measures to guarantee the access to palliative and pain treatments": rebound on headaches' management
Italian Version of Qualiveen-30: Cultural Adaptation of a Neurogenic Urinary Disorder-Specific Instrument
Italian cancer figures: North and South are getting closer
Italian water services reform from 1994 to 2008: decisional rounds and local modes of governance
Italian animal genetic resources in the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of FAO
Italian multicentre study for application of a diagnostic algorithm in autoantibody testing for autoimmune rheumatic disease: Conclusive results
Italian black alder swamps: Their syntaxonomic relationships and originality within the European context
Italy-Netherland PhD Program: The I.O. PhD Research Program
Italian epidemiology in a European and International Context Introduction
Italian consensus guidelines for chronic pancreatitis
Italian validation of the drinking motives questionnaire revised short form (DMQ-R SF)
Italian neurology: past, present and future
Italian quake: science rides politics
Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne), Feral Cereal Rye (Secale cereale), and Volunteer Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Control in Winter Canola
Italy SimSmoke: the effect of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and smoking attributable deaths in Italy
Italian Validation of the Childhood Atopic Dermatitis Impact Scale: A Contribution to Its Clinical Application
Italian consumers%26apos; attitudes towards small pelagic fish
Italian Euromelanoma Day Screening Campaign (2005-2007) and the planning of melanoma screening strategies
Italian Chapter of the International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound Expert Consensus Document on Training Requirements for Noncardiologists Using Hand-Carried Ultrasound Devices
Italian validation of the Purpose In Life (PIL) test and the Seeking Of Noetic Goals (SONG) test in a population of cancer patients
Italian data of 23 STR loci amplified in a single multiplex reaction
Italian Scientists Abroad in Europe%26apos;s Scientific Research Scenario: High skill migration as a resource for development in Italy
Italian Psychiatry at the front: the crucial experience of the Libya war, 1911-1912
Italian medical students quality of life: years 2005-2015
Italian neurologists' perception on cognitive symptoms in major depressive disorder
Italian craft beer revolution: do spatial factors matter?
Italian guidelines on thrombolysis indications in ischemic stroke have been revised after IST-3 trial and Cochrane revision: cons
Italian Deprivation Index and Dental Caries in 12-Year-Old Children: A Multilevel Bayesian Analysis
Italian natural history museums on the verge of collapse?
Italian regional health system structure and expected cancer survival
Italian neutron sources
Italian mortgage markets and their dynamics
Italian Multicenter Study on Accuracy of F-18-FDG PET/CT in Assessing Bone Marrow Involvement in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma
Italian regulatory reform and water utility performance: An impact analysis
Italian English
Italian Cheeses Discrimination by Means of delta C-13 and delta N-15 Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Italian nationwide survey on Pseudomonas aeruginosa from invasive infections: activity of ceftolozane/tazobactam and comparators, and molecular epidemiology of carbapenemase producers
Italian Nivolumab Expanded Access Program in Nonsquamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: Results in Never-Smokers and EGFR-Mutant Patients
Italian intersociety consensus on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of delirium in hospitalized older persons
Italy's New Advance Directive Law When in Rome...
Italian guidelines on the assessment and management of pediatric head injury in the emergency department
Itamar Pitowsky 1950-2010
Itaya virus, a Novel Orthobunyavirus Associated with Human Febrile Illness, Peru
Itching in the psychiatric ward
Itch(-/-)alpha beta and gamma delta T cells independently contribute to autoimmunity in Itchy mice
Itch and Pain in Adolescents are Associated with Suicidal Ideation: A Population-based Cross-sectional Study
Itch and psyche
Itch as a patient-reported symptom in ambulatory care visits in the United States
Itching for Answers: How Histamine Relaxes Lymphatic Vessels
Itching in Patients with Chronic Hand Eczema: Data from the CARPE Registry
Itch Is Required for Lateral Line Development in Zebrafish
Itchy Papules And Plaques on the Dorsal Hands
Itch in Burn Areas After Skin Transplantation: Patient Characteristics, Influencing Factors and Therapy
Itch, Eosinophils, and Autoimmunity: A Novel Murine Model of Bullous Pemphigoid
Itch and liver: management in primary care
Itch Prevalence and Characteristics in a Hispanic Geriatric Population: A Comprehensive Study Using a Standardized Itch Questionnaire
Itches-stimulating compounds from Colocasia esculenta (taro): bioactive-guided screening and LC-MS/MS identification
Itch and brain
Itch E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Positively Regulates TGF-beta Signaling to EMT via Smad7 Ubiquitination
Itching for a Diagnosis
Itching Without a Rash
Itching, Pain, and Anxiety Levels Are Reduced With Massage Therapy in Burned Adolescents
Itch and pain
Itch in Ethnic Populations
Itch inhibits IL-17-mediated colon inflammation and tumorigenesis by ROR-gamma t ubiquitination
Itch pathophysiology may differ among ethnic groups
Itch/AIP4-independent proteasomal degradation of cFLIP induced by the histone deacetylase inhibitor SAHA sensitizes breast tumour cells to TRAIL
Itch, disease coping strategies and quality of life in psoriasis patients
Itch E3 ubiquitin ligase regulates large tumor suppressor 1 tumor-suppressor stability
Itch intensity evaluated in the German Atopic Dermatitis Intervention Study (GADIS): Correlations with quality of life, coping behaviour and SCORAD severity in 823 children
Itchy Pruritic Skin Diseases
Itch-associated peptides: RNA-Seq and bioinformatic analysis of natriuretic precursor peptide B and gastrin releasing peptide in dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia, and the spinal cord
Itches and scratches - is there a link between eczema, ADHD, sleep disruption and food hypersensitivity?
Itch and nerve fibers with special reference to atopic dermatitis: Therapeutic implications
Itching for relief
Itch E3 ligase-mediated regulation of TGF-beta signaling by modulating Smad2 phosphorylation
Itch Signaling in the Nervous System
Itch and Analgesia Resulting from Intrathecal Application of Morphine: Contrasting Effects on Different Populations of Trigeminothalamic Tract Neurons
Itch: Cells, Molecules, and Circuits
Itch in Atopic Dermatitis - Pathophysiology and Treatment
Itch in atopic eczema
Itching for Insight
Itching: Differential diagnosis and therapy
Itch and Mental Distress: A Cross-Sectional Study among Late Adolescents
Itch expression by Treg cells controls Th2 inflammatory responses
Itch Relief by Mirror Scratching. A Psychophysical Study
Itch-associated scratching contributes to the development of dermatitis and hyperimmunoglobulinaemia E in NC/Nga mice
Itch in Atopic Dermatitis
Itch: challenges for clinicians and investigators
Itch WW Domains Inhibit Its E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity by Blocking E2-E3 Ligase Trans-thiolation
ItchyQoL Bands: Pilot Clinical Interpretation of Scores
Itch in the General Internal Medicine Setting: A Cross-Sectional Study of Prevalence and Quality-of-Life Effects
Itchy channels and where to find them
Itching for a diagnosis - A travel medicine perspective on delusional infestation
Itch, Stress and Self-efficacy Among 18-year-old Boys and Girls: A Norwegian Population-based Cross-sectional Study
Itch Severity and Quality of Life in Patients with Pruritus: Preliminary Validity of a Danish Adaptation of the Itch Severity Scale
Itch Doctor
Itch: Its perception and involvement in allergy
Itching in a Teenager
Itch and Pain in Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Pain as an Important Feature of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Itchy Scaly Bumps on Trunk and Extremities: Challenge
Itch Perception and Skin Reactions as Modulated by Verbal Suggestions: Role of Participant%26apos;s and Investigator%26apos;s Sex
Itch Characteristics in Five Dermatoses: Non-atopic Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis, Urticaria, Psoriasis and Scabies
Itch and neuropathic itch
Itching and its related factors in subtypes of eczema: a cross-sectional multicenter study in tertiary hospitals of China
Itch/beta-arrestin2-dependent non-proteolytic ubiquitylation of SuFu controls Hedgehog signalling and medulloblastoma tumorigenesis
Itch suppression in mice and dogs by modulation of spinal alpha 2 and alpha 3GABA(A) receptors
Itching for answers: Prevalence and severity of pruritus in psoriasis
iteRates: An R Package for Implementing a Parametric Rate Comparison on Phylogenetic Trees
IteRank: An iterative network-oriented approach to neighbor-based collaborative ranking
Iteamine, the first alkaloid isolated from Itea virginica L. inflorescence
Item Selection Criteria With Practical Constraints for Computerized Classification Testing
Item Banks for Measuring Emotional Distress From the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS (R)): Depression, Anxiety, and Anger
Item response theory analyses of physical functioning items in the medical outcomes study
Items from patient-oriented instruments can be integrated into interval scales to operationalize categories of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Item-Weighted Likelihood Method for Ability Estimation in Tests Composed of Both Dichotomous and Polytomous Items
Item Analysis of the Berg Balance Scale in Individuals with Subacute and Chronic Stroke
Item-Level Indoor Localization With Passive UHF RFID Based on Tag Interaction Analysis
Item-location binding in working memory: Is it hippocampus-dependent?
Item Response Theory, Computerized Adaptive Testing, and PROMIS: Assessment of Physical Function
Item non-response on self-reported depression screening questionnaire among community-dwelling elderly
Item response drift in the Family Affluence Scale: A study on three consecutive surveys of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey
Item non-response when measuring elder abuse: influence of methodological choices
Item bank measurement of depression: will one dimension work?
Item and Category-Based Attentional Control During Search for Real-World Objects: Can You Find the Pants Among the Pans?
Items and dimensions for the construction of a multidimensional computerized adaptive test to measure fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Item response theory analysis of cognitive tests in people with dementia: a systematic review
Item recommendation based on context-aware model for personalized u-healthcare service
Item Response Theory analyses of DSM-IV and DSM-5 stimulant use disorder criteria in an American Indian community sample
Item-based top-N recommendation resilient to aggregated information revelation
Item Response Theory Analysis of the Outpatient Physical Therapy Improvement in Movement Assessment Log (OPTIMAL)
Item-based analysis of delayed reward discounting decision making
Item-Level RFID Tag Location Sensing Utilizing Reader Antenna Spatial Diversity
Item banks for alcohol use from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS (R)): Use, consequences, and expectancies
Item development for a questionnaire investigating patient self reported perception, satisfaction and outcomes of a single osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF) treatment
Item-Level Assessment of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quality of Life Questionnaire in Patients With Diarrheal Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Item response analysis on an examination in anesthesiology for medical students in Taiwan: A comparison of one- and two-parameter logistic models
Items analysis and reliability evidences of ERCE scale
Item Purification Does Not Always Improve DIF Detection: A Counterexample With Angoff%26apos;s Delta Plot
Item-Level Psychometric Properties for a New Patient-Reported Psoriasis Symptom Diary
Item familiarity and controlled associative retrieval in Alzheimer%26apos;s disease: An fMRI study
Item response theory-based measure of global disability in multiple sclerosis derived from the Performance Scales and related items
Item recommendation in collaborative tagging systems via heuristic data fusion
Item type, occlusion, and gender differences in mental rotation
Item Response Theory With Covariates (IRT-C): Assessing Item Recovery and Differential Item Functioning for the Three-Parameter Logistic Model
Item response theory analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health-Related Quality of Life (CDC HRQOL) items in adults with arthritis
Item banks for substance use from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS (R)): Severity of use and positive appeal of use (vol 156, pg 184, 2015)
Item-level informant discrepancies across obese-overweight children and their parents on the PedsQL (TM) 4.0 instrument: an iterative hybrid ordinal logistic regression
Item-level informant discrepancies between children and their parents on the PROMISA (R) pediatric scales
Item analysis and evaluation in the examinations in the faculty of medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University
Item Anomaly Detection Based on Dynamic Partition for Time Series in Recommender Systems
Item analyses of Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery Board 2015 written exam
Item banks for substance use from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS (R)): Severity of use and positive appeal of use
Item Response Theory Analysis of the Modified Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire in a Population-Based Study
Itemized NIHSS subsets predict positive MM strokes in patients with mild deficits
Item-nonspecific proactive interference in monkeys' auditory short-term memory
Item Response Trees: a recommended method for analyzing categorical data in behavioral studies
Items on the left are better remembered
Item analysis for the written test of Taiwanese board certification examination in anaesthesiology using the Rasch model
Item Retrieval and Competition in Noun and Verb Generation: An fMRI Study
Item generation and design testing of a questionnaire to assess degenerative joint disease-associated pain in cats
Item effects in recognition memory for words
Item-specific location memory in visual search
Item Banking: A Generational Change in Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement
Item Bank Development for a Revised Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
Item response modeling of DSM-IV mania symptoms in two representative US epidemiological samples
Item response theory analysis of the Western Aphasia Battery
Item Response Theory Analysis of DSM-IV Criteria for Inhalant-Use Disorders in Adolescents
Item Response Modeling of Paired Comparison and Ranking Data
Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing for Orthopaedic Outcomes Measures
Item bank development, calibration and validation for patient-reported outcomes in female urinary incontinence
Item response theory and structural equation modelling for ordinal data: Describing the relationship between KIDSCREEN and Life-H
Items that justify a day-care hospital stay for the management of skin cancer. Guidelines from the Oncodermatology Group of the Societe Francaise de Dermatologie
Items of the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale Associated With Response to Paroxetine Treatment in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder
Item-focussed Trees for the Identification of Items in Differential Item Functioning
Item Selection in Self-Report Measures for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Lessons from Cognitive Interviews
Itemset generalization with cardinality-based constraints
Item-level Radio-Frequency IDentification for the traceability of food products: Application on a dairy product
Item Reduction of the Voice Handicap Index Based on the Original Version and on European Translations
Item difficulty estimation: An auspicious collaboration between data and judgment
Item by Item Analysis Strategy of the Relationship Between Symptoms and Signs in Early Dry Eye
Item non-response in open-ended questions: Who does not answer on the meaning of left and right?
Item response theory analyses of the parent and teacher ratings of the DSM-IV ADHD rating scale
Items, Instruments, Crosswalks, and PROMIS
Item Response Theory Analyses of Parent and Teacher Ratings of the ADHD Symptoms for Recoded Dichotomous Scores
Item Response Theory Analyses of Adult Self-Ratings of the ADHD Symptoms in the Current Symptoms Scale
Item response theory analyses of adolescent self-ratings of the ADHD symptoms in the Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale
Item-Level Psychometrics and Predictors of Performance for Spanish/English Bilingual Speakers on An Object and Action Naming Battery
Item response modelling for clinical and laboratory testing
Item Analysis and Differential Item Functioning of a Brief Conduct Problem Screen
Item response theory methods can improve the measurement of physical function by combining the modified health assessment questionnaire and the SF-36 physical function scale
Itemizing the bundle: Achieving and maintaining "zero" central line-associated bloodstream infection for over a year in a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia
Item comparability in cross-national surveys: results from asking probing questions in cross-national web surveys about attitudes towards civil disobedience
Item-specific training reduces prefrontal cortical involvement in perceptual awareness
Item-Specific Encoding Produces an Additional Benefit of Directed Forgetting: Evidence From Intrusion Errors
Item Response Theory Analysis of Lifetime Cannabis-Use Disorder Symptom Severity in an American Indian Community Sample
Item Response Theory analysis and Differential Item Functioning across age, gender and country of a short form of the Advanced Progressive Matrices
Item difficulty in the evaluation of computer-based instruction: An example from neuroanatomy
Item Selection and Ability Estimation Procedures for a Mixed-Format Adaptive Test
Itemized Hospital Charges for Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients Influenced by Severity in an Academic Medical Center in Korea
Item Recommendation in Collaborative Tagging Systems
Item analyses of memory differences
Item Reduction, Scoring, and First Validation of the ACCEPTance by the Patients of their Treatment (ACCEPT(C)) Questionnaire
Item bias detection in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale using structural equation modeling: comparison with other item bias detection methods
Item Generation and Reduction Toward Developing a Patient-reported Outcome for Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis (TUMMY-UC)
Item analysis using Rasch models confirms that the Danish versions of the DISABKIDS (R) chronic-generic and diabetes-specific modules are valid and reliable
Itemwise conditionally independent nonresponse modelling for incomplete multivariate data
Item selection via Bayesian IRT models
Item Response Theory Modeling of the Philadelphia Naming Test
Item-based foreign language learning of give ditransitive constructions: Evidence from corpus research
Item bidding for combinatorial public projects
Item-network-based collaborative filtering: A personalized recommendation method based on a user's item network
Item recommendation using tag emotion in social cataloging services
Item usage in a multidimensional computerized adaptive test (MCAT) measuring health-related quality of life
Item-level psychometrics of the ADL instrument of the Korean National Survey on persons with physical disabilities
Item Response Theory as an Efficient Tool to Describe a Heterogeneous Clinical Rating Scale in De Novo Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease Patients
Item Banking Enables Stand-Alone Measurement of Driving Ability
Item response theory: How Mokken scaling can be used in clinical practice
Item-Response-Theory Analysis of Two Scales for Self-Efficacy for Exercise Behavior in People With Arthritis
Item Screening in Graphical Loglinear Rasch Models
Item Selection in Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing-Gaining Information from Different Angles
Itemset mining: A constraint programming perspective
Item nonresponse to psychosocial questionnaires was associated with higher mortality after acute myocardial infarction
Item-Level RFID in a Retail Supply Chain With Stock-Out-Based Substitution
Item Response Theory Reveals Variability of Functional Impairment within Clinical Dementia Rating Scale Stages
Item-based selection is in good shape in visual compound search: A view from electrophysiology
Item Response Patterns on the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults
Item response theory and the measurement of psychiatric constructs: some empirical and conceptual issues and challenges
Item dwell time in project inventories: A field experiment
Item price information feedback in multiple unit combinatorial auctions: design issues
Item-fit evaluation in biased tests: a study under Rasch model
Item Response Modeling of Forced-Choice Questionnaires
Item Hierarchy-Based Analysis of the Rivermead Mobility Index Resulted in Improved Interpretation and Enabled Faster Scoring in Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation After Stroke
Item Selection for the Development of Parallel Forms From an IRT-Based Seed Test Using a Sampling and Classification Approach
Item and response-category functioning of the Persian version of the KIDSCREEN-27: Rasch partial credit model
Item Discrimination and Type I Error in the Detection of Differential Item Functioning
Item memory, context memory and the hippocampus: fMRI evidence
Item Response Theory Applications in Personality Disorder Research
Item Response Theory analysis of Fagerstrom Test for Cigarette Dependence
Item response theory analysis to evaluate reliability and minimal clinically important change of the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire in patients with severe disability due to back pain from vertebral compression fractures
Item Construction Using Reflective, Formative, or Rasch Measurement Models: Implications for Group Work
Item reduction based on rigorous methodological guidelines is necessary to maintain validity when shortening composite measurement scales
Item distribution and inter-rater reliability of the German version of the quality of life in Alzheimer's disease scale (QoL-AD) proxy for people with dementia living in nursing homes
Item-level gender fairness in the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism
Item-saving assessment of self-care performance in children with developmental disabilities: A prospective caregiver-report computerized adaptive test
Item response theory evaluation of the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory national data set
Item Generation and Content Validity of the Child-Adolescent Bullying Scale
Item-by-item sampling for promotional purposes
Item-based collaborative ranking
Item-method directed forgetting and working memory capacity: A hierarchical multinomial modeling approach
Item strength affects working memory capacity
Item-level analyses reveal genetic heterogeneity in neuroticism
Item Selection Methods in Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing With Polytomously Scored Items
Items assignment optimization for complex automated picking Systems
Item orientated recommendation by multi-view intact space learning with overlapping
Item Selection Criteria With Practical Constraints in Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing
Iterative solutions of the generalized Sylvester matrix equations by using the hierarchical identification principle
Iterative renormalization group for anomalous dimension in a nonlinear diffusion process
Iteratively decoded variable length space-time coded modulation: Code construction and convergence analysis
Iterative Subspace Analysis Based on Feature Line Distance
Iterative local-global energy minimization for automatic extraction of objects of interest
Iteration as programmed event during polyketide assembly; molecular analysis of the aureothin biosynthesis gene cluster
Iterative learning control design of nonlinear multiple time-delay systems
Iterative reconstruction algorithms with alpha-divergence for PET imaging
Iterated local search algorithm based on very large-scale neighborhood for prize-collecting vehicle routing problem
Iterated tabu search for identifying community structure in complex networks
Iterative convergence theorems for maximal monotone operators and relatively nonexpansive mappings
Iterative approximation of a zero of accretive operator in Banach space
Iterative algorithms for nonexpansive mappings
Iterative Algorithms for General Multivalued Variational Inequalities
Iterative algorithms for hierarchical fixed points problems and variational inequalities
Iterative Algorithms Approach to Variational Inequalities and Fixed Point Problems
Iterative methods for finding minimum-norm fixed points of nonexpansive mappings with applications
Iterative approximation to common fixed points of nonexpansive mapping sequences in reflexive Banach spaces
Iterative algorithms for variational inclusions, mixed equilibrium and fixed point problems with application to optimization problems
Iteration scheme with perturbed mapping for common fixed points of a finite family of nonexpansive mappings
Iterative Solutions of Singular Boundary Value Problems of Third-Order Differential Equation
Iterative sIB algorithm
Iterative algorithms for solving a class of complex conjugate and transpose matrix equations
Iterative approximation for a zero of accretive operator and fixed points problems in Banach space
Iterative Multiuser Detection for Cooperative MIMO Systems over Quasi-Static Fading Channels
Iterative Receivers Based on Subblock Processing for Phase Noise Compensation in OFDM Systems
Iterative learning control of molten steel level in a continuous casting process
Iteratively constrained selection of word alignment links using knowledge and statistics
Iterative solutions to coupled Sylvester-transpose matrix equations
Iterative Path Tracking of an Omni-Directional Mobile Robot
Iterative Regularity and Parent-Offspring Growth Mold of Stable Grain Array in Bismuth Silicate Micro-Crystals
Iterative resonance self-shielding methods using resonance integral table in heterogeneous transport lattice calculations
Iterative Soft Joint Detection Algorithm for OFDM Systems
Iterative process for G(2)-multi degree reduction of Bezier curves
Iterative Methods for Family of Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings and System of Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems and Variational Inequality Problems
Iterative approximation method for finite family of relatively quasi nonexpansive mappings and systems of equilibrium problems
Iterative algorithms for the minimum-norm solution and the least-squares solution of the linear matrix equations A(1)XB(1) + (C1XD1)-D-T = M-1, A(2)XB(2) + (C2XD2)-D-T = M-2
Iterative approach to generator maintenance schedule considering unexpected unit failures in restructured power systems
Iterative hard-threshold algorithm with momentum
Iterative solutions for zeros of multivalued accretive operators
Iterative Algorithm for Joint Zero Diagonalization with Application in Blind Source Separation
Iterative Coded Multipulse Pulse Position Modulation for High Data Rate Optical Space Communication
Iterative Learning Control Algorithm with a Fixed Step
Iterative Robust Minimum Variance Beamforming
Iterative regularization and inverse scale space methods with wave atoms
Iterative Algorithms for Finding Common Solutions to Variational Inclusion Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems
Iterative Adaptive Spatial Filtering for Noise-Suppression in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Time-Series
Iterative Approaches to Find Zeros of Maximal Monotone Operators by Hybrid Approximate Proximal Point Methods
Iterative Methods for Triple Hierarchical Variational Inequalities in Hilbert Spaces
Iterative Transmit/Receive Antenna Selection in MIMO Systems Based on Channel Capacity Analysis
Iterative N-way partial least squares for a binary self-paced brain-computer interface in freely moving animals
Iterated function system and Galton-Watson tree
Iterative low-complexity multi-user detection for asynchronous multi-sequence signalling based bit-interleaved coded modulation code division multiple access systems
Iterative multiuser detection for single-carrier modulation with frequency-domain equalization
Iteration particle swarm optimization for contract capacities selection of time-of-use rates industrial customers
Iterative method of computing pressure loss in horizontal wells
Iterative learning-based laser beam tracker.
Iterative estimators of parameters in linear models with partially variant coefficients
Iterative approximation to convex feasibility problems in Banach space
Iterative methods for the extremal positive definite solution of the matrix equation X+A*X-(alpha)A=Q star
Iterative inversion of global magnetospheric information from energy neutral atom (ENA) images recorded by the TC-2/NUADU instrument
Iterative frequency domain joint-over-antenna detection in Multiuser MIMO
Iterative multiuser detection for single-carrier transmission with SFBC
Iterative Solutions to the Inverse Geometric Problem for Manipulators with no Closed Form Solution
Iterative learning controllers with time-varying gains for large-scale industrial processes to track trajectories with different magnitudes
Iterative calculations of a few lowest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of large generalized eigenvalue problem
Iterative construction of fixed points of nonself-mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative multiuser detection with spectral efficient protocol for relay-assisted SC-FDE
Iterated Cooperation and Possible Deviations Between Liner Shipping Carriers Based on Noncooperative Game Theory
Iterated Oscillation Criteria for Delay Dynamic Equations of First Order
Iterative inversion of global magnetospheric ion distributions using energetic neutral atom (ENA) images recorded by the NUADU/TC2 instrument
Iterated unscented Kalman filter for passive target tracking
Iterative methods for solving a system of variational inclusions involving H-eta-monotone operators in Banach spaces
Iterative algorithms for off-axis double-phase computer-generated holograms implemented with phase-only spatial light modulators
Iterative schemes for zero points of maximal monotone operators and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings and their applications
Iteration methods for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind
Iterative least squares functional networks classifier
Iterative algorithms and convergence theorems for solving F-IGVIP and F-IGCP
Iterative algorithm of solutions for multivalued general mixed implicit equilibrium-like problems
Iterative learning-based minimum tracking error entropy controller for robotic manipulators with random communication time delays
Iterative scheme for nonself generalized asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mappings
Iterative joint design approach for failure-independent path-protecting p-cycle networks
Iterative Multiuser Detection with Spectral Efficient Relaying Protocols for Single-Carrier Transmission
Iterative SNR estimation using a priori information
Iterative Solution of Large-Scale Linear Equations
Iterative Coded Modulation With Code Rate Flexibility for Optical Space Communications
Iterative methods for solving a nonlinear boundary inverse problem in glaciology
Iterative reproducing kernel method for nonlinear oscillator with discontinuity
Iterative algorithm for minimal norm least squares solution to general linear matrix equations
Iterative methods for generalized equilibrium problems and fixed point problems with applications
Iterative thresholding compressed sensing MRI based on contourlet transform
Iterative Wiener deconvolution based method for phase retrieval from noisy intensities
Iterative methods for a forward-backward heat equation in two-dimension
Iteratively re-weighted bi-cubic spline representation of corneal topography and its comparison to the standard methods
Iterative timing recovery via soft decision metrics of low-density parity-check decoding
Iterative Algorithms with Variable Coefficients for Asymptotically Strict Pseudocontractions
Iterative Algorithms with Variable Coefficients for Multivalued Generalized Phi-Hemicontractive Mappings without Generalized Lipschitz Assumption
Iterative node matching between complex networks
Iterative Decoding Threshold Analysis for LDPC Convolutional Codes
Iterative algorithms for variational inequality and equilibrium problems with applications
Iterative algorithms for a general system of generalized nonlinear mixed composite-type equilibria
Iterative compression and exact algorithms
Iterative Algorithms for Mixed Equilibrium Problems, Strict Pseudocontractions and Monotone Mappings
Iterative methods for the split feasibility problem in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces
Iterative Schemes for Generalized Equilibrium Problem and Two Maximal Monotone Operators
Iterative Channel Estimation and Successive ICI Cancellation for OFDM Systems over Doubly Selective Channels
Iterative support vector machine with guaranteed accuracy and run time
Iterative algorithm of wavelet network learning from nonuniform data
Iteration-based identification of faulty links in LEO/MEO satellite communication networks
Iterative schemes for approximating solutions of generalized variational inequalities in Banach spaces
Iterative Approaches to Solving Equilibrium Problems and Fixed Point Problems of Infinitely Many Nonexpansive Mappings
Iterative PET Image Reconstruction Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transform
Iterative Non-m/z-sharing Rule for Confident and Sensitive Protein Identification of Non-shotgun Proteomics
Iterative Single-Antenna Interference Cancellation: Algorithms and Results
Iteration calculations of periodic solutions to nonlinear jerk equations
Iterative solvers within sequences of large linear systems in non-linear structural mechanics
Iterative convergence to Cesaro means for continuous pseudocontractive mappings
Iterative construction for common fixed points of finitely many nonexpansive mappings
Iterative roots of mappings with a unique set-value point
Iterative identification and control design with optimal excitation signals based on upsilon-gap
Iterative Approach for Multiuser Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Interleaved OFDMA Uplink
Iterative Tikhonov regularization inversion for dual-laterolog in horizontally stratified media
Iterative solutions to matrix equations of the form A(i)XB(i) = F-i
Iterated variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
Iterative design of variable fractional-order IIR differintegrators
Iterative cluster-NMA: A tool for generating conformational transitions in proteins
Iterative Detection for Spectral Efficient User Cooperative Transmissions over Multipath Fading Channels
Iterative solution of the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem from the transient scattered field
Iterative generalized cross-validation for fusing heteroscedastic data of inverse ill-posed problems
Iteration methods on sideways parabolic equations
Iterative bit and power allocation for multi-cell orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with minimum variance distortionless response beamforming
Iterated function systems and well-posedness
Iterative Off-Resonance and Signal Decay Estimation and Correction for Multi-Echo MRI
Iterated Limits and the Moderate Deviation for Dependent Variables
Iterative Formulas and Estimation Formulas for Computing Normal Depth of Horseshoe Cross-Section Tunnel
Iterative methods for solving linear matrix equation and linear matrix system
Iterative approximation of solutions for semilinear parabolic equations system
Iterative approximation of solutions for a class of completely. generalized set-valued quasi-variational inclusions
Iterative algorithms for a new system of nonlinear variational inclusions with (A, eta)-accretive mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative algorithm for finding approximate solutions of mixed quasi-variational-like inclusions
Iterative and direct Chebyshev collocation spectral methods for one-dimensional radiative heat transfer
Iterates of a Berezin-type transform
Iterative decentralized PID tuning based on gain and phase margins for TITO systems
Iterative approximation to common fixed points of a countable family of nonexpansive mappings
Iterative selection methods for the common fixed point problems in a Banach space
Iterative methods for solving variational inclusions in Banach spaces
Iterative solution to the notched waveform design in cognitive ultra-wideband radio system
Iterative algorithms for solving the matrix equation AXB+(CXD)-D-T = E
Iter Design Review: Tritium issues
Iterative estimating equations: Linear convergence and asymptotic properties
Iterative decoding of SPC outer coded concatenation codes with maximal ratio combining
Iterative precoding scheme for downlink OFDMA system with carrier-frequency offset
Iterative regularization and nonlinear inverse scale space based on translation invariant wavelet shrinkage
Iterative reconfigurable tree search detection of MIMO systems
Iterative learning variable structure controller for high-speed and high-precision point-to-point motion
Iterative approximations of solutions for systems of nonlinear operator equations in Banach spaces
Iterative learning control of SOFC based on ARX identification model
Iterative parameter identification methods for nonlinear functions
Iterative learning based fault detection and estimation in nonlinear systems
Iterated fast multiscale Galerkin methods for Fredholm integral equations of second kind with weakly singular kernels
Iterative roots of piecewise monotonic functions of nonmonotonicity height not less than 2
Iterative roots with circuits for piecewise continuous and globally periodic maps
Iterative 4D cardiac micro-CT image reconstruction using an adaptive spatio-temporal sparsity prior
Iterative methods for zero points of accretive operators in Banach spaces
Iterated commutators of multilinear fractional operators with rough kernels
Iterative Narrowband-Based Graph Cuts Optimization for Geodesic Active Contours With Region Forces (GACWRF)
Iterated hybrid metaheuristic algorithms for unrelated parallel machines problem with unequal ready times and sequence-dependent setup times
Iterative linear integral isoconversional method: Theory and application
Iteration process for multiple rogers-ramanujan identities
Iterative Superlinear-Convergence SVD Beamforming Algorithm and VLSI Architecture for MIMO-OFDM Systems
Iterative Schemes for a Class of Mixed Trifunction Variational Inequalities
Iterative algorithms for minimum-norm fixed point of non-expansive mapping in hilbert space
Iterative Receiver in Time-Frequency Domain for Shallow Water Acoustic Channel
Iterative method for fixed point problem, variational inequality and generalized mixed equilibrium problems with applications
Iterative Detection and ICI Cancellation for MISO-mode DVB-T2 System with Dual Carrier Frequency Offsets
Iterative approximation of common fixed points for two quasi-phi-nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative Block DFE for Underwater Acoustic Single Carrier System
Iterative learning approaches to design finite-time consensus protocols for multi-agent systems
Iterative reweighted recursive least squares for robust positioning
Iterative algorithm of solutions for a system of generalized mixed implicity equilibrium problems in reflexive Banach spaces
Iterative Truncated Arithmetic Mean Filter and Its Properties
Iterative Algorithm for Common Fixed Points of Infinite Family of Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces
Iterative algorithms for common elements in fixed point sets and zero point sets with applications
Iterated time series prediction with multiple support vector regression models
Iterative Procrustes alignment with the EM algorithm
Iterative quantum algorithm for distributed clock synchronization
Iterative learning control for a class of nonlinear systems with random packet losses
Iterative Algorithms for Decoding a Class of Two-Step Majority-Logic Decodable Cyclic Codes
Iteration domain H-infinity-optimal iterative learning controller design
Iterative processes with errors for nonlinear set-valued variational inclusions involving accretive type mappings
Iterative algorithm for a system of variational inclusions involving H-accretive operators in Banach spaces
Iterative prescription refinement in fully discretized inverse problems of radiation therapy planning
Iteration method for predicting essential proteins based on orthology and protein-protein interaction networks
Iterative carrier phase recovery methods in turbo receivers
Iterative learning belief rule-base inference methodology using evidential reasoning for delayed coking unit
Iterative range alignment method with optimised weighted fitting for an inverse synthetic aperture radar
Iterative Deadlock Control by Using Petri Nets
Iterative image reconstruction for cerebral perfusion CT using a pre-contrast scan induced edge-preserving prior
Iterative On-Surface Discretized Boundary Equation Method for 2-D Scattering Problems
Iterative algorithms for a system of generalized variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces
Iterative solution of integral equation for potential field continuation from an irregular surface to a horizontal plane
Iterative algorithms based on the viscosity approximation method for equilibrium and constrained convex minimization problem
Iterative Parameter Estimation for a Class of Multivariable Systems Based on the Hierarchical Identification Principle and the Gradient Search
Iterative three-dimensional rigid object pose estimation with contour correspondence
Iterative learning control with initial state learning for fractional order nonlinear systems
Iterated Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter for Maneuvering Target Tracking using TDOA Measurements
Iterative decision feedback equalizer with cyclic detection for DFT-S OFDM system
Iterative algorithms with errors for zero points of m-accretive operators
Iterative learning control for a class of non-linear switched systems
Iterative identification algorithm for Wiener nonlinear systems using the Newton method
Iterative construction of Dupin cyclide characteristic circles using non-stationary Iterated Function Systems (IFS)
Iterated twisted tensor products of nonlocal vertex algebras
Iterative reconstruction for few-view grating-based phase-contrast CT -An in vitro mouse model
Iterative modal strain energy method for damage severity estimation using frequency measurements
Iterative reconstruction algorithm for half-cover dual helical cone-beam computed tomography
Iterative method for multimode waveguide design
Iterative and recursive least squares estimation algorithms for moving average systems
Iterative Interpolation for Parameter Estimation of LFM Signal Based on Fractional Fourier Transform
Iterated tabu search for the circular open dimension problem
Iterative clipping and filtering based on discrete cosine transform/inverse discrete cosine transform for intensity modulator direct detection optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system
Iterative data interpolation beyond aliasing using seislet transform
Iterative Nonlocal Total Variation Regularization Method for Image Restoration
Iterative methods for constrained convex minimization problem in Hilbert spaces
Iterative approximation of solutions of equations of Hammerstein type in certain Banach spaces
Iterated Space-Time Code Constructions From Cyclic Algebras
Iterative adaptive synthetic correlation output filters
Iterative algorithm for solutions to new system of generalized mixed implicit equilibrium
Iterative design of two-dimensional critically sampled MDFT modulated filter banks
Iterative solution to twin image problem in in-line digital holography
Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems: A Bounded-Error Algorithm
Iterative Methodology of Pressure-Dependent Demand Based on EPANET for Pressure-Deficient Water Distribution Analysis
Iterative image restoration using nonstationary priors
Iterative Decomposed OFDM Channel Estimation Algorithm Over Highly Mobile Channels
Iterative Nearest Neighborhood Oversampling in Semisupervised Learning from Imbalanced Data
Iterative phase-shifting algorithm immune to random phase shifts and tilts
Iterative LMMSE Channel Estimation and Decoding Based on Probabilistic Bias
Iterative Wiener filter
Iterative Reweighted Noninteger Norm Regularizing SVM for Gene Expression Data Classification
Iterative numerical methods for sampling from high dimensional Gaussian distributions
Iterated stochastic measurements
Iterative correction of Hi-C data reveals hallmarks of chromosome organization
Iterated vanishing cycles
Iterative finite element model updating in the time domain
Iterative Regularization and Nonlinear Inverse Scale Space in Curvelet-type Decomposition Spaces
Iterative approximation of zeroes of monotone operators and system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems
Iterative Channel Estimation with Frequency Replacement for SC-FDMA Systems
Iterative algorithm without search for limit analysis of structures under multi-loading systems
Iterative NR decoding aided channel estimation for TDS-OFDM systems with transmit diversity
Iterative image fusion method based on objective evaluation
Iterative blind deconvolution of adaptive optics images
Iterative multi-attribute multi-unit reverse auctions
Iterative compensation control of 3-DOF rotational parallel mechanism based on forward kinematics
Iterative learning identification method for the macroscopic traffic
Iterative learning based adaptive traffic signal control
Iterative shrinking filtering algorithm with nonlinear state constraints
Iterative sib algorithm based on simulated annealing
Iterative predictive compatible optimization control and its application on oversaturated traffic network control
Iterative reconstruction algorithm of projection data truncation problem caused by the long chords of pipe wall
Iterative evaluation matching algorithm for geomagnetic navigation
Iterative directional total variation refinement for compressive sensing image reconstruction
Iterate ZF-SO beam forming algorithm on sum capacity criteria
Iterative learning control and repetitive control in hard disk drive industry - A tutorial
Iterative method for deblurring problem based on the least squared criterion
Iterative Nonlinear Tikhonov Algorithm With Constraints for Electromagnetic Tomography
Iterative path integral formulation of equilibrium correlation functions for quantum dissipative systems
Iterative path integral calculation of quantum correlation functions for dissipative systems
Iterative Saturation Mutagenesis of-6 Subsite Residues in Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from Paenibacillus macerans To Improve Maltodextrin Specificity for 2-O-D-Glucopyranosyl-L-Ascorbic Acid Synthesis
Iterative learning for electromagnetic vibrating machine control
Iterative design of one-dimensional efficient seismic L-p infinite impulse response f-x digital filters
Iterative operations on microdroplets and continuous monitoring of processes within them; determination of solubility diagrams
Iterative common solutions for monotone inclusion problems, fixed point problems and equilibrium problems
Iterative Algorithm for Solving a Class of Quaternion Matrix Equation over the Generalized (P, Q)-Reflexive Matrices
Iterative Solution to a System of Matrix Equations
Iterative algorithms with regularization for hierarchical variational inequality problems and convex minimization problems
Iterative method and convergence analysis for a kind of mixed nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equation
Iterative Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Crystallography to Study Ion-Trapping and Rearrangements by a Flexible Cluster
Iterative Soft Decoding of Reed-Solomon Convolutional Concatenated Codes
Iterative channel estimation and data detection for MIMO-OFDM systems operating in time-frequency dispersive channels under unknown background noise
Iterative processes for common fixed points of two different families of mappings with applications
Iterative decomposition method for small foot-print LiDAR waveform
Iterative Calculation of Plasma Density from a Cylindrical Probe Characteristic
Iterative Image Reconstruction for Sparse-View CT Using Normal-Dose Image Induced Total Variation Prior
Iterative Methods for Equilibrium Problems and Monotone Inclusion Problems in Hilbert Spaces
Iterative feature removal yields highly discriminative pathways
Iterative reweighted total generalized variation based Poisson noise removal model
Iterated Fast Collocation Methods for Integral Equations of the Second Kind
Iteratively reweighted LASSO for mapping multiple quantitative trait loci
Iterative Discovery of Multiple Alternative Clustering Views
Iterative Joint Beamforming Training with Constant-Amplitude Phased Arrays in Millimeter-Wave Communications
Iterative Methods in Penalty Finite Element Discretizations for the Steady Navier-Stokes Equations
Iterative Algorithms for New General Systems of Set-Valued Variational Inclusions Involving (A, eta)-Maximal Relaxed Monotone Operators
Iterative Selection of Unknown Weights in Direct Weight Optimization Identification
Iterative learning control for discrete time-varying switched systems
Iterative Schemes by a New Generalized Resolvent for a Monotone Mapping and a Relatively Weak Nonexpansive Mapping (Retracted article. See 279526, 2014)
Iterative Schemes for Finite Families of Maximal Monotone Operators Based on Resolvents
Iterative Scheme with Errors for Common Zeros of Finite Accretive Mappings and Nonlinear Elliptic Systems
Iterative Learning Control of Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuators
Iterative Learning Control Design and Application for Linear Continuous Systems with Variable Initial States Based on 2-D System Theory
Iterative methods for the split common fixed point problem in Hilbert spaces
Iterative Solutions of a Set of Matrix Equations by Using the Hierarchical Identification Principle
Iterative supervirtual refraction interferometry
Iteration for a Third-Order Three-Point BVP with Sign-Changing Green's Function
Iterative acquisition method based on Grey code for weak global positioning system signal
Iterative Consensus for a Class of Second-order Multi-agent Systems
Iterative Computation for Solving the Variational Inequality and the Generalized Equilibrium Problem
Iterative transductive learning for automatic image segmentation and matting with RGB-D data
Iterative method to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-transpose linear matrix equations over reflexive or anti-reflexive matrix
Iterative algorithm of common solutions for a constrained convex minimization problem, a quasi-variational inclusion problem and the fixed point problem of a strictly pseudo-contractive mapping
Iterative algorithms for quasi-variational inclusions and fixed point problems of pseudocontractions
Iterative algorithms for systems of extended regularized nonconvex variational inequalities and fixed point problems
Iterative algorithms for finding minimum-norm fixed point of nonexpansive mappings and applications
Iterative Refinement Methods for Enhanced Information Retrieval
Iterative algorithms based on hybrid method and Cesaro mean of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings for equilibrium problems
Iterative penalty methods for the steady Navier-Stokes equations
Iterative Schemes for Convex Minimization Problems with Constraints
Iterative Algorithms for Systems of Generalized Equilibrium Problems with the Constraints of Variational Inclusion and Fixed Point Problems
Iterative resource allocation for ranking spreaders in complex networks
Iterative Method to Detect Atrial Activations and Measure Cycle Length From Electrograms During Atrial Fibrillation
Iterative gradient projection algorithm for two-dimensional compressive sensing sparse image reconstruction
Iterative learning control for a class of non-affine-in-input processes in Hilbert space
Iterative Group Splitting Algorithm For Opportunistic Scheduling Systems
Iterative roots of piecewise monotonic functions with finite nonmonotonicity height
Iterative Approximation of the Minimal and Maximal Positive Solutions for Multipoint Fractional Boundary Value Problem on an Unbounded Domain
Iterative Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics-Single-Particle Model for Intraparticle Transfer and Catalytic Hydrogenation Reaction of Dimethyl Oxalate in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor
Iterative estimation methods for Hammerstein controlled autoregressive moving average systems based on the key-term separation principle
Iterative solutions of singular (k, n-k) conjugate boundary value problems with dependence on the derivatives
Iterative Genome Correction Largely Improves Proteomic Analysis of Nonmodel Organisms
Iterative Algorithms for the Split Problem and Its Convergence Analysis
Iteration theory of L-index and multiplicity of brake orbits
Iterative learning control for trajectory tracking of farm vehicles
Iterative Pricing-Based Rate Allocation for Video Streams With Fluctuating Bandwidth Availability
Iterative ghost imaging
Iterative generalized synchrosqueezing transform for fault diagnosis of wind turbine planetary gearbox under nonstationary conditions
Iterative driver-response dynamics of human-environment interactions in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands
Iterative Antenna Selection for Multi-Stream MIMO under a Holistic Power Model
Iterative estimation of solutions to noisy nonlinear operator equations in nonparametric instrumental regression
Iteratively reweighted second-order regularization based multiplicative noise removal model
Iterative parabolic Radon transform for primary and multiple separations
Iterative Receiver for Hybrid Asymmetrically Clipped Optical OFDM
Iterative unbiased FIR state estimation: a review of algorithms
Iterative schemes for approximating solution of nonlinear operators in Banach spaces
Iterative inverse halftoning based on texture-enhancing deconvolution and error-compensating feedback
Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for CT: Can Radiation Dose Be Decreased While Low-Contrast Detectability Is Preserved?
Iterative projection algorithms in protein crystallography. I. Theory
Iterative Frequency-Domain Packet Combining Techniques for UWB Systems with Strong Interference Levels
Iterative refinement techniques for solving block linear systems of equations
Iterative reconstruction techniques for computed tomography Part 1: Technical principles
Iterative reconstruction techniques for computed tomography part 2: initial results in dose reduction and image quality
Iterative synthesis of monodisperse PEG homostars and linear heterobifunctional PEG
Iterated splitting and the classification of knot tunnels
Iterates of Bernstein Type Operators on a Triangle with All Curved Sides
Iterative algorithms for monotone inclusion problems, fixed point problems and minimization problems
Iterative Thresholding Algorithm for Multiexponential Decay Applied to PGSE NMR Data
Iterative receiver with soft-input-based-channel estimation for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-interleave division multiple access systems
Iterative Methods for Pseudocontractive Mappings in Banach Spaces
Iterative rank-order normalization of gene expression microarray data
Iterative path integral summation for nonequilibrium quantum transport
Iterative Control of Piezoactuator for Evaluating Biomimetic, Cilia-Based Micromixing
Iterative reconstruction improves evaluation of native aortic and mitral valves by retrospectively ECG-gated thoracoabdominal CTA
Iterative method for solving geometrically nonlinear inverse problems of structural element shaping under creep conditions
Iterative refinement of hierarchical T-meshes for bases of spline spaces with highest order smoothness
Iterative dual energy material decomposition from spatial mismatched raw data sets
Iterative reconstruction model and reconstruction method for dual energy computed tomography
Iterative Type I Polyketide Synthases Involved in Enediyne Natural Product Biosynthesis
Iterative reducible ligation to form homogeneous penicillamine cross-linked polypeptides
Iterative mass balance method for the multi-commodity flow maximisation problem
Iterative reconstruction using a Monte Carlo based system transfer matrix for dedicated breast positron emission tomography
Iteration complexity of randomized block-coordinate descent methods for minimizing a composite function
Iterative Learning Control Based on Relaxed 2-D Systems Stability Criteria
Iterative Method for Predistortion of MRI Gradient Waveforms
Iterative fixed point theorems in E-metric spaces
Iterative perceptual learning for social behavior synthesis
Iterative solutions for a coupled system of fractional differential-integral equations with two-point boundary conditions
Iteration-discretization methods for variational inequalities over fixed point sets
Iterative second-order derivative-based deinterlacing algorithm
Iterative Trapping of Gaseous Volatile Organic Compounds in a Capillary Column
Iterative multimodal processes scheduling
Iterative Quantization: A Procrustean Approach to Learning Binary Codes for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations or Systems and Their Applications
Iterative total-variation reconstruction versus weighted filtered-backprojection reconstruction with edge-preserving filtering
Iteration method in linear elasticity of random structure composites containing heterogeneities of noncanonical shape
Iterated beam search for the combined car sequencing and level scheduling problem
Iterative reweighted minimization methods for regularized unconstrained nonlinear programming
Iterative hard thresholding methods for regularized convex cone programming
Iterative Method for Inverse Nonlinear Image Processing
Iteration-complexity of first-order penalty methods for convex programming
Iterative Development and Reliability of the OMERACT Hand Osteoarthritis MRI Scoring System
Iterative CT reconstruction via minimizing adaptively reweighted total variation
Iterated local search heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking
Iterated open neighborhood graphs and generalizations
Iterative Grassmannian optimization for robust image alignment
Iterative Recovery of Dense Signals from Incomplete Measurements
Iterative phenotyping of 15q11.2, 15q13.3 and 16p13.11 microdeletion carriers in pediatric epilepsies
Iterative structure of finite loop integrals
Iterative Methods of Richardson-Lucy-Type for Image Deblurring
Iterated linear comparison bounds for viscoplastic porous materials with "ellipsoidal" microstructures
Iterative Category Discovery via Multiple Kernel Metric Learning
Iterative, backscatter-analysis algorithms for increasing transmission and focusing light through highly scattering random media
Iterative Data-Driven Tuning of Controllers for Nonlinear Systems With Constraints
Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization With Generalized Approximate Message Passing
Iterative performance of various formulations of the SPN equations
Iterative Image Reconstruction and Its Role in Cardiothoracic Computed Tomography
Iterative cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for recurrent peritoneal metastases
Iterated crowdsourcing dilemma game
Iterative Learning Control With Mixed Constraints for Point-to-Point Tracking
Iterative-deepening search with on-line tree size prediction
Iterative Learning Identification Applied to Automated Off-Highway Vehicle
Iterative Splitting Methods for Integrodifferential Equations: Theory and Applications
Iterative design of a semi-autonomous social telepresence robot research platform: a chronology
Iterative Molecular Dynamics-Rosetta Protein Structure Refinement Protocol to Improve Model Quality
Iterative Sparse Asymptotic Minimum Variance Based Approaches for Array Processing
Iterative Image Reconstruction Techniques Cardiothoracic Computed Tomography Applications
Iterative Image Reconstruction Techniques for CT Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification: Comparison with Traditional Filtered Back Projection in Vitro and in Vivo
Iterative Graph Cuts for Image Segmentation with a Nonlinear Statistical Shape Prior
Iteratively Refined Guide Trees Help Improving Alignment and Phylogenetic Inference in the Mushroom Family Bolbitiaceae
Iterative skew minimization for low swing clocks
Iteration schemes for rapid post-stall aerodynamic prediction of wings using a decambering approach
Iterative Channel Decoding for PC-Based Software Radio DVB-T Receiver
Iterative Methods to Solve the Generalized Coupled Sylvester-Conjugate Matrix Equations for Obtaining the Centrally Symmetric (Centrally Antisymmetric) Matrix Solutions
Iterative learning control for a class of linear discrete-time switched systems
Iterative reconstruction and individualized automatic tube current selection reduce radiation dose while maintaining image quality in 320-multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography
Iterative learning control for robotic-assisted upper limb stroke rehabilitation in the presence of muscle fatigue
Iterative Linear Interpolation Based on Fuzzy Gradient Model for Low-Cost VLSI Implementation
Iterative determination of threshold FRP area needed to avoid non-ductile longitudinal shear failures in yield-zones of FRPRC members
Iteratively reweighted total least squares: a robust estimation in errors-in-variables models
Iterative Learning for Reference-Guided DNA Sequence Assembly From Short Reads: Algorithms and Limits of Performance
Iteration of holomorphic maps on Lie balls
Iterative Receiver Processing for OFDM Modulated Physical-Layer Network Coding in Underwater Acoustic Channels
Iterative image-domain decomposition for dual-energy CT
Iterative data detection and channel estimation for space-time block coded continuous phase modulation over flat fading channels
Iterative methods for hierarchical common fixed point problems and variational inequalities
Iterative Overlap QRM-ML Block Detection for Single-Carrier MIMO Transmission Without CP Insertion
Iterative methods for solving large-scale problems of structural mechanics using multi-core computers
Iterated preconditioned LSQR method for inverse problems on unstructured grids
Iterative k-t Principal Component Analysis with Nonrigid Motion Correction for Dynamic Three-Dimensional Cardiac Perfusion Imaging
Iterative roots of multidimensional operators and applications to dynamical systems
Iterated function systems consisting of F-contractions
Iterative simulation of 3D heat diffusion in a medium with multiple cracks
Iterative design method for an image filter to improve the bit error rate in holographic data storage systems
Iterative Learning in Ballistic Control: Formulation of Spatial Learning Processes for Endpoint Control
Iterative Decoding of Coded THP with Quantized Output
Iterative source and channel decoding relying on correlation modelling for wireless video transmission
Iterative meta-clustering through granular hierarchy of supermarket customers and products
Iterative deconvolution of quadrupole split NMR spectra
Iterative analysis of pore-dynamic models discretized by finite elements
Iteration of self-maps on a product of Hilbert balls
Iterative dynamic analysis of linear and nonlinear fully saturated porous media considering edge-based smoothed meshfree techniques
Iterative DC Optimization of Precoding in Wireless MIMO Relaying
Iterative Feature Normalization Scheme for Automatic Emotion Detection from Speech
Iterative Method for Mass Spectra Recalibration via Empirical Estimation of the Mass Calibration Function for Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry-Based Petroleomics
Iterative Coding for Network Coding
Iterates of increasing sequences of positive integers
Iterating Brownian Motions, Ad Libitum
Iterative Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation
Iterative Learning Control for Improved Aerodynamic Load Performance of Wind Turbines With Smart Rotors
Iterative Elastic 3D-to-2D Alignment Method Using Normal Modes for Studying Structural Dynamics of Large Macromolecular Complexes
Iterative Synchronization-Assisted Detection of OFDM Signals in Cognitive Radio Systems
Iterative reconstruction of cryo-electron tomograms using nonuniform fast Fourier transforms
Iterative methods for solving equilibrium problems, variational inequalities and fixed points of nonexpansive semigroups
Iterative and core-guided MaxSAT solving: A survey and assessment
Iterative Mixture Component Pruning Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter
Iterative scheme for a nonexpansive mapping, an eta-strictly pseudo-contractive mapping and variational inequality problems in a uniformly convex and 2-uniformly smooth Banach space
Iterative rank estimation for generalized linear models
Iterative Algorithm and Architecture for Exponential, Logarithm, Powering, and Root Extraction
Iterative Frequency-Domain Detection for IA-Precoded MC-CDMA Systems
Iterative reconstruction algorithm for analyzer-based phase-contrast computed tomography of hard and soft tissue
Iterated snowdrift game among mobile agents with myopic expected-reward based decision rule: Numerical and analytical research
Iterative Predistortion of the Nonlinear Satellite Channel
Iterative phase retrieval for simultaneously generating two phase-only masks with silhouette removal in interference-based optical encryption
Iterative Reconstruction of High-Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models Based on a New Method to Estimate Partial Correlations under Constraints
Iterative learning and adaptive fault-tolerant control with application to high-speed trains under unknown speed delays and control input saturations
Iterative Coupling Between the TBEM and the MFS Part I - Acoustic Wave Propagation
Iterative Learning Control with Advanced Output Data Using an Estimation of the Impulse Response
Iterative model reconstruction: Improved image quality of low-tube-voltage prospective ECG-gated coronary CT angiography images at 256-slice CT
Iterative block level principal component averaging medical image fusion
Iterative Algorithms for Data Reconciliation Estimator Using Generalized t-Distribution Noise Model
Iterative learning control of a plastic injection moulding machine
Iterated Joining of Rooted Trees
Iterated periodicity over finite aperiodic semigroups
Iterative minimization of the Rayleigh quotient by block steepest descent iterations
Iterated clique graphs and bordered compact surfaces
Iterative approximation methods for mixed equilibrium problems for a countable family of quasi-phi-asymptotically nonexpansive multivalued mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative reconstruction technique vs filter back projection: utility for quantitative bronchial assessment on low-dose thin-section MDCT in patients with/without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Iterative interference cancellation in multiuser relaying with fast frequency-hopping modulation
Iterative Decoding Algorithms for a Class of Non-Binary Two-Step Majority-Logic Decodable Cyclic Codes
Iterative random search: a new local minima resistant algorithm for motion estimation in high-definition videos
Iterative learning control in optimal tracking problems with specified data points
Iterative derivation of effective potentials to sample the conformational space of proteins at atomistic scale
Iterative evaluation of the effect of long-range potentials on the solution of the Schrodinger equation
Iterative learning control for output-constrained systems with both parametric and nonparametric uncertainties
Iterative Demodulation and Decoding of Uplink Multiuser M-ary FSK Using OFDMA Mapping
Iterative alpha-Glycosylation Strategy for 2-Deoxy- and 2,6-Dideoxysugars: Application to the One-Pot Synthesis of Deoxysugar-Containing Oligosaccharides
Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms of Computed Tomography for the Assessment of Small Pancreatic Lesions: Phantom Study
Iterative Diagonalization in the Multiconfigurational Time-Dependent Hartree Approach: Ro-vibrational Eigenstates
Iterative reconstructed ultra high pitch CT pulmonary angiography with cardiac bowtie-shaped filter in the acute setting: Effect on dose and image quality
Iteration Complexity of Feasible Descent Methods for Convex Optimization
Iterative approximation of common element of solution sets of various nonlinear operator problems
Iterative Joint Detection, ICI Cancelation and Estimation of Multiple CFOs and Channels for DVB-T2 in MISO Transmission Mode
Iterative reconstruction methods in two different MDCT scanners: Physical metrics and 4-alternative forced-choice detectability experiments - A phantom approach
Iterative True Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
Iterative method for optimal design of flat-spectral-response arrayed waveguide gratings
Iterative scenario based reduction technique for stochastic optimization using conditional value-at-risk
Iterative algorithm with mixed errors for solving a new system of generalized nonlinear variational-like inclusions and fixed point problems in Banach spaces
Iterative Decoding of Iterative Clipped and Filtered OFDM Signal
Iterative Closest Normal Point for 3D Face Recognition
Iterative Methods and Applications
Iterative analytic approximation to nonlinear convection dominated systems
Iterative learning control of a membrane deformable mirror for optimal wavefront correction
Iterative CT Reconstruction Using Shearlet-Based Regularization
Iterative Reconstruction of Coded Source Neutron Radiographs
Iterative multi-class multi-scale stacked sequential learning: Definition and application to medical volume segmentation
Iterative Reconstruction of the Transducer Surface Velocity
Iterative Data-Driven Controller Tuning with Actuator Constraints and Reduced Sensitivity
Iterative algorithm for maximum-likelihood estimation of the observation-error covariance matrix for ensemble-based filters
Iterative Methods for a Linearly Perturbed Algebraic Matrix Riccati Equation Arising in Stochastic Control
Iterative Detection-Decoding of Interleaved Hermitian Codes for High Density Storage Devices
Iterative Stochastic Elimination for Solving Complex Combinatorial Problems in Drug Discovery
Iterative methods for 3D implicit finite-difference migration using the complex Pade approximation
Iterative algorithm for weighted total least squares adjustment
Iterative Fragmentation of Cognitive Maps in a Visual Imagery Task
Iterative Linear Programming Decoding of Nonbinary LDPC Codes With Linear Complexity
Iterative SAGE-Based Channel Estimation in a Block Fading Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Network
Iterative, simulation-based shape modification by free-form deformation of the NC programs
Iterative regularisation in nonparametric instrumental regression
Iterative Closed-Loop Phase-Aware Single-Channel Speech Enhancement
Iterative Convex Approximation Based Real-Time Dynamic Spectrum Management in Multi-User Multi-Carrier Communication Systems
Iteratively regularized Newton-type methods for general data misfit functionals and applications to Poisson data
Iterative Curettage is Associated with Local Control in Giant Cell Tumors Involving the Distal Tibia
Iterative learning based fault diagnosis for discrete linear uncertain systems
Iterative methods for low rank approximation of graph similarity matrices
Iterative signal reconstruction of deliberately clipped SMT signals
Iterative Joint Estimation Procedure for Channel and Frequency Offset in Multi-Antenna OFDM Systems With an Insufficient Cyclic Prefix
Iterative Concave Rank Approximation for Recovering Low-Rank Matrices
Iterative alternating sequential (IAS) method for radio tomography of asteroids in 3D
Iterative Projective Gabor Method for Images Filtering
Iterative Ecological Radiation and Convergence during the Evolutionary History of Damselfishes (Pomacentridae)
Iterative linear focal-plane wavefront correction
Iterative noise removal from temperature and density profiles in the TJ-II Thomson scattering
Iterative Learning Control With Variable Sampling Frequency for Current Control of Grid-Connected Converters in Aircraft Power Systems
Iterative Calculation of Energy Eigenstates Employing the Multi layer Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree Theory
Iteration scheme for common fixed points of hemicontractive and nonexpansive operators in Banach spaces
Iterative feedback algorithm for phase-only Fresnel Hologram and display using liquid crystal on silicon
Iterative hard thresholding algorithm based on backtracking
Iterative factor clustering of binary data
Iterative bias reduction: a comparative study
Iterative solutions of the inverse problems of frequency sounding and electrical prospecting of layered media
Iterative Reconstruction in 256-MDCT of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts: Assessment of Radiation Dose Reduction and Image Quality
Iterative Distributed Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems: Handling Asynchronous, Delayed Measurements
Iterative Thoracentesis as First-Line Treatment of Complicated Parapneumonic Effusion
Iterative Spherical Downward Continuation Applied to Magnetic and Gravitational Data from Satellite
Iterative reconstruction of pulmonary MDCT angiography: Effects on image quality, effective dose and estimated organ dose to the breast
Iterative learning control of nonlinear system with state and control time delay
Iterative learning method based on variable-structure PI and its application in laminar cooling process
Iterative detection and decoding algorithm in dual polarized land mobile satellite MIMO systems
Iterative Learning Double Closed-Loop Structure for Modeling and Controller Design of Output Stochastic Distribution Control Systems
Iterative projection approach for phase retrieval of semi-sparse wave field
Iterated greedy local search methods for unrelated parallel machine scheduling
Iterative method on well bore boundary in numerical modeling of variably saturated flow
Iterative Support Detection-Based Split Bregman Method for Wavelet Frame-Based Image Inpainting
Iterative multi-user detection algorithm for UWB communication systems
Iterative Eigenvalue Decomposition and Multipath-Grouping Tx/Rx Joint Beamformings for Millimeter-Wave Communications
Iterative Non local Means Method for Despeckling Optical Coherence Tomography Images
Iterative Algorithm for Autonomous Star Identification
Iterative CBCT reconstruction using Hessian penalty
Iterated local search embedded adaptive neighborhood selection approach for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with simultaneous deliveries and pickups
Iterative learning control design method for linear discrete-time uncertain systems with iteratively periodic factors
Iterative learning control for uncertain linear distributed parameter systems with control delay
Iterative identification methods for input nonlinear multivariable systems using the key-term separation principle
Iterative learning control for networked stochastic systems with random packet losses
Iterative resource allocation based on propagation feature of node for identifying the influential nodes
Iterative Mid-Range with Application to Estimation Performance Evaluation
Iterative ensemble Kalman filter for atmospheric dispersion in nuclear accidents: An application to Kincaid tracer experiment
Iterative learning control design for linear discrete-time systems with multiple high-order internal models
Iterated local search optimized hashing for image copy detection
Iterative Method to Predict Effective Elastic Moduli of Multiphase Particulate Composites
Iterative Reliability-Based Modified Majority-Logic Decoding for Structured Binary LDPC Codes
Iterative Receiver Design for ISI Channels Using Combined Belief- and Expectation-Propagation
Iterative Homotopy Harmonic Balance Approach for Determining the Periodic Solution of a Strongly Nonlinear Oscillator
Iterative learning fault diagnosis algorithm for nonlinear systems based on extended filter
Iteration design of direct and inverse problems and flow analysis of mixed-flow pump impellers
Iteration inequalities of the VIaslov P-index theory with applications
Iterative solution to differential geometric guidance problem
Iterative Antenna Selection for Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems Under a Holistic Power Model
Iterative learning control algorithm for spiking behavior of neuron model
Iterative optimum frequency combination method for high efficiency phase imaging of absorptive objects based on phase transfer function
Iterative process for solving a multiple-set split feasibility problem
Iterative Identification Algorithms for Input Nonlinear Output Error Autoregressive Systems
Iterative channel estimation and equalization method based on the TDS-OFDM system
Iterative identification of block-oriented nonlinear systems based on biconvex optimization
Iterative signal detection algorithm based on factor graph in MIMO systems
Iterative MMSE-DFE and Error Transfer for OFDM in Doubly Selective Channels
Iteratively variable subset optimization for multivariate calibration
Iterative methods for solving consistent or inconsistent matrix inequality AXB >= C with linear constraints
Iterative Companding Transform and Filtering for Reducing PAPR of OFDM Signal
Iterative second-order optical eigenmode imaging
Iterative image reconstruction using non-local means with total variation from insufficient projection data
Iterative algorithms for X+A(T)X(-1)A=I by using the hierarchical identification principle
Iterative learning control based on extremum seeking
Iteratively reweighted unidirectional variational model for stripe non-uniformity correction
Iterative Usage of Fixed and Random Effect Models for Powerful and Efficient Genome-Wide Association Studies
Iterative Distributed Minimum Total MSE Approach for Secure Communications in MIMO Interference Channels
Iterative methods for solving scalar equations
Iterative algorithm for solving the multiple-sets split equality problem with split self-adaptive step size in Hilbert spaces
Iterative big data clustering algorithms: a review
Iterative Symbol Decoding of Variable-Length Codes with Convolutional Codes
Iterative Computed Tomography Reconstruction from Sparse-View Data
Iterative deep learning for image set based face and object recognition
Iterative reconstruction for CT perfusion with a prior-image induced hybrid nonlocal means regularization: Phantom studies
Iterative Constrained Minimization for Vectorial TV Image Deblurring
Iterative image reconstruction for limited-angle inverse helical cone-beam computed tomography
Iterative oscillation tests for differential equations with several non-monotone arguments
Iterative algorithm for the first passage time distribution in a jump-diffusion model with regime-switching, and its applications
Iterative learning control of a drop foot neuroprosthesis - Generating physiological foot motion in paretic gait by automatic feedback control
Iterative l(1)-min algorithm for fixed pattern noise removal in fiber-bundle-based endoscopic imaging
Iterative Symbol Recovery for Power-Efficient DC-Biased Optical OFDM Systems
Iterative algorithms for zeros of accretive operators and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
Iteratively parsing contour fragments for object detection
Iterations of computer- and template assisted mandibular or maxillary reconstruction with free flaps containing the lateral scapular border - Evolution of a biplanar plug-on cutting guide
Iterative update of route choice proportions in OD estimation
Iterated claws have real-rooted genus polynomials
Iterated Tikhonov Regularization for Spectral Recovery from Tristimulus
Iterative global-local procedure for the analysis of thin-walled composite laminates
Iterative two-step temporal phase-unwrapping applied to high sensitivity three-dimensional profilometry
Iterative ensemble normalized cuts
Iterative diagonalization of the non-Hermitian transcorrelated Hamiltonian using a plane-wave basis set: Application to sp-electron systems with deep core states
Iterating along a Prikry sequence
Iteration Interleaving-Based SIMD Lane Partition
Iterative randomized irregular circular algorithm for proliferation rate estimation in brain tumor Ki-67 histology images
Iterative learning control applied to a non-linear vortex panel model for improved aerodynamic load performance of wind turbines with smart rotors
Iterative re-weighted approach to high-resolution optical coherence tomography with narrow-band sources
Iterative key-residues interrogation of a phytase with thermostability increasing substitutions identified in directed evolution
Iterative quantum-classical path integral with dynamically consistent state hopping
Iterative Learning Identification for Linear Time-Varying Systems
Iterative structural identification framework for evaluation of existing structures
Iterative Reweighted Minimax Phase Error Designs of IIR Digital Filters With Nearly Linear Phases
Iterated local search using an add and delete hyper-heuristic for university course timetabling
Iteration-complexity of first-order augmented Lagrangian methods for convex programming
Iterative learning control of high-acceleration positioning table via sensitivity identification
Iteratively refining breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in the METABRIC dataset
Iterative Approximation of Basic Belief Assignment Based on Distance of Evidence
Iterative robust Capon beamforming
Iterative reactions of transient boronic acids enable sequential C-C bond formation
Iterative Multi Level Calibration of Metabolic Networks
Iterative schemes for the non-homogeneous Navier-Stokes equations based on the finite element approximation
Iterative protecting group-free cross-coupling leading to chiral multiply arylated structures
Iterative Image Reconstruction for Limited-Angle CT Using Optimized Initial Image
Iterative Wedgelet Transform: An efficient algorithm for computing wedgelet representation and approximation of images
Iterative methods for nonlinear systems associated with finite difference approach in stochastic differential equations
Iterative refinement for a system of linear integro-differential equations of fractional type
Iterative beamforming for identification of multiple broadband sound sources
Iterated symmetric three-player prisoner%26apos;s dilemma game
Iterative reconstruction of the wave speed for the wave equation with bounded frequency boundary data
Iterated bar complexes and E-n-homology with coefficients
Iterative polyketide biosynthesis by modular polyketide synthases in bacteria
Iterative learning based estimation of periodically occurring faults
Iterated Tabu Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for packing unequal circles into a circular container
Iterative sampling based frequent itemset mining for big data
Iterative channel estimation method for long-term evolution downlink transmission
Iterative Methods for Generalized Split Feasibility Problems in Hilbert Spaces
Iterative algorithms with perturbations for Lipschitz pseudocontractive mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative Cellular Screening System for Nanoparticle Safety Testing
Iterative ensemble smoothers in the annealed importance sampling framework
Iterated greedy heuristic for the time-dependent prize-collecting arc routing problem
Iterative Channel Estimation and Impulsive Noise Mitigation Algorithm for OFDM-Based Receivers With Application to Power-Line Communications
Iterative methods for triple hierarchical variational inequalities with mixed equilibrium problems, variational inclusions, and variational inequalities constraints
Iterative Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Based on Orthogonal Projection Approach Under Single Data Block for Interleaved OFDMA Uplink
Iterative methods of stochastic approximation for solving non-regular nonlinear operator equations
Iterative approximation to a coincidence point of two mappings
Iterative multi-channel radio frequency pulse calibration with improving B-1 field uniformity in high field MRI
Iterative detection supported by extrinsic information for holographic data storage systems
Iterative projection algorithms in protein crystallography. II. Application
Iterated Altans and Their Properties
Iterative stability analysis of spatial domain decomposition based on block Jacobi algorithm for the diamond-difference scheme
Iterative approximation of solutions for proximal split feasibility problems
Iterative Auction Design for Tree Valuations
Iterative reweighted least M-estimate AVO inversion
Iterative Bass Model forecasts for unconventional oil production in the Eagle Ford Shale
Iterative Beam Hardening Correction for Multi-Material Objects
Iterative particle filter for visual tracking
Iterative CT shading correction with no prior information
Iterative reconstruction with segmentation penalty for PET
Iterative learning control approach for a kind of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with distributed initial state learning
Iterative Method for Exponential Damping Identification
Iterative Algebras
Iterative oscillation tests for difference equations with several non-monotone arguments
Iterative optimization calibration method for stereo deflectometry
Iterative Tensor Voting for Pavement Crack Extraction Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
Iterative Demodulation and Channel Estimation for Asynchronous Joint Multiple Access Reception
Iterative reconstruction in cardiac CT
Iterative Double-Auction-Based Power Allocation in Multiuser Cooperative Networks
Iterative Reweighted l(2)/l(1) Recovery Algorithms for Compressed Sensing of Block Sparse Signals
Iterative Brinkman penalization for remeshed vortex methods
Iterative Mechanism of Macrodiolide Formation in the Anticancer Compound Conglobatin
Iterative identification of output error model for industrial processes with time delay subject to colored noise
Iterated Boolean games
Iterative estimation of undesired signal power for superposed multicarrier transmission with channel estimation error
Iterative substructure method employing concept of inherent strain for large-scale welding problems
Iterative Channel Estimation Using Virtual Pilot Signals for MIMO-OFDM Systems
Iterative learning control for discrete-time systems with quantised measurements
Iterative receivers combining MIMO detection with turbo decoding: performance-complexity trade-offs
Iterative Joint Integrated Probabilistic Data Association for Multitarget Tracking
Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation for Sparse BPSK Signals
Iterative image reconstruction algorithms in coronary CT angiography improve the detection of lipid-core plaque - a comparison with histology
Iterative learning control for train trajectory tracking under speed constrains with iteration-varying parameter
Iterative Learning Control of an Electrostatic Microbridge Actuator With Polytopic Uncertainty Models
Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm Based on the Segmentation of Target Image for a High-Speed Binary Spatial Light Modulator
Iterative LMI approach to design robust state-feedback controllers for Lur'e systems with time-invariant delays
Iterative properties of birational rowmotion II: rectangles and triangles
Iterative solutions to the steady-state density matrix for optomechanical systems
Iterated local search for microaggregation
Iterative Group Detection and Decoding for Large MIMO Systems
Iteration of Partially Specified Target Matrices: Applications in Exploratory and Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Iterative Method to Derive the Equivalent Centrifugal Compressor Performance at Various Operating Conditions: Part I: Modelling of Suction Parameters Impact
Iterative beam search for car sequencing
Iterative Quantum-Assisted Multi-User Detection for Multi-Carrier Interleave Division Multiple Access Systems
Iterative Channel Estimation and Detection for High-Mobility MIMO-OFDM Systems: Mitigating Error Propagation by Exploiting Error Information
Iterative Auction Based Bandwidth Assignment in CRNs with QoS Provisioning
Iterative Source and Relay Precoder Design for Non-Regenerative MIMO Cognitive Relay Systems
Iterative Reconstruction Techniques in Abdominopelvic CT: Technical Concepts and Clinical Implementation
Iterative approximation of fixed points of Presic operators on partial metric spaces
Iterative Local ANFIS-Based Human Welder Intelligence Modeling and Control in Pipe GTAW Process: A Data-Driven Approach
Iterative Dynamic Water-Filling for Fading Multiple-Access Channels With Energy Harvesting
Iterative Equalizer Based on Kalman Filtering and Smoothing for MIMO-ISI Channels
Iterative extended state observer and its application in iterative learning control
Iterative Projection onto Convex Sets for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Iterating Transducers
Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points of Generalized Weak Presic Type k-Step Iterative Method for a Class of Operators
Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm for Patch-Smoothness Regularized Medical Image Recovery
Iterative Universal Rigidity
Iterative Framework for Robust Reclaimed Wastewater Allocation in a Changing Environment Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Iterative Learning Control with Desired Gravity Compensation under Saturation for a Robotic Machining Manipulator
Iterative learning control for nonlinear dynamic systems with randomly varying trial lengths
Iterative Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Scheme of Electric Motor for Harsh Industrial Application
Iterative mesh transformation for 3D segmentation of livers with cancers in CT images
Iterative development and the scope for plasticity: contrasts among trait categories in an adaptive radiation
Iterated responsive threshold search for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem
Iterative Wiener filter for unstable linear transformations of potential field data
Iterative design of a helically folded aromatic oligoamide sequence for the selective encapsulation of fructose
Iterative regularization for ensemble data assimilation in reservoir models
Iterative Deblending With Multiple Constraints Based on Shaping Regularization
Iterative carotenogenic screens identify combinations of yeast gene deletions that enhance sclareol production
Iterative methods for finding optimal quantum measurements under minimum-error and minimax criteria
Iterative color constancy with temporal filtering for an image sequence with no relative motion between the camera and the scene
Iterative Convex Refinement for Sparse Recovery
Iterative estimation of doubly selective underwater acoustic channel using basis expansion models
Iterative nonlocal elasticity for Kirchhoff plates
Iterative bilateral filter for Rician noise reduction in MR images
Iterative method for numerical solution of two-dimensional nonlinear fuzzy integral equations
Iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithm: Leveraging Building Information and Sensing Infrastructure for Localization during Emergencies
Iterative Detection and Decoding for TDMR With 2-D Intersymbol Interference Using the Four-Rectangular-Grain Model
Iterative reweighted linear least squares for accurate, fast, and robust estimation of diffusion magnetic resonance parameters
Iterative Conversion of Cyclin Binding Groove Peptides into Drug like CDK Inhibitors with Antitumor Activity
Iterated transformation-kernel density estimation
Iterative Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Spectral-Spatial Relational Features
Iterative learning control of singular stochastic distribution model of jet flame temperature field
Iterative Methods for Finding Common Solution of Generalized Equilibrium Problems and Variational Inequality Problems and Fixed Point Problems of a Finite Family of Nonexpansive Mappings
Iterative Schemes for Fixed Points of Relatively Nonexpansive Mappings and Their Applications
Iterative Algorithm for Channel Re-Estimation and Data Recovery in Nonlinearly Distorted OFDM Systems
Iterative adaptive hybrid image restoration for fast convergence
Iteratio: calculating environmental indicator values for species and releves
Iterative Methods for a Class of Convolution Equations
Iterated cyclic exponentials and power functions with extra-periodic first coefficients
Iterative algorithm of discrete Fourier transform for processing randomly sampled NMR data sets
Iterative learning control and the singularity robust Jacobian inverse for mobile manipulators
Iterative Algorithm for Mathematical Programming Problems with Preconvex Constraints
Iteratively reweighted least squares classifier and its l(2)- and l(1)-regularized Kernel versions
Iterative solvers for Tikhonov regularization of dense inverse problems
Iterative strategies for the synthesis of deoxypropionates
Iterative Procedures in Application of the LQG Approach to Control Problems for Polynomial Stochastic Systems
Iterative QR Decomposition Architecture Using the Modified Gram-Schmidt Algorithm for MIMO Systems
Iterated conditional modes for inverse dithering
Iterative reconstruction of Fourier-rebinned PET data using sinogram blurring function estimated from point source scans
Iterated finite-orbit Monte Carlo simulations with full-wave fields for modeling tokamak ion cyclotron resonance frequency wave heating experiments
Iterative maximum likelihood on networks
Iterative Reweighted l(1) and l(1) Methods for Finding Sparse Solutions
Iterative Sphere Detectors Based on the Schnorr-Euchner Enumeration
Iterative method for zero-order suppression in off-axis digital holography
Iterative Cardiac Output Measurement for Optimizing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A Randomized, Blinded, Crossover Study
Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Minimization for Sparse Recovery
Iterative Image Reconstruction for PROPELLER-MRI Using the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform
Iterative Synchronization of Multiuser Ultra-Wideband Signals
Iterative execution-feedback model-directed GUI testing
Iterative decomposition of Barabasi-Albert scale-free networks
Iterative adaptive robust control of multivariable CD processes
Iterative joint source-channel decoding of H.264 compressed video
Iterative Boolean combination of classifiers in the ROC space: An application to anomaly detection with HMMs
Iterative Adaptive Kronecker MIMO Radar Beamformer: Description and Convergence Analysis
Iterative solvers for 3D linear and nonlinear elasticity problems: Displacement and mixed formulations
Iterative Approach to Oligo(arylenevinylene)s Containing Tetrasubstituted Vinylene Units
Iterative algorithms for fitting a linear model of coregionalization
Iterative robust control: Speeding up improvement through iterations
Iterative Saturation Mutagenesis Accelerates Laboratory Evolution of Enzyme Stereoselectivity: Rigorous Comparison with Traditional Methods
Iterates of Vinogradov's Quadric and Prime Paucity
Iterative Frequency Estimation Based on MVDR Spectrum
Iterative Refinements of the Hermite-Hadamard Inequality, Applications to the Standard Means
Iterative colour correction of multicamera systems using corresponding feature points
Iterative algorithms for a new class of extended general nonconvex set-valued variational inequalities
Iterative Substructuring Method for Equilibrium Equations
Iterative Eigenvalue Analysis for Stability Design of Three-dimensional Frames Considering a Fictitious Axial Force Factor
Iterative solution of a Dirac equation with an inverse Hamiltonian method
Iterative Bayesian fuzzy clustering toward flexible icon-based assistive software for the disabled
Iteratively-reweighted local model fitting method for adaptive and accurate single-shot surface profiling
Iteration-Free Design of Waveguide Slot Array With Cavities
Iterative learning of simple external contextual languages
Iterative Probabilistic Performance Prediction for Multi-Application Multiprocessor Systems
Iterative roller imprint of multilayered nanostructures
Iterative impedance analysis method on high integrated impedance network
Iterative phase estimation
Iterated Cesaro averages, frequencies of digits, and Baire category
Iterative Source-Channel Decoding Using Symbol-Level Extrinsic Information
Iterative Polar Quantization-Based Modulation to Achieve Channel Capacity in Ultrahigh-Speed Optical Communication Systems
Iterative criteria-based approach to engineering the requirements of software development methodologies
Iterative Frequency-Domain Channel Estimation and Equalization for Ultra-Wideband Systems with Short Cyclic Prefix
Iterative Optimal Control for Flexible Rotor-AMB System
Iterative Structure-Based Peptide-Like Inhibitor Design against the Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A
Iterative Adaptive Approaches to MIMO Radar Imaging
Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization and Carrier Synchronization for Multi-Resolution Constellations
Iterative Multipacket Detection for High Throughput Transmissions in OFDM Systems
Iterative HOS-SOS (IHOSS) Algorithm for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Sensor Localization
Iterative leap-field domain decomposition method: a domain decomposition finite element algorithm for 3D electromagnetic boundary value problems
Iterative learning parameter estimation and design of SMB processes
Iterative Sparse Channel Estimation and Decoding for Underwater MIMO-OFDM
Iterative learning control applied to a gantry robot and conveyor system
Iterative Decoding Convergence and Termination of Serially Concatenated Codes
Iterative Correction of Reference Nucleotides (iCORN) using second generation sequencing technology
Iterative linearized density matrix propagation for modeling coherent excitation energy transfer in photosynthetic light harvesting
Iterative Monte Carlo formulation of real-time correlation functions
Iterative Monte Carlo path integral with optimal grids from whole-necklace sampling
Iterative Monte Carlo with bead-adapted sampling for complex-time correlation functions
Iterative Method for Nonlinear FM Synthesis of Radar Signals
Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure to Determine Bus Route Passenger Origin-Destination Flows
Iterative flattening search for resource constrained scheduling
Iterative Phase Estimation for the Synthesis of Separated Sources From Single-Channel Mixtures
Iterative aperture mask design in phase space using a rank constraint
Iterative nonlinear beam propagation using Hamiltonian ray tracing and Wigner distribution function
Iterative Soft Decision Feedback Zig-Zag Equalizer for 2D Intersymbol Interference Channels
Iterative Multisymbol Noncoherent Reception of Coded CPFSK
Iterative Synthesis of Heterotelechelic Oligo(phenylene-vinylene)s by Olefin Cross-Metathesis
Iterated Feasible Generalized Least-Squares Estimation of Augmented Dynamic Panel Data Models
Iterative strong coupling of dimensionally heterogeneous models
Iterative estimation of the topography measurement by fringe-projection method with divergent illumination by considering the pitch variation along the x and z directions
Iterative-Learning Hybrid Force/Velocity Control for Contour Tracking
Iterated Point-Line Configurations Grow Doubly-Exponentially
Iterative Methods for Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems for Nonexpansive Semigroups in Hilbert Spaces
Iterative regularization algorithms for constrained image deblurring on graphics processors
Iterative Bayesian Retrieval of Hydrometeor Content From X-Band Polarimetric Weather Radar
Iterative methods based on spline approximations to detect discontinuities from Fourier data
Iterative diagonalization in augmented plane wave based methods in electronic structure calculations
Iterative correction applied to streak artifact reduction in an X-ray computed tomography image of the dento-alveolar region
Iterative reflections of monads
Iterative Estimation of Sinusoidal Signal Parameters
Iterative design of DSP cosine windows by placing spectrum zeros, and some new classes of DSP cosine windows
Iterative solutions for Sigma(i)a(i)/lambda-c(i)=1 equations
Iterative Entanglement Distillation: Approaching the Elimination of Decoherence
Iterative and regioselective cross-couplings of 2-chloro-3,4-diiodopyridine leading to 2,3,4-triheteroarylpyridines
Iterative algorithms for solving variational inequalities and fixed point problems for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative methods for scattering problems in isotropic or anisotropic elastic waveguides
Iterative Approximations with Hybrid Techniques for Fixed Points and Equilibrium Problems
Iterated imputation estimation for generalized linear models with missing response and covariate values
Iterative categorization (IC): a systematic technique for analysing qualitative data
Iterative thermomechanical processing of alloy 600 for improved resistance to corrosion and stress corrosion cracking
Iterative DC Optimal Power Flow Considering Transmission Network Loss
Iterative Phase Optimization of Elementary Quantum Error Correcting Codes
Iterative Learning of Answer Set Programs from Context Dependent Examples
Iterative Identification of Sparse Mobile Channels for TDS-OFDM Systems
Iterative computation of fixed points of quasi-asymptotic pseudo-contractions
Iterative subspace alternating projection method for GNSS multipath DOA estimation
Iterative Methods for the Class of Quasi-Contractive Type Operators and Comparsion of their Rate of Convergence in Convex Metric Spaces
Iterative calculus on tangent floors
Iterative catalyst controlled diastereodivergent synthesis of polypropionates
Iterative Copy-Move Forgery Detection Based on a New Interest Point Detector
Iterative Methods for Solving the Fractional Form of Unsteady Axisymmetric Squeezing Fluid Flow with Slip and No-Slip Boundaries
Iterative Channel Estimation for Higher Order Modulated STBC-OFDM Systems with Reduced Complexity
Iterative learning control of a PEM fuel cell system during purge processes
Iterative learning control for nonlinear stochastic systems with variable pass length
Iterative Detection and Decoding Algorithms for MIMO Systems in Block-Fading Channels Using LDPC Codes
Iterative Curve Fitting: A Robust Technique to Estimate the Wavelength Position and Depth of Absorption Features From Spectral Data
Iterative Sparsification-Projection: Fast and Robust Sparse Signal Approximation
Iterative Preamble-Based Time Domain Channel Estimation for OFDM/OQAM Systems
Iterative Diffusion-Based Distributed Cubature Gaussian Mixture Filter for Multisensor Estimation
Iterative Reconstruction Results in Larger Computed Tomography Measurements of Iliofemoral Artery Diameter in Patients Referred for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Iterated Robust kernel Fuzzy Principal Component Analysis and application to fault detection
Iterative learning control for discrete-time switched systems with attenuation factor
Iterative learning control of a class of discrete-time singular system
Iterative Covariance-Based Removal of Time-Synchronous Artifacts: Application to Gastrointestinal Electrical Recordings
Iterative Temporal Planning in Uncertain Environments With Partial Satisfaction Guarantees
Iterative Design of Emetine-Based Prodrug Targeting Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP) and Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV DPPIV Using a Tandem Enzymatic Activation Strategy
Iterative Knowledge-Based Scoring Functions Derived from Rigid and Flexible Decoy Structures: Evaluation with the 2013 and 2014 CSAR Benchmarks
Iterative Determination of the Orientation Relationship Between Austenite and Martensite from a Large Amount of Grain Pair Misorientations
Iterated maxima search for the maximally diverse grouping problem
Iteratively reweighted adaptive lasso for conditional heteroscedastic time series with applications to AR-ARCH type processes
Iterative dipole moment method for the interaction of multiple dielectrophoretic particles in an AC electrical field
Iterative use of nuclear receptor Nr5a2 regulates multiple stages of liver and pancreas development
Iterative Learning From Novice Human Demonstrations for Output Tracking
Iterative learning control with time-partitioned update for collaborative output tracking
Iterative user centered design for development of a patient-centered fall prevention toolkit
Iterative tuning strategy for setting phase splits with anticipation of traffic demand in urban traffic network
Iterative Exponential Growth Synthesis and Assembly of Uniform Diblock Copolymers
Iterative Reductive Aromatization/Ring-Closing Metathesis Strategy toward the Synthesis of Strained Aromatic Belts
Iterative development of Vegethon: a theory-based mobile app intervention to increase vegetable consumption
Iterating free-field AdS/CFT: higher spin partition function relations
Iterative reconstruction can permit the use of lower X-ray tube current in CT coronary artery calcium scoring
Iterative Structural and Functional Synergistic Resolution Recovery (iSFS-RR) Applied to PET-MR Images in Epilepsy
Iterated random walks with shape prior
Iterative H-Minima-Based Marker-Controlled Watershed for Cell Nucleus Segmentation
Iterative Learning Control With Predictive Trial Information: Convergence, Robustness, and Experimental Verification
Iterative optimization of tool path planning in 5-axis flank milling of ruled surfaces by integrating sampling techniques
Iterative receiver based on the EGC for massive MIMO schemes using SC-FDE modulations
Iterative illumination correction with implicit regularization
Iterated combination-based paired permutation tests to determine shape effects of chemotherapy in patients with esophageal cancer
Iterative physical optics model for electromagnetic scattering and Doppler analysis
Iterated local search with Trellis-neighborhood for the partial Latin square extension problem
Iteratively reconstructing 4D light fields from focal stacks
Iterative Correction Scheme Based on Discrete Cosine Transform and L1 Regularization for Fluorescence Molecular Tomography With Background Fluorescence
Iterative solution for nonlinear impulsive advection-reaction-diffusion equations
Iterative technique for a third-order differential equation with three-point nonlinear boundary value conditions
Iterative algorithm and estimation of solution for a fractional order differential equation
Iterative positive solutions for singular nonlinear fractional differential equation with integral boundary conditions
Iterative channel estimation for multiuser fibre-wireless uplink exploiting semi-correlated ternary signals
Iterative MIMO Detection and Channel Estimation Using Joint Superimposed and Pilot-Aided Training
Iterative Bayesian Estimation of Travel Times on Urban Arterials: Fusing Loop Detector and Probe Vehicle Data
Iterative Learning Control for discrete nonlinear systems with randomly iteration varying lengths
Iterative learning control with input sharing for multi-agent consensus tracking
Iterative Radical Addition with a Special Monomer Carrying Bulky and Convertible Pendant: A New Concept toward Controlling the Sequence for Vinyl Polymers
Iterative Beamformer Design for Multi-Node MIMO Two-Way Relay Networks Using Duality
Iterative optimization technology combined with wavelength selection based on excess absorption for a process analytical technology calibration-minimum approach
Iterative Order Recursive Least Square Estimation for Exploiting Frame-Wise Sparsity in Compressive Sensing-Based MTC
Iterative generalized time-frequency reassignment for planetary gearbox fault diagnosis under nonstationary conditions
Iterative positioning algorithm to reduce the impact of diffuse reflection on an indoor visible light positioning system
Iterative path-accurate trajectory generation for fast sensor-based motion of robot arms
Iterative metal artifact reduction improves dose calculation accuracy Phantom study with dental implants
Iterated scaling limits for aggregation of random coefficient AR(1) and INAR(1) processes
Iterative ADMM for Inverse FE-BI Problem: A Potential Solution to Radio Tomography of Asteroids
Iterative Thickness Regularization of Stratigraphic Layers in Discrete Implicit Modeling
Iterative multiparameter waveform inversion of precritical reflection data using prestack time Kirchhoff approximation
Iterative learning control for discrete-time systems with event-triggered transmission strategy and quantization
Iteratively reweighted correlation analysis method for robust parameter identification of multiple-input multiple-output discrete-time systems
Iterative learning control based on a noninstantaneous impulsive fractional-order system
Iterated unscented Kalman filter for phase unwrapping of interferometric fringes
Iterative Refinement for Linear Programming
Iterative common solutions of fixed point and variational inequality problems
Iterative readback-aided detection for holographic data storage systems
Iterative Bayesian Reconstruction of Non-IID Block-Sparse Signals
Iterative Classifiers Combination Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
Iterative methods in penalty finite element discretization for the steady MHD equations
Iterative learning control for linear discrete-time systems with high relative degree under initial state vibration
Iterative Evolution of an Abiotic Foldamer Sequence for the Recognition of Guest Molecules with Atomic Precision
Iterative non-local means filter for salt and pepper noise removal
Iterative Maximum Likelihood and Outlier-robust Bipercentile Estimation of Parameters of Compound-Gaussian Clutter With Inverse Gaussian Texture
Iterative algorithm for strongly continuous semigroup of Lipschitz pseudocontraction mappings
Iteration-Free-Phase Retrieval for Directive Radiators Using Field Amplitudes on Two Closely Separated Observation Planes
Iterative learning model predictive control for constrained multivariable control of batch processes
Iterative Robust MMSE Receiver for STBC under Channel Information Errors
Iterative surface warping to shape craters in micro-EDM simulation
Iterative Decision-Aided Compensation of Phase Noise in Millimeter-Wave SC-FDE Systems
Iterative solutions for fractional nonlocal boundary value problems involving integral conditions
Iterative learning fault-tolerant control in finite frequency range for discrete repetitive process
Iterative multi-order feature alignment for JPEG mismatched steganalysis
Iterative learning control for flexible manipulator using fourier basis function
Iterative learning control of electro-hydraulic proportional feeding system in slotting machine for metal bar cropping
Iterative search method for total flowtime minimization no-wait flowshop problem
Iterative GDHP-based approximate optimal tracking control for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems
Iterative Learning Control Approach for Signaling Split in Urban Traffic Networks with Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams
Iterated Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter for Attitude Estimation Using Vector Observations
Iterative approach of 3D datum transformation with a non-isotropic weight
Iterative Back Projection Reconstruction for Underwater Imaging
Iterative approach for zero-order term elimination in off-axis multiplex digital holography
Iterative Multiuser Detection and Decoding for DS-CDMA System With Space-Time Linear Dispersion
Iterative learning control of antilock braking of electric and hybrid vehicles
Iterative frequency-domain fractionally spaced receiver for zero-padded multi-carrier code division multiple access systems
Iterative RBF ANN response surface method for structural reliability analysis
Iterative learning control for one-dimensional fourth order distributed parameter systems
Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Mixed Hyperbolic-parabolic Distributed Parameter Systems
Iterated differentiation followed by composition from Bloch-type spaces to weighted BMOA spaces
Iterative image reconstruction for CBCT using edge-preserving prior
Iterative Algorithms for Solving the System of Mixed Equilibrium Problems, Fixed-Point Problems, and Variational Inclusions with Application to Minimization Problem
Iterative algorithm for spatial and intensity normalization of MEMRI images. Application to tract-tracing of rat olfactory pathways
Iterative species distribution modelling and ground validation in endemism research: an Alpine jumping bristletail example
Iterative Reconstruction Technique for Reducing Body Radiation Dose at CT: Feasibility Study
Iterative algorithms for the generalized centro-symmetric and central anti-symmetric solutions of general coupled matrix equations
Iterative Time-Variant Channel Estimation for 802.11p Using Generalized Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences
Iterative receivers with channel estimation for multi-user MIMO-OFDM: complexity and performance
Iterative Physical Optics for Radar Scattering Predictions
Iterative and non-iterative methods for non-linear Volterra integro-differential equations
Iterative algorithm for solving the inverse heat conduction problems with the unknown source function
Iterative Algorithm for Solving the Retrospective Problem of Thermal Convection in a Viscous Fluid
Iterative Methods for Variational Inequalities over the Intersection of the Fixed Points Set of a Nonexpansive Semigroup in Banach Spaces
Iterative Determination of Phase Reference in IMD Measurement to Characterize Nonlinear Behavior, and to Derive Inverse, for Power Amplifier with Memory Effect
Iterative Approximation of Common Fixed Points of Two Nonself Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings
Iterative learning control based tools to learn from human error
Iterative method to compute the Fermat points and Fermat distances of multiquarks
Iterative Refinement of a Binding Pocket Model: Active Computational Steering of Lead Optimization
Iterative Multiview Side Information for Enhanced Reconstruction in Distributed Video Coding
Iterative phase retrieval strategy of transient events
Iterative methods for the canonical decomposition of multi-way arrays: Application to blind underdetermined mixture identification
Iterative Estimation of Rigid-Body Transformations Application to Robust Object Tracking and Iterative Closest Point
Iterative Message Passing for Pilot-Assisted Multiuser Detection in MC-CDMA Systems
Iterated elastic Brownian motions and fractional diffusion equations
Iterative implicit integration procedure for hybrid simulation of large nonlinear structures
Iterative Galerkin-enriched multiscale finite-volume method
Iterative clipping recovery in spatially multiplexed OFDM systems
Iterative Tensor Voting for Perceptual Grouping of Ill-Defined Curvilinear Structures
Iterative MAP Receiver Employing Forward Channel Estimation via Message Passing for OFDM over Fast Fading Channels
Iterative solution of the quasicontinuum equilibrium equations with continuation
Iterative Filtering Decomposition Based on Local Spectral Evolution Kernel
Iteration methods for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind based on spline quasi-interpolants
Iterative computation for measurement over pins of gears
Iterative design of peptide-based hydrogels and the effect of network electrostatics on primary chondrocyte behavior
Iterative maximum entropy power spectrum estimation for multirate systems
Iterative Carrier-Frequency Offset Estimation for Generalized OFDMA Uplink Transmission
Iterative deblending of simultaneous-source seismic data using seislet-domain shaping regularization
Iterative learning controllers for discrete-time large-scale systems to track trajectories with distinct magnitudes
Iteration theory: Dynamical systems and functional equations
Iterative rotation scheme for robust dynamical decoupling
Iterative cluster analysis of protein interaction data
Iterative algorithms for learning a linear Gaussian observation model with an exponential power scale mixture prior
Iterative System Identification and Controller Design with an LMI-Based Framework: Windsurfer-Like Approach
Iterative plug-and-play methodology for constructing and modifying synthetic gene networks
Iterated greedy for the maximum diversity problem
Iterative capped assembly: rapid and scalable synthesis of repeat-module DNA such as TAL effectors from individual monomers
Iterative Quadratic Optimization for the Bus Holding Control Problem
Iterative Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Systems
Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated CPM in Fading Channels with Noisy Channel State Information
Iterative detection for channels with memory
Iteration particle swarm optimization procedure for economic load dispatch with generator constraints
Iterative approach of dual regression with a sparse prior enhances the performance of independent component analysis for group functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data
Iterative rate-distortion optimization of H.264 with constant bit rate constraint
IterML: A Fast, Robust Algorithm for Estimating Signals With Finite Rate of Innovation
Iterative multiuser detection using antenna arrays and FEC on multipath channels
Iterative space-time processing for multiuser detection in multipath CDMA channels
Iteration of planar amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at three loops and beyond
Iterative operator-splitting methods with higher-order time integration methods and applications for parabolic partial differential equations
Iterative layer-by-layer assembly of polymer-tethered multi-bilayers using maleimide-thiol coupling chemistry
Iterative GRAPPA (iGRAPPA) for improved parallel imaging reconstruction
Iterative harmonic balance for period-one rotating solution of parametric pendulum
Iterative approach to line-shape calculations based on the transport-relaxation equation
Iterative approximation for common solutions of equilibrium problems, variational inequality and fixed point problems
Iterative Noncoherent Receiver for Differential STBC in Fast Fading Channels
Iterative target transformation factor analysis for the resolution of kinetic-spectral data with an unknown kinetic model
Iterative two-step genetic-algorithm-based method for efficient polynomial B-spline surface reconstruction
Iterative estimation of MRI sensitivity maps and image based on sense reconstruction method (isense)
Iterative joint channel estimation and multi-user detection for multiple-antenna aided OFDM systems
Iterative Receiver Design with Joint Carrier-Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for LDPC-Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems
Iterated Order of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Entire Coefficients
Iterative methods for mixed equilibrium problems and strictly pseudocontractive mappings
Iterative structure of the N=4 SYM spin chain
Iterative methods for the computation of fixed points of demicontractive mappings
Iterative learning-based decentralized adaptive tracker for large-scale systems: A digital redesign approach
Iterative methods for common fixed points for a countable family of nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex spaces
Iterative Suboptimal Maximum Likelihood Receiver for Nonlinearly Distorted SC-FDMA Symbols
Iterative MMSE Detection with Interference Cancellation for Up-Link HARQ Using Frequency-Domain Filtered SC-FDMA MIMO Multiplexing
Iterative MMSE-FDE/MUI Cancellation and Antenna Diversity for Frequency-Domain Filtered SC-FDMA Uplink
Iterative Computation of FIR MIMO MMSE-DFE With Flexible Complexity-Performance Tradeoff
Iterative algorithms for finding a common solution of system of the set of variational inclusion problems and the set of fixed point problems
Iterative joint inversion for stress and fault orientations from focal mechanisms
Iterative Precoder Design and User Scheduling for Block-Diagonalized Systems
Iterative methods for variational inequality problems and fixed point problems of a countable family of strict pseudo-contractions in a q-uniformly smooth Banach space
Iterative algorithms approach to a general system of nonlinear variational inequalities with perturbed mappings and fixed point problems for nonexpansive semigroups
Iterative Methods for the Sum of Two Monotone Operators
Iterative application of dimension reduction methods
Iterative approach for the eigenvalue problems
Iterative Multiuser Detection with Soft Decision-Directed Channel Estimation for MC-IDMA and Performance Comparison with Chip-Interleaved MC-CDMA
Iterative Algorithms with Perturbations for Solving the Systems of Generalized Equilibrium Problems and the Fixed Point Problems of Two Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings
Iterative methods for triple hierarchical variational inequalities and common fixed point problems
Iterative Antirandom Testing
Iterative Methods for Obtaining Energy-Minimizing Parametric Snakes with Applications to Medical Imaging
Iterative algorithm for automatic alignment by object transformation
Iterative Successive Interference Cancellation for Quasi-Synchronous Block Spread CDMA Based on the Orders of the Times of Arrival
Iterative path-integral algorithm versus cumulant time-nonlocal master equation approach for dissipative biomolecular exciton transport
Iterated expectations, compact spaces, and common priors
Iterative methods for split variational inclusion and fixed point problem of nonexpansive semigroup in Hilbert spaces
Iterative approximation for split common fixed point problem involving an asymptotically nonexpansive semigroup and a total asymptotically strict pseudocontraction
Iterative Stable Alignment and Clustering of 2D Transmission Electron Microscope Images
Iterative schemes for computing fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
Iterative algorithms for finding common solutions of variational inequalities and systems of equilibrium problems and fixed points of families and semigroups of nonexpansive mappings
Iterative Power Pricing for Distributed Spectrum Coordination in DSL
Iterative method for fuzzy equations
Iterative Algorithm for Reducing the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of Feedback-Controlled Multitone-Hopping CDMA Signals
Iterative Algorithms for Mixed Equilibrium Problems, System of Quasi-Variational Inclusion, and Fixed Point Problem in Hilbert Spaces
Iteration PSO with time varying acceleration coefficients for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems
Iterative methods for the solution of a singular control formulation of a GMWB pricing problem
Iterative approximation of a common zero of a countably infinite family of m-accretive operators in Banach spaces
Iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations with finitely many roots in an interval
Iteration of certain meromorphic functions with unbounded singular values
Iterative performance improvement of fuzzy control systems for three tank systems
Iterative Best Beam Selection for Random Unitary Beamforming
Iterative Mitigation of Intercell Interference in Cellular Networks Based on Gaussian Belief Propagation
Iterative methods for solving the dual formulation arising from image restoration
Iterative turbo beamforming for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-based hybrid terrestrial-satellite mobile system
Iterative Multiuser Detection for Underwater Acoustic Channels
Iterative switched decoding for interleave-division multiple-access systems
Iterative Scaling and Coordinate Descent Methods for Maximum Entropy Models
Iterative universal state selective correction for the Brillouin-Wigner multireference coupled-cluster theory
Iterated Order of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations in the Unit Disc
Iterative identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with output backlash using three-block cascade models
Iterated remainder operator, tests for multiple convergence of series, and solutions of difference equations
Iterative Multiuser Detectors for Spatial-Frequency-Time-Domain Spread Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA Systems
Iterative projection on critical states for reliability-based design optimization
Iterative destriping and photometric calibration for Planck-HFI, polarized, multi-detector map-making
Iterative reconstruction methods in X-ray CT
Iterative Bayesian Estimation as an Explanation for Range and Regression Effects: A Study on Human Path Integration
Iterative atmospheric correction scheme and the polarization color of alpine snow
Iterative Fusion of Distributed Decisions over the Gaussian Multiple-Access Channel Using Concatenated BCH-LDGM Codes
Iterative Linking With the Differential Functioning of Items and Tests (DFIT) Method: Comparison of Testwide and Item Parameter Replication (IPR) Critical Values
Iterative Determination of Distributions by the Monte Carlo Method in Problems with an External Source
Iterations of nonlinear entanglement witnesses
Iterative marker excision system
Iterative doubly constrained robust Capon beamformer
Iteration of Quasiregular Mappings
Iterative breakthrough invasive aspergillosis due to TR(34)/L98H azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus and Emericella sublata in a single hematopoietic stem cell transplant patient
Iterated binomial sums and their associated iterated integrals
Iterative Bilateral Filtering of Polarimetric SAR Data
Iteroparity in Columbia River summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): implications for conservation
Iterative learning control for spatially interconnected systems
Iterative method for atrioventricular optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy: is beauty only in the eye of the beholder?
Iterative method for atrioventricular optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy: is beauty only in the eye of the beholder? Reply
Iterative Cross-Coupling with MIDA Boronates: towards a General Strategy for Small-Molecule Synthesis
Iterative inversion from the multi-order Mueller matrix solution of vector radiative transfer equation for a layer of random spheroids
Iterative inversion of canopy parameters and surface moisture using the multi-order Mueller matrix solution of the vector radiative transfer equation
Iterative Dictionary Construction for Compression of Large DNA Data Sets
Iterative adaptive subdivision surface approach to reduce memory consumption in rendering process (IteAS)
Iterative method to improve calculation of the pre-exponential factor for dynamic thermogravimetric analysis measurements
Iterative Motion Compensated Reconstruction for Parallel Imaging Using an Orbital Navigator
Iterative reduced-complexity multiuser detection based on chase decoding for synchronous turbo-coded CDMA system
Iterative Reconstruction in X-ray Fluorescence Tomography Based on Radon Inversion
Iterative Antimicrobial Candidate Selection from Informed D-/L-Peptide Dimer Libraries
Iterative lead compensation control of nonlinear marine vessels manoeuvring models
Iterative optimization of the economic efficiency of an industrial process within the validity area of the static plant model and its application to a Pulp Mill
Iterative Detection of Unity-Rate Precoded FFH-MFSK and Irregular Variable-Length Coding
Iterative solution of some nonlinear differential equations
Iterative method based on CFD data for the assessment of seakeeping control effects, considering amplitude and rate saturation
Iterative Tomographic Solution of Integer Least Squares Problems With Applications to MIMO Detection
Iterative reconstruction of a global metabolic model of Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 using high-throughput growth phenotype and gene essentiality data
Iterative summation of path integrals for nonequilibrium molecular quantum transport
Iterative real-time path integral approach to nonequilibrium quantum transport
Iterative methods for use with nonlinear discrete algebraic models
Iterative Resource Allocation for Maximizing Weighted Sum Min-Rate in Downlink Cellular OFDMA Systems
Iterative tandem catalysis of secondary diols and diesters to chiral polyesters
Iterative neural network strategy for static model identification of an FRP deck
Iterative Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
Iterative refinement for Neville elimination
Iterative fluid dynamics
Iterative quantum-state transfer along a chain of nuclear spin qubits
Iterative tomographic analysis based on automatic refined picking
Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging: a method for the application of survival analysis to high-dimensional microarray data
Iterative correction of beam hardening artifacts in CT
Iterative synthesis of oligoynes capped by a Ru-2(ap)(4)-terminus and their electrochemical and optoelectronic properties
Iterative sliding mode control
Iterative Receiver Design With Joint Doubly Selective Channel and CFO Estimation for Coded MIMO-OFDM Transmissions
Iterative regularization with a general penalty term-theory and application to L-1 and TV regularization
Iterative total variation schemes for nonlinear inverse problems
Iterative linearized approach to nonadiabatic dynamics
Iteration method for analysis of write-current-induced thermal protrusion
Iterative pruning PCA improves resolution of highly structured populations
Iterative Synthesis of 1,3,5-Polyphenylene Dendrons via C-H Activation
Iterative filtering of SIFT keypoint matches for multi-view registration in Distributed Video Coding
Iterative adaptive radiations of fossil canids show no evidence for diversity-dependent trait evolution
Iterative Multiple Beamforming Algorithm for MIMO Broadcast Channels
Iterative detection in block-orthogonal and spatially multiplexed multisensor signaling schemes
Iterative Object Localization Algorithm Using Visual Images with a Reference Coordinate
Iterative extensions of the Sturm/Triggs algorithm: Convergence and nonconvergence
Iterative process for a strictly pseudo-contractive mapping in uniformly convex Banach spaces
Iterative approximation of fixed points of quasi-contraction mappings in cone metric spaces
Iterative Analysis of Pore-Dynamic Models Discretized by Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Formulations
Iterative Reproducing Kernel Method for Solving Second-Order Integrodifferential Equations of Fredholm Type
Iterative Optimization of Molecular Mechanics Force Fields from NMR Data of Full-Length Proteins
Iterative algorithms to the solution of the discrete optimal regulator problem
Iterative Decision-Directed Joint Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for KSP-OFDM
Iterative Learning Control for Strictly Unknown Nonlinear Systems Subject to External Disturbances
Iterative sparse reconstruction of spectral domain OCT signal
Iterative reconstruction in image space (IRIS) in cardiac computed tomography: initial experience
Iterative hybrid causal model based diagnosis: Application to automotive embedded functions
Iterative methods for the force-based quasicontinuum approximation: Analysis of a 1D model problem
Iterated fast multiscale Galerkin methods for eigen-problems of compact integral operators
Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Restoration of Optical Imagery
Iterative optimization of tail breaking force of 1 mil wire thermosonic ball bonding processes and the influence of plasma cleaning
Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations Using Homotopy Perturbation Technique
Iterative Optimization of the Operation of Continuous Annular Electro-chromatography
Iterative Shannon Entropy - a Methodology to Quantify the Information Content of Value Range Dependent Data Distributions. Application to Descriptor and Compound Selectivity Profiling
Iterated amplitudes in the high-energy limit
Iterative Design of the Reduced-Order Weight and Controller for the H(infinity) Loop-Shaping Method Under Open-Loop Magnitude Constraints for SISO Systems
Iterative Multistep Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method for Solving Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators
Iterative Evolution of Sympatric Seacow (Dugongidae, Sirenia) Assemblages during the Past similar to 26 Million Years
Iterative reconstruction method with optimal time-of-flights for imaging microwave absorption properties of tissues in acoustically heterogeneous environment in microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography (MITAT)
Iterative Learning Control for Multiple Point-to-Point Tracking Application
Iterative methods for solving general quasi-variational inequalities
Iterative improvement of Bayesian parameter estimates for an engine model by means of experimental design
Iterated local search for the team orienteering problem with time windows
Iterated prisoner's dilemma in an asocial world dominated by loners, not by defectors
Iterative backflow renormalization procedure for many-body ground-state wave functions of strongly interacting normal Fermi liquids
Iterative orthology prediction uncovers new mitochondrial proteins and identifies C12orf62 as the human ortholog of COX14, a protein involved in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase
Iterative Runge-Kutta-type methods for nonlinear ill-posed problems
Iterative methods for solving extended general mixed variational inequalities
Iterative reconstruction of dual-source coronary CT angiography: assessment of image quality and radiation dose
Iterative normalization method for improved prostate cancer localization with multispectral magnetic resonance imaging
Iterative process acceleration of calculation of unsteady, viscous, compressible, and heat-conductive gas flows
Iterative metal artifact reduction: Evaluation and optimization of technique
Iterative unfolding for Bonner sphere spectrometers using the MSANDB code - Sensitivity analysis and dose calculation
Iterated gain-based stochastic filters for dynamic system identification
Iterated maximal functions in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces
Iterative Hard Thresholding for the Reconstruction of an Undersampled System Matrix in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Iterative image reconstruction in helical cone-beam x-ray CT using a stored system matrix approach
Iterative methods for simultaneous computing arbitrary number of multiple zeros of nonlinear equations
Iterated index and the mean Euler characteristic
Iterative Solutions of Hybrid Integral Equations for Coexisting Open and Closed Surfaces
Iterative Time-Reversed Ultrasonically Encoded Light Focusing in Backscattering Mode
Iterative spectral method for solving electrostatic or magnetostatic problems in complex and evolving heterostructures
Iterative least square phase-measuring method that tolerates extended finite bandwith illumination
Iterative implementation of approximate solutions for electromagnetic scattering
Iterated function systems and attractors in the KM fuzzy metric spaces
Iterative optimization approach for designing an axicon with long focal depth and high transverse resolution
Iterative full-bandwidth wavefront reconstruction from a set of low-tilt Fizeau interferograms for high-numerical-aperture surface characterization
Iterative algorithm for phase extraction from interferograms with random and spatially nonuniform phase shifts
Iterative methods for model reduction by domain decomposition
Iterative Reconstructions versus Filtered Back-Projection for Urinary Stone Detection in Low-Dose CT
Iterative solution methods for beam angle and fluence map optimization in intensity modulated radiation therapy planning
Iterative multi-atlas-based multi-image segmentation with tree-based registration
Iterative Approach to Enantiopure syn/anti-1,3-Polyols via Proline-Catalyzed Sequential alpha-Aminoxylation and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Olefination of Aldehydes
Iterative Expansion and Color Coding: An Improved Algorithm for 3D-Matching
Iterative refinement method for the approximate factorization of a matrix inverse
Iterative Nearest Neighbors
Iterative channel estimation and decoding in turbo coded space-time systems
Iterative approximation of a unique solution of a system of variational-like inclusions in real q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces
Iterative approximation of a solution of multi-valued variational-like inclusion in Banach spaces: A P-eta-proximal-point mapping approach
Iterative approach to model identification of biological networks
Iterative algorithms for part grouping and loading in cellular reconfigurable manufacturing systems
Iterative learning control for uncertain systems: Noncausal finite time interval robust control design
Iterative Compressive Estimation and Decoding for Network-Channel-Coded Two-Way Relay Sparse ISI Channels
Iterative near-maximum-likelihood detection in rank-deficient downlink SDMA systems
Iterative Surgical Treatment for Repeated Recurrences After Complete Resection of Thymic Tumors
Iterative joint MAP single-channel speech enhancement given non-uniform phase prior
Iterative Galerkin discretizations for strongly monotone problems
Iterative receiver for ADO-OFDM with near-optimal optical power allocation
Iterated greedy algorithms for the blocking flowshop scheduling problem with makespan criterion
Iteration Process for Pointwise Lipschitzian Type Mappings in Hyperbolic 2-uniformly Convex Metric Spaces
Iterative infinitesimal generator discretization-based method for eigen-analysis of large delayed cyber-physical power system
Iterated VaR or CTE measures: A false good idea?
Iterative Focused Screening with Biological Fingerprints Identifies Selective Asc-1 Inhibitors Distinct from Traditional High Throughput Screening
Iterative numerical method for fuzzy Volterra linear integral equations in two dimensions
Iterated limits for aggregation of randomized INAR(1) processes with Poisson innovations
Iterative product design through group opinion evolution
Iterative Bias Reduction Multivariate Smoothing in R: The ibr Package
Iterative solver approach for turbine interactions: application to wind or marine current turbine farms
Iterative aggregation and disaggregation algorithm for pseudo-polynomial network flow models with side constraints
Iterated Local Search and Column Generation to solve Arc-Routing as a permutation set-covering problem
Iterative free-energy optimization for recurrent neural networks (INFERNO)
Iteratively reweighted blind deconvolution for passive millimeter-wave images
Iterative interferometry-based method for picking microseismic events
Iterative actions of normal operators
Iterations of the projection body operator and a remark on Petty's conjectured projection inequality
Iterated Local Search for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Sequence-Based Pallet Loading and Axle Weight Constraints
Iteration expansion and regional evolution: phylogeography of Dendrobium officinale and four related taxa in southern China
Iterative averaging of spectra as a powerful way of suppressing spurious resonances in signal processing
Iterative expansion microscopy
Iterative Learning Control of Iteration-Varying Systems via Robust Update Laws with Experimental Implementation
Iteration Functions re-visited
Iterative volume morphing and learning for mobile tumor based on 4DCT
Iterative combining rules for the van der Waals potentials of mixed rare gas systems
Iterative Nonproteinogenic Residue Incorporation Yields alpha/beta-Peptides with a Helix-Loop-Helix Tertiary Structure and High Affinity for VEGF
Iterative Control for Networked Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems With Uncertainties
Iterative Learning Controller With Multiple Phase-Lead Compensation for Dual-Mode Flyback Inverter
Iterative segmented least square method for functional microRNA-mRNA module discovery in breast cancer
Iterative detection for frequency-asynchronous distributed Alamouti-coded (FADAC) OFDM
Iterating Between Tools to Create and Edit Visualizations
Iterative coupling of flow, geomechanics and adaptive phase-field fracture including level-set crack width approaches
Iterative Modeling Reveals Evidence of Sequential Transcriptional Control Mechanisms
Iteration complexity analysis of block coordinate descent methods
Iterative blip-summed path integral for quantum dynamics in strongly dissipative environments
Iterative Channel Estimation and Symbol Level Reed-Solomon Decoding Receivers for OFDM Systems
Iterative Matrix Decomposition Aided Block Diagonalization for mm-Wave Multiuser MIMO Systems
Iterative Algorithm for a Split Equilibrium Problem and Fixed Problem for Finite Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert Space
Iterative Soft/Hard Thresholding With Homotopy Continuation for Sparse Recovery
Iterated endorsement deduction and ranking
Iterative Tikhonov regularization for the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation
Iterative algorithms for batching and scheduling to minimise the total job tardiness in two-stage hybrid flow shops
Iterations of ytterbium
Iterative identification of discrete-time output-error model with time delay
Iterative Image Reconstruction Improves the Accuracy of Automated Plaque Burden Assessment in Coronary CT Angiography: A Comparison With Intravascular Ultrasound
Iterative model for shape prediction in levitation melting process
Iterative reconstruction of SiPM light response functions in a square-shaped compact gamma camera
Iterative mesh-based hardness mapping
Iterative projection reconstruction for fast and efficient image upsampling
Iterative solutions of generalized inverse eigenvalue problem for partially bisymmetric matrices
Iterative regularization methods for phase retrieval in the space domain based on TIE equation
Iterative Rankine HOBEM analysis of hull-form effects in forward-speed diffraction problem
Iterative algorithms for the split variational inequality and fixed point problems under nonlinear transformations
Iterative solution of the dynamic responses of locally nonlinear structures with drift
Iterative multi-domain BEM solution for water wave reflection by perforated caisson breakwaters
Iterative reconstruction of scene depth with fidelity based on light field data
Iterative learning approach for traffic signal control of urban road networks
Iterative spherical simplex unscented particle filter for CNS/Redshift integrated navigation system
Iterative impulse noise and large scale single frequency noise mitigation for underwater acoustic OFDM
Iterative Brinkman penalization for simulation of impulsively started flow past a sphere and a circular disc
Iterative Roots of Clenched Single-Plateau Functions
Iterative Re-Constrained Group Sparse Face Recognition With Adaptive Weights Learning
Iterative RANSAC based adaptive birth intensity estimation in GM-PHD filter for multi-target tracking
Iterative compensation of nonlinear error of heterodyne interferometer
Iterative Multi-Level Soft Frequency Reuse With Load Balancing for Heterogeneous LTE-A Systems
Iterative Path Integral Approach to Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control Under Compound Poisson Noise
Iterative learning control approach for consensus of multi-agent systems with regular linear dynamics
Iterative phase retrieval based on variable wavefront curvature
Iterative model reconstruction reduces calcified plaque volume in coronary CT angiography
Iterative learning control for non-linear switched discrete-time systems
Iterative algorithms for weighted and unweighted finite-rank time-series approximations
Iterative framework for the joint segmentation and CT synthesis of MR images: application to MRI-only radiotherapy treatment planning
Iterative numerical method for nonlinear fuzzy Volterra integral equations
Iterative learning control bandwidth tuning using the particle swarm optimization technique for high precision motion
Iterative algorithm based on a combination of vector similarity measure and B-spline functions for particle analysis in forward scattering
Iteratively Intervening with the "Most Difficult" Topics of an Algorithms and Complexity Course
Iteratively coupled solution strategies for a four-field mixed finite element method for poroelasticity
Iterative update correction and multi-frame state extraction based probability hypothesis density filter
Iterative approximation method for various nonlinear mappings and equilibrium problems with numerical example
Iterative LDPC-LDPC Product Code for Bit Patterned Media
Iterated binomial transform of the k-Lucas sequence
Iterative reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces method for Riccati differential equations
Iterative approximate factorization for difference operators of high-order bicompact schemes for multidimensional nonhomogeneous hyperbolic systems
Iterative MC-algorithm to solve the global optimization problems
Iterative and Active Graph Clustering Using Trace Norm Minimization Without Cluster Size Constraints
Iterative Probabilistic Voxel Labeling: Automated Segmentation for Analysis of The Cancer Imaging Archive Glioblastoma Images
Iterative Hard Thresholding Based on Randomized Kaczmarz Method
Iterative Dynamic Power Splitting for Multi-relay Networks with Wireless Energy Harvesting
Iterative cohort analysis and exploration
Iterative Learning Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System despite Gust Load
Iterative phasing for fluctuation X-ray scattering
Iterated Gate Teleportation and Blind Quantum Computation
Iterates of dynamical systems on compact metrizable countable spaces
Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least-Squares Estimation (IDEAL) Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Biomarker for Symptomatic Multiple Myeloma
Iterative angle-and-time-domain gating technique for time-reversal MUSIC imaging
Iterative optimization techniques using man-machine interaction for university timetabling problems
Iterative reconstruction of three-dimensional models of human chromosomes from chromosomal contact data
Iterative path attacks on networks
Iterative signal separation based multiple phase estimation in digital holographic interferometry
Iterative Potts and Blake-Zisserman minimization for the recovery of functions with discontinuities from indirect measurements
Iterated Chromatic Subdivisions are Collapsible
Iterative methods for solving variational inequalities in Euclidean space
Iterative methods for solving variational inequalities in Euclidean space (vol 17, pg 775, 2015)
Iterative residual-based vector methods to accelerate fixed point iterations
Iterative Learning Active Flow Control Applied to a Compressor Stator Cascade With Periodic Disturbances
Iterative robust numerical procedure for the determination of kinetic constants in Han's model for NR cured with sulphur
Iterative selection of countermeasures for intelligent threat agents
Iterative Monte Carlo simulation with the Compton kinematics-based GEB in a plastic scintillation detector
Iterative Equalization and Interference Alignment for Multiuser MIMO HetNets with Imperfect CSI
Iterative reconstruction of detector response of an Anger gamma camera
Iterative methods for solving a class of monotone variational inequality problems with applications
Iterative methods for finding the minimum-norm solution of the standard monotone variational inequality problems with applications in Hilbert spaces
Iterative transmission and distribution optimal power flow framework for enhanced utilisation of distributed resources
Iterative Distributed Algorithms for Real-Time Available Transfer Capability Assessment of Multiarea Power Systems
Iterative double cyclization reaction by S(RN)1 mechanism. A theoretical interpretation of the regiochemical outcome of diazaheterocycles
Iterated Aluthge transforms of composition operators on H-2
Iterative dipole moment method for calculating dielectrophoretic forces of particle-particle electric field interactions
Iterative solution to singular nth-order nonlocal boundary value problems
Iterative methods for solving the multiple-sets split feasibility problem with splitting self-adaptive step size
Iterative 3D shape classification by online metric learning
Iterated fractional Tikhonov regularization
Iterative exponential growth of stereo- and sequence-controlled polymers
Iterative estimation of reflectivity and image texture: Least-squares migration with an empirical Bayes approach
Iterative phase retrieval algorithms. Part II: Attacking optical encryption systems
Iterative phase retrieval algorithms. I: optimization
Iteratively Developing an mHealth HIV Prevention Program for Sexual Minority Adolescent Men
Iterative algorithms based on the hybrid steepest descent method for the split feasibility problem
Iterative GA Optimization Scheme for Synthesis of Radiation Pattern of Linear Array Antenna
Iterative algorithms of biased estimation methods in binary logistic regression
Iteratively regularized methods for irregular nonlinear operator equations with a normally solvable derivative at the solution
Iterative algorithms for processing experimental data
Iterative step-by-step procedure for optimal placement and design of viscoelastic dampers to improve damping ratio
Iterative algorithms for a non-linear inverse problem in atmospheric lidar
Iterative approximation of zeros of accretive operators and of solutions to fixed point problems in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces
Iterated Tikhonov regularization with a general penalty term
Iteratively seeded mode-locking
Iterative Sequencing and Variant Screening (ISVS) as a novel pathogenic mutations search strategy - application for TMPRSS3 mutations screen
Iterative Multiplicative Filters for Data Labeling
Iterative sparsity score for feature selection and its extension for multimodal data
Iterative Analysis to Improve Key Properties of Critical Human-Intensive Processes: An Election Security Example
Iterative learning control for non-repetitive trajectory tracking of robot manipulators with joint position constraints and actuator faults
Iterative Jacobian-Based Inverse Kinematics and Open-Loop Control of an MRI-Guided Magnetically Actuated Steerable Catheter System
Iterative reconstruction for dual energy CT with an average image-induced nonlocal means regularization
Iterative robust adaptive beamforming
Iterative Reconstruction of Memory Kernels
Iterative algorithm for phase noise estimation in coherent optical DFT-S OFDM systems
Iterative Methods Based on Soft Thresholding of Hierarchical Tensors
Iterative-decreasing calibration method based on regional circle
Iterative Learning Control Integrated with Model Predictive Control for Real-Time Disturbance Rejection of Batch Processes
Iterative Hermitian R-Conjugate Solutions to General Coupled Sylvester Matrix Equations
Iterating Evolutes and Involutes
Iterative optimization of xylose catabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using combinatorial expression tuning
Iterative learning fault-tolerant control for differential time-delay batch processes in finite frequency domains
Iterative Filter with Finite Measurements for Suddenly Maneuvering Targets
Iterative differential quadrature solutions for Bratu problem
Iterative stochastic subspace self-consistent field method
Iterative Learning Impedance for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot
Iterative Method for a New Class of Evolution Equations with Non-instantaneous Impulses
Iterative synthesis of monodisperse pendants for making comb-like polyurethanes
Iterative Fourier filtering approach for phase-retrieval holography based on autocorrelation theorem
Iterative Hybrid Precoder and Combiner Design for mmWave Multiuser MIMO Systems
Iterative range estimation in a sloping-bottom shallow-water waveguide using the generalized array invariant
Iterative Constrained Weighted Least Squares Source Localization Using TDOA and FDOA Measurements
Iterative Synchronization for Dually-Polarized Independent Transmission Streams
Iterative Learning Control for Two-dimensional Linear Discrete Systems with Fornasini-Marchesini Model
Iterative technique for coupled integral boundary value problem of non-integer order differential equations
Iterative Learning Control for Multi-Agent Systems With Finite-Leveled Sigma-Delta Quantization and Random Packet Losses
Iterating %26apos;addiction%26apos;: Residential relocation and the spatio-temporal production of alcohol and other drug consumption patterns
Iterative Design and Testing for the Development of a Game-Based Chlamydia Awareness Intervention: A Pilot Study
Iterative frequency-domain inter-carrier interference cancellation for coded SEFDM
Iterative sparse channel estimation and demodulation for blind equalisation
Iterated greedy algorithms to minimize the total family flow time for job-shop scheduling with job families and sequence-dependent set-ups
Iterative IQ Imbalance Compensation Receiver for Single Carrier Transmission
Iterative weighted nuclear norm for X-ray cardiovascular angiogram image denoising
Iterated trilinear Fourier integrals with arbitrary symbols
Iterative (R, S)-conjugate solutions to the generalised coupled Sylvester matrix equations
Iterative Frequency-Domain Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection of Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling
Iteration Tuning of Disturbance Observer-Based Control System Satisfying Robustness Index for FOPTD Processes
Iterative voting and acyclic games
Iterated local search for workforce scheduling and routing problems
Iterative Design of a Biomimetic Catalyst for Amino Acid Thioester Condensation
Iterative Channel Detection With LDPC Product Code for Bit-Patterned Media Recording
Iterative Fecal Microbiota Transplantations for Eradicating Digestive Colonization With Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae: Is It Worth It?
Iterative Tuning With Reactive Compensation for Urban Traffic Signal Control
Iterative Molecular Dynamics-Rosetta Membrane Protein Structure Refinement Guided by Cryo-EM Densities
Iteratively Reweighted Blind Deconvolution With Adaptive Regularization Parameter Estimation
Iterative autofocusing strategy for axial distance error correction in ptychography
Iterative beam-hardening correction with advanced modeled iterative reconstruction in low voltage CT coronary calcium scoring with tin filtration: Impact on coronary artery calcium quantification and image quality
Iterative learning control applied to a hybrid rehabilitation exoskeleton system powered by PAM and FES
Iterative reconstruction for sparse-view X-ray CT using alpha-divergence constrained total generalized variation minimization
Iterative Reconstructions in Reduced-Dose CT: Which Type Ensures Diagnostic Image Quality in Young Oncology Patients?
Iterative penalty finite element methods for the steady incompressible magnetohydrodynamic problem
Iterative variational mode decomposition based automated detection of glaucoma using fundus images
Iterative stochastic elimination for discovering hits and leads
Iterative QR-Based SFSIC Detection and Decoder Algorithm for a Reed-Muller Space-Time Turbo System
Iteration and superposition encryption scheme for image sequences based on multi-dimensional keys
Iterative Detection With Amplitude-Phase Demodulator For Dual-Stream CE-OFDM
Iterative MMSE-based soft MIMO detection with parallel interference cancellation
Iterative assembly line synthesis of polypropionates with full stereocontrol
Iterative estimation for a non-linear IIR filter with moving average noise by means of the data filtering technique
Iterated Lie brackets for nonsmooth vector fields
Iterated full information secretary problem
Iterative Reduction of Out-of-Band Power and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio for Non-Contiguous OFDM Systems Based on POCS
Iterated extended Kalman filter based visual-inertial odometry using direct photometric feedback
Iterative response surface joint algorithm analysis of optimization arrangement on mistuned blades
Iterative boundary element method for crack analysis of two-dimensional piezoelectric semiconductor
Iterative dataset optimization in automated planning: Implementation for breast and rectal cancer radiotherapy
Iterated function systems for DNA replication
Iterative dip-steering median filter
Iterative learning control for quasi-one-sided Lipschitz non-linear systems
Iterative Residual Generator for Fault Detection With Linear Time-Invariant State-Space Models
Iterative Method for Predicting Uneven Settlement Caused by High-Speed Train Loads in Transition-Zone Subgrade
Iterative learning control design with high-order internal model for discrete-time nonlinear systems
Iterative analysis of cerebrovascular reactivity dynamic response by temporal decomposition
Iterative Receiver Design for Uplink OFDMA Cooperative Systems
Iterative projection algorithms for ab initio phasing in virus crystallography
Iterative Development and Evaluation of a Pharmacogenomic-Guided Clinical Decision Support System for Warfarin Dosing
Iterative software fault prediction with a hybrid approach
Iterative Implicit Monte Carlo
Iterative learning control with applications in energy generation, lasers and health care
Iterative Synthesis of Oligo[n]rotaxanes in Excellent Yield
Iterates of systems of operators in spaces of w-ultradifferentiable functions
Iterative creation and sensing of twisted light
Iterative precision measurement of branching ratios applied to 5P states in Sr-88(+)
Iterative tuning notch filter for suppressing resonance in ultra-precision motion control
Iterative image reconstruction using modified non-local means filtering for limited-angle computed tomography
Iterative methods of strong convergence theorems for the split feasibility problem in Hilbert spaces
Iterative algorithms for finding minimum-norm fixed point of a finite family of nonexpansive mappings and applications
Iterative Outlier Removal: A Method for Identifying Outliers in Laboratory Recalibration Studies
Iterative Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM System in Fast Time-Varying Channels
Iterative Designed Experiment Analysis (IDEA)
Iterative-method performance evaluation for multiple vectors associated with a large-scale sparse matrix
Iterative reconstruction: comparison of techniques for reduced-dose liver computed tomography following transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma
Iterative Interference Cancellation and Channel Estimation in Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast System Using Filter-Bank Multicarrier-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Iterative learning control with forgetting factor for linear distributed parameter systems with uncertainty
Iterative learning control based on finite time tracking differentiator
Iterative Learning Control for MIMO Singular Distributed Parameter Systems
Iterative learning control for discrete parabolic distributed parameter systems
Iterative learning control based on equivalent control
Iterative reconstruction reduces abdominal CT dose
Iterative Design of Concentration Factors for Jump Detection
Iterative learning control: a method that can improve product quality and productivity in manufacturing
Iterative Self-Organizing Atherosclerotic Tissue Labeling in Intravascular Ultrasound Images and Comparison With Virtual Histology
Iterating Masuyama's method to reduce sampling variation
Iterative Evolution of Increased Behavioral Variation Characterizes the Transition to Sociality in Spiders and Proves Advantageous
Iterative Spectrum Shaping with Opportunistic Multiuser Detection
Iterative Training of Dynamic Skills Inspired by Human Coaching Techniques
Iterated effective embeddings of abelian p-groups
Iterative reconstruction: how it works, how to apply it
Iterative Fair Channel Assignment for Wireless Networks
Iterative tailoring of optical quantum states with homodyne measurements
Iterative Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Images
Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Abdominal Multidetector CT at Different Tube Voltages: Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy, Image Quality, and Radiation Dose in a Phantom Study
Iterative reconstruction for coronary CT angiography: finding its way
Iterative finite-difference solution analysis of acoustic wave equation in the Laplace-Fourier domain
Iterative learning control of a fully flexible valve actuation system for non-throttled engine load control
Iterative Krylov solution methods for geophysical electromagnetic simulations on throughput-oriented processing units
Iterative electromagnetic migration for 3D inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic data
Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma contains strategies that dominate any evolutionary opponent
Iterative Solver for Linear System Obtained by Edge Element: Variable Preconditioned Method With Mixed Precision on GPU
Iterative decoding in Factor Graph representation using Particle Filtering
Iterative approach to computational enzyme design
Iterative resource pooling for bandwidth allocation in TDM-PON: algorithm, convergence and experimental evaluation
Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple-Description Codes
Iterative retrieval of one-dimensional x ray wave field using a single intensity measurement
Iterative receiver for faster-than-Nyquist broadcasting
Iterative Mode-Dropping for the Sum Capacity of MIMO-MAC with Per-Antenna Power Constraint
Iterated function system models in data analysis: Detection and separation
Iterative methods for solving monotone equilibrium problems via dual gap functions
Iterative decision-directed estimation and compensation of nonlinear distortion effects for OFDM systems
Iterative Superimposed Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation Using Sliding Wiener Filtering for Single-Carrier Block Transmission
Iterative algorithm for multiple illumination photoacoustic tomography (MIPAT) using ultrasound channel data
Iterative timing analysis based on nonlinear and interdependent flipflop modelling
Iterative Fragment Selection: A Group Contribution Approach to Predicting Fish Biotransformation Half-Lives
Iterative development of MobileMums: a physical activity intervention for women with young children
Iterative Solution of a System of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations F(x)=0, Using (x) over dot = lambda[alpha R plus beta P] or (x) over dot = lambda[alpha F plus beta P*] R is a Normal to a Hyper-Surface Function of F, P Normal to R, and P* Normal to F
Iterative optimization based on an objective functional in frequency-space with application to jet-noise cancellation
Iterative image reconstruction techniques: Applications for cardiac CT
Iterative time reversal with tunable convergence
Iterative learning from texts and counterexamples using additional information
Iterative Learning Control for Sampled-Data Systems: From Theory to Practice
Iterative component-wise bounds for the steady-state distribution of a Markov chain
Iterative reconstruction in x-ray computed laminography from differential phase measurements
Iterative Optimization Method for Design of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging Experiments
Iterative information update and stability of strategies (vol 179, pg 87, 2011)
Iterative Type Inference with Attribute Grammars
Iterative information update and stability of strategies
Iterated belief change in the situation calculus
Iterative reconstruction or filtered backprojection for semi-quantitative assessment of dopamine D(2) receptor SPECT studies?
Iterative approach for efficient digital terrain model production from CARTOSAT-1 stereo images
Iterative character constructions for algebra groups
Iterative in Situ Click Chemistry Assembles a Branched Capture Agent and Allosteric Inhibitor for Akt1
Iterative algorithms for the curfew planning problem
Iterative learning control and repetitive control
Iterative MIMO Sphere Decoding Throughput Guarantees under Realistic Channel Conditions
Iterated maps for clarinet-like systems
Iterative Thresholding Meets Free-Discontinuity Problems
Iterated antiderivative extensions
Iterative Reclassification in Agglomerative Clustering
Iterative deconvolution of simultaneous Tc-99m and Tl-201 projection data measured on a CdZnTe-based cardiac SPECT scanner
Iterative tyrosine phosphorylation controls non-canonical domain utilization in Crk
Iterative Reweighted Algorithms for Matrix Rank Minimization
Iterative experimental and virtual high-throughput screening identifies metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 4 positive allosteric modulators
Iterative design and testing of a hand-held, non-contact wound measurement device
Iterative Trust and Reputation Management Using Belief Propagation
Iterative Selection Using Orthogonal Regression Techniques
Iterated period integrals and multiple Hecke L-functions
Iterative hard thresholding for model selection in genome-wide association studies
Iterative Method for Solving an Inverse Coefficient Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation
Iterative methods for solving coefficient inverse problems of wave tomography in models with attenuation
Iterative model and trajectory refinement for orbital trajectory optimization
Iterative conjugate heat transfer analysis for heat transfer enhancement of an externally cooled three-phase induction motor
Iterative Role of Notch Signaling in Spinal Motor Neuron Diversification
Iterative Most-Likely Point Registration (IMLP): A Robust Algorithm for Computing Optimal Shape Alignment
Iteration of second-generation drug-eluting stents: the missing piece of evidence
Iterative refinement of implicit boundary models for improved geological feature reproduction
Iterated Stochastic Processes: Simulation and Relationship with High Order Partial Differential Equations
Iterative Hessian Sketch:Fast and Accurate Solution Approximation for Constrained Least-Squares
Iterative Gain Enhancement in an Algorithmic ADC
Iterative subsampling in solution path clustering of noisy big data
Iterative-Gradient Based Complex Divider FPGA Core with Dynamic Configurability of Accuracy and Throughput
Iterative power and subcarrier allocation in rate-constrained orthogonal multicarrier downlink systems based on hybrid harmony search heuristics
Iterative approach to self-adapting and altitude-dependent regularization for atmospheric profile retrievals
Iterative beam search for simple assembly line balancing with a fixed number of work stations
Iterative schemes for trifunction hemivariational inequalities
Iterative Feedback Tuning of PID Controllers for Reactive Distillation Processes: a Comparison with Relay Feedback Tuning
Iterates of operators and Gelfand-Shilov classes
Iterative Design of Experiments by Non-Linear PLS Models. A Case Study: The Reservoir Simulator Data to Forecast Oil Production
Iterative 2D deconvolution of portal imaging radiographs
Iterated sequences and the geometry of zeros
Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis
Iterative Operator-Splitting Methods for Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
Iterative Gaussianization: From ICA to Random Rotations
Iterated Function Systems and stability of variational problems on self-similar objects
Iterative altitude-aiding algorithm for improved GNSS positioning
Iteratively reweighted least squares in crystal structure refinements
Iterative Learning Control With Switching Gain Feedback for Nonlinear Systems
Iterated Belief Change Due to Actions and Observations
Iterated distributive laws
Iteration functions for pth roots of complex numbers
Iterative Surgical Resection of a Recurrent Gallbladder Carcinoma with Long-term Survival: Report of a Case
Iterative learning control for constrained linear systems
Iterated grafting and holonomy lifts of Teichmuller space
Iterative learning control: quantifying the effect of output noise
Iterative solution of non-autonomous Bloch equations: fluorescence spectrum with detuned squeezed vacuum field
Iterative Soft Decision Interference Cancellation for DS-CDMA Employing the Distribution of Interference
Iterative processes related to Riordan arrays: The reciprocation and the inversion of power series
Iterative Algorithm for Probe Calibration in Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurement
Iterates and Hypoellipticity of Partial Differential Operators on Non-Quasianalytic Classes
Iterative Near Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detection for MIMO Optical Wireless Systems
Iterated inverse images of plane curve singularities
Iterative decoding of turbo convolutional codes over noisy two-user binary adder channel
Iterative Data-parallel Mark&Sweep on a GPU
Iteration Methods to Precisely Locate Edges of Hot Objects Using Simple Infrared-Sensing Elements
Iterative Stereospecific Reagent-Controlled Homologation Using a Functionalized alpha-Chloroalkyllithium: Synthesis of Cyclic Targets Related to Epibatidine
Iterative TIN-based automatic filtering of sparse LiDAR data
Iteration in the disk and the ball: a survey of the role of hyperbolic geometry
Iterative stepwise regression imputation using standard and robust methods
Iterated Palm Conditioning and Some Slivnyak-Type Theorems for Cox and Cluster Processes
Iterated bar complexes of E-infinity algebras and homology theories
Iterated Function Systems and Lojasiewicz-Siciak Condition of Green's Function
Iterative Encoder-Controller Design for Feedback Control Over Noisy Channels
Iterative improvement to solve the parcel hub scheduling problem
Iterative Methods for Eigenvalues of Viscoelastic Systems
Iterative model reconstruction (IMR) algorithm for reduced radiation dose renal artery CT angiography with different tube voltage protocols
Iterative learning control for spatio-temporal dynamics using Crank-Nicholson discretization
Iterative-learning-based torque-ripple compensation in a transverse flux motor
Iterative solution of integral equations on a basis of positive energy Sturmian functions
Iterative Interstream Interference Cancellation for MIMO HSPA plus System
Iterative joint frequency offset and channel estimation for OFDM systems using first and second order approximation algorithms
Iterative Key Distribution Based on MAD Neighborhood in Underwater Mobile Sensor Networks
Iterative Frequency Estimation For Accuracy Improvement of Three DFT Phase-Based Methods
Iterative reweighted l(1) design of sparse FIR filters
Iterative method for frequency updating of simple vibrating system
Iterative Multiuser Detection of Spectrally Efficient FDMA CPM
Iterative solution applied to the Helmholtz equation: Complex deflation on unstructured grids
Iterative procedures combining cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal recurrence: Postoperative and long-term results
Iterative diagonalization in the state-averaged multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree approach: Excited state tunneling splittings in malonaldehyde
Iterative cloning, overexpression, purification and isotopic labeling of an engineered dimer of a Ca2+-binding protein of the beta gamma-crystallin superfamily from Methanosarcina acetivorans
Iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation (IDEAL) imaging of multiple myeloma: initial clinical efficiency results
Iterative Bias Correction of the Cross-Validation Criterion
Iteratively Changing the Heights of Automorphism Towers
Iterative integral parameter identification of a respiratory mechanics model
Iterative method for the separation of blended seismic data: discussion on the algorithmic aspects
Iterative equalization for OFDM systems over wideband Multi-Scale Multi-Lag channels
Iterative improvement of Lockin-thermography results by temporal and spatial adaption of optical excitation
Iterative splitting methods for solving time-dependent problems
Iterative solutions of mildly nonlinear systems
Iterative learning of grasp adaptation through human corrections
Iterative Reconstruction in Head CT: Image Quality of Routine and Low-Dose Protocols in Comparison with Standard Filtered Back-Projection
Iterative approximation for split equality fixed point problem for family of multivalued mappings
Iterative solution to bulk wave propagation in polycrystalline materials
Iterative scheme for MS image pansharpening based on the combination of multi-resolution decompositions
Iterative Reconstruction Designed for Brain CT: A Correlative Study With Filtered Back Projection for the Diagnosis of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Iterative reconstruction of radially-sampled P-31 bSSFP data using prior information from H-1 MRI
Iterative Approximations for Zeros of Sum of Accretive Operators in Banach Spaces
Iterative Reconstruction Improves Both Objective and Subjective Image Quality in Acute Stroke CTP
Iterated local search algorithm for solving the orienteering problem with soft time windows
Iteration-Complexity of Gradient, Subgradient and Proximal Point Methods on Riemannian Manifolds
Iterative Strategies for Aftershock Classification in Automatic Seismic Processing Pipelines
Iterative reconstruction: Why, how and when?
Iterative Coupling of Two Different Enones by Nitromethane Using Bifunctional Thiourea Organocatalysts. Stereocontrolled Assembly of Cyclic and Acyclic Structures
Iterative methods for solving a poroelastic shell model of Naghdi%26apos;s type
Iterative fuzzy segmentation for an accurate delimitation of the breast region
Iterative modeling and optimization of biomass production using experimental feedback
Iterative Reconstruction Leads to Increased Subjective and Objective Image Quality in Cranial CT in Patients With Stroke
Iterated non-linear model predictive control based on tubes and contractive constraints
Iterating on a single model is a viable alternative to multimodel inference
Iterative algorithms for least-squares solutions of a quaternion matrix equation
Iterated random functions and slowly varying tails
Iterative methods for generalized split feasibility problems in Banach spaces
Iterative metal artifact reduction for x-ray computed tomography using unmatched projector/backprojector pairs
Iterative Axisymmetric Identification Algorithm (IAIA) for real-time reconstruction of the plasma boundary of ITER
Iterative Linearization Scheme for Convex Nonlinear Equations: Application to Optimal Operation of Water Distribution Systems
Iterative LP water system optimal operation including headloss, leakage, total head and source cost
Iterative properties of pseudo-differential operators on edge spaces
Iterative scalar nonparaxial algorithm for the design of Fourier phase elements
Iterative Learning Identification with Reducing Non-Zero Initial States and Application to Estimation of Aerodynamic Derivatives
Iterative learning control with sampled-data feedback for robot manipulators
Iterative method for generating correlated binary sequences
Iterated stochastic filters with additive updates for dynamic system identification: Annealing-type iterations and the filter bank
Iterative Reconstruction for Head CT: Effects on Radiation Dose and Image Quality
Iterative modelling of AEM data based on a priori information from seismic and borehole data
Iterative decoding algorithm of product code
Iterative learning control algorithms based on geometric analysis
Iterative detection algorithm for V-BLAST
Iterative learning control for a class of discrete-time singular systems
Iterative learning control for switched singular time-delay systems
Iterative learning control for a class of singular impulsive systems
Iterative maximum likelihood channel estimation of OFDM systems via superimposed training sequence
Iterative optimisation of Monte Carlo detector models using measurements and simulations
Iterative motion feedforward tuning: A data-driven approach based on instrumental variable identification
Iterative Solution of MTL Based on the Spatial Decomposition and the Second-Order FDTD
Iterative Filtering and Smoothing of Measurements Possessing Poisson Noise
Iterative sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for motif discovery
Iterative beamforming algorithm for improved throughput in multi-cell multi-antenna wireless systems
Iterative nonlinear detection for SFBC SC-FDMA uplink MIMO transmission systems
Iterative problem solving in teams: insights from an agent-based simulation
Iterative learning control for output-constrained nonlinear systems with input quantization and actuator faults
Iterative asymmetric multiscale morphology and its application to fault detection for rolling element bearing
Iterative sequential bat algorithm for free-form rational Bezier surface reconstruction
Iterative joint integrated probabilistic data association filter for multiple-detection multiple-target tracking
Iterative image segmentation with feature driven heuristic four-color labeling
Iterative Learning Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Unknown High-Order Internal Models: A Time-Frequency Analysis Approach
Iterative Graph-Based Filtering for Image Abstraction and Stylization
Iterative projection based sparse reconstruction for face recognition
Iterative Receivers for Downlink MIMO-SCMA: Message Passing and Distributed Cooperative Detection
Iterative algorithms with the regularization for the constrained convex minimization problem and maximal monotone operators
Iterative robust filtering for ground target tracking
Iterative Learning Control Design for Multiagent Systems Based on 2D Models
Iterative Forward-Backward Pursuit Algorithm for Compressed Sensing
Iterative Learning Control of a Robotic Arm Experiment Platform with Input Constraint
Iterative sliding mode observer for sensorless control of five-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor
Iterative ADP learning algorithms for discrete-time multi-player games
Iterative Feedback Control-Based Salient Object Segmentation
Iterative morphological and mollifier-based baseline correction for Raman spectra
Iterative Weighted Recovery for Block-Based Compressive Sensing of Image/Video at a Low Subrate
Iterative Learning Control for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Both Structured and Unstructured Uncertainties
Iterative identification algorithms for bilinear-in-parameter systems with autoregressive moving average noise
Iterative screening of an evolutionary engineered Desmodesmus generates robust field strains with pesticide tolerance
Iterative feedback bio-printing-derived cell-laden hydrogel scaffolds with optimal geometrical fidelity and cellular controllability
Iterative Synthesis of Polydeoxypropionates Based on Iridium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of alpha-Substituted Acrylic Acids
Iterative random forests to discover predictive and stable high-order interactions
Iterative classification strategy for multi-resolution wireless sensing of passive targets
Iterative Learning Identification/Iterative Learning Control for Linear Time-Varying Systems
Iterative Learning Control Experimental Results in Twin-Rotor Device
Iterative reconstruction for low dose dual energy CT using information-divergence constrained spectral redundancy information
Iterative reconfigurable tree search detector for multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems
Iterative algorithm of joint least-squares channel estimation and signal detection for OFDM systems
Iterative ICI mitigation method for MIMO OFDM systems
Iterative power allocation algorithm for group-wise space-time block coding systems
Iterative multiuser receiver based on factor graph for asynchronous coded CDMA systems
Iterative decoding of parallel and serial concatenated single parity check product codes
Iterative multiuser receiver for coded CDMA systems
Iterated function system based fractal interpolation algorithm for 3-D digital elevation model reconstruction
Iterative decoding of space frequency block code OFDM systems
Iterative multiuser receiver for convolutionally coded DS-CDMA systems
Iterative decoding of product codes with list decoding of sub-codes based on selected columns of the check matrix
Iterative decoding algorithm of product codes based on syndrome method
Iterative receiver for coded group-wise space-time block coding MlMO-OFDM systems
Iterative regularization method for image denoising with adaptive scale parameter
Iterative method for dynamic condensation of structural matrices
Iterative multiuser decoding based on parallel partial interference cancellation detection
Iterative multi-level image segmentation based on fuzzy set theory
Iterative decoding of product codes based on syndrome decoding of sub-codes
Iterative solution for two-dimensional boundary layer equations
Iterative receivers for multiuser space-time coding systems
Iterative algorithm of steered minimum variance and its application in weak targets detection
Iterative algorithm for noise filtering of electric power transient signals via discrete GABOR expansion
Iterated function system fractal image code on instability of vapor-water two-phase flow
Iterative Label Propagation Based on Semi-Supervised Learning for Classifying Benign and Malignant Pulmonary Nodules
iterClust: a statistical framework for iterative clustering analysis
Iterative reconstruction with boundary detection for carbon ion computed tomography
Iterative methods for finding commuting solutions of the Yang-Baxter-like matrix equation
Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization for MIMO-GFDM Systems
Iterative parameter identification for pseudo-linear systems with ARMA noise using the filtering technique
Iterated function systems of logistic maps: synchronization and intermittency
Iterative techniques for analyzing nonlinear vibrating dynamical systems in the frequency domain
Iterative Learning Procedure With Reinforcement for High-Accuracy Force Tracking in Robotized Tasks
Iterative functional equations and means
Iteration acceleration for distributed learning systems
Iterative near-term ecological forecasting: Needs, opportunities, and challenges
Iterative adaptive dynamic programming methods with neural network implementation for multi-player zero-sum games
Iterative attenuation of interference via a rank reduction algorithm
Iterative Maximum Likelihood FIR Estimation of Dynamic Systems With Improved Robustness
Iterative learning control for linear delay systems with deterministic and random impulses
Iterative algorithm for solving acoustic source characterization problems under block sparsity constraints
Iterative algorithms for solving the split feasibility problem in Hilbert spaces
Iterative methods for solving proximal split minimization problems
Iterative techniques for the initial value problem for Caputo fractional differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses
Iterative slope and intercept method for diffusion estimation in binary liquids
Iterative updating of model error for Bayesian inversion
Iterative multi-task learning for time-series modeling of solar panel PV outputs
Iterative matrix algorithm for high precision temperature and force decoupling in multi-parameter FBG sensing
Iterative deblending using the POCS algorithm in the approximate flattened domain
Iterative Reconstruction May Improve Diagnosis of Gout &ITAn Ex Vivo &IT(&ITBio&IT)&ITPhantom Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Study&IT
Iterative Method to Obtain Raman Spectra of Organic Dyes by Their Chaotic Generation in Multiple-Scattering Media
Iterative Demodulation and Decoding Algorithm for 3GPP/LTE-A MIMO-OFDM Using Distribution Approximation
Iterative co-creation for improved hand hygiene and aseptic techniques in the operating room: experiences from the safe hands study
Iterative algorithm for beam complex amplitude reconstruction by radial shearing interferometry
Iterative Parameter Estimation for Signal Models Based on Measured Data
Iterative learning scheme to design intermittent fault estimators for nonlinear systems with parameter uncertainties and measurement noise
Iterative spectral CT reconstruction based on low rank and average-image-incorporated BM3D
Iterative inversion of deformation vector fields with feedback control
Iterative full-wave analysis of compact band-pass filters with Mandelbrot inspired fractal patch geometries
Iterative ranking aggregation using quality improvement of subgroup ranking
Iterative Metallic Artifact Reduction for In-Plane Gonadal Shielding During Computed Tomographic Venography of Young Males
Iterative Roots of Non-PM Functions and Denseness
Iterative control of Gortler vortices via local wall deformations
Iterative reweighted methods for l(1) - l(p) minimization
Iterated ultrapowers for the masses
Iterative peptide synthesis in membrane cascades: Untangling operational decisions
Iterative Combinatorial Symbol Design for Spatial Modulations in MIMO VLC Systems
Iterative weighted sparse representation for X-ray cardiovascular angiogram image denoising over learned dictionary
Iterating QCD scattering amplitudes in the high-energy limit
Iterated diffusion maps for feature identification
Iterative learning in optimal control of linear dynamic processes
Iterative Solution of Eddy Current Problems on Polyhedral Meshes
Iterative finite element variational multiscale method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Iterative Synthesis of Pluripotent Thioethers through Controlled Redox Fluctuation of Sulfur
Iterative Calibration: A Novel Approach for Calibrating the Molecular Clock Using Complex Geological Events
Iterative Decentralized Planning for Collective Construction Tasks with Quadrotors
Iteratively reweighted algorithm for signals recovery with coherent tight frame
Iterative power allocation for throughput maximisation in IA-based cellular networks: two-game approach
Iterative Multiresolution Bayesian CS for Microwave Imaging
Iterative Joint Channel Estimation and Signal Detection for OFDM System in Double Selective Channels
Iterated elliptic and hypergeometric integrals for Feynman diagrams
Iterative pixelwise approach applied to computer-generated holograms and diffractive optical elements
Iterative unique positive solutions for singular p-Laplacian fractional differential equation system with several parameters
Iterative learning based output feedback control for electro-hydraulic loading system of a gait simulator
Iterative decoding of product codes with list decoding of sub-codes based on selected columns of the check matrix
Iterative algorithm-guided design of massive strain libraries, applied to itaconic acid production in yeast
Iterative Chemical Engineering of Vancomycin Leads to Novel Vancomycin Analogs With a High in Vitro Therapeutic Index
Iterated spans and classical topological field theories
Iterating the ASPECTS < 6 threshold
Iterative Search Algorithm to Maximize System Capacity in Time-Varying MIMO DAS
Iterative decoding of SOVA and LDPC product code for bit-patterned media recoding
Iterating a framework for the prevention of caregiver depression in dementia: a multi-method approach
Iterative cycle of widely targeted metabolic profiling for the improvement of 1-butanol titer and productivity in Synechococcus elongatus
Iterative guidance normal filter for point cloud
Iterative Learning Control for the Radio Frequency Subsystems of a Free-Electron Laser
Iterative two-dimensional signal warping-Towards a generalized approach for adaption of one-dimensional signals
Iterates of Markov operators and their limits
Iteratively improving Hi-C experiments one step at a time
Iterative Learning Control Algorithm for Feedforward Controller of EGR and VGT Systems in a CRDI Diesel Engine
Iterative adaptive approach to interference covariance matrix reconstruction for robust adaptive beamforming
Iterative roots of some functions
Iterative Group Decomposition for Refining Microaggregation Solutions
Iterated local search and simulated annealing algorithms for the inventory routing problem
Iterated egalitarian compromise solution to bargaining problems and midpoint domination
Iterative Waterfilling With User Selection in Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channels
Iterative-Interpolated DFT for Synchrophasor Estimation: A Single Algorithm for P- and M-Class Compliant PMUs
Iterative learning based trajectory generation for machine tool feed drive systems
Iterative algorithms and an overview of recent results for fixed-point problems
Iterative Regularization via Dual Diagonal Descent
Iterative individual plant clustering in maize with assembled 2D LiDAR data
Iterative genome editing of Escherichia coli for 3-hydroxypropionic acid production
Iterative Interior Digital Tomosynthesis Reconstruction Using a Dual-Resolution Voxellation Method
Iterative reproducing kernel method for nonlinear variable-order space fractional diffusion equations
Iterative null space projection method with adaptive thresholding in sparse signal recovery
Iterative Convex Optimization of Multi-Beam Directional Modulation With Artificial Noise
Iterative Refinement of Accelerations in Real-Time Vehicle Dynamics
Iterated nonexpansive mappings
Iterative improvement approaches for collecting weighted items in directed bipartite graphs
Iterative scheme for a coupled system of fractional-order differential equations with three-point boundary conditions
Iterative solutions of the split common fixed point problem for strictly pseudo-contractive mappings
Iterative Column Generation Algorithm for Generalized Multi-Vehicle Covering Tour Problem
Iterative optimization in tomographic deconvolution phase microscopy
Iterative Filtering and Smoothing in Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Systems Using Conditional Moments
Iterative landmark selection and subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
Iterative learning control for discrete-time switched singular systems
Iterative learning scheme-based fault estimation design for nonlinear systems with varying trial lengths and specified constraints
Iterative parameter estimation algorithms for dual-frequency signal models
Iterative reconstruction improves detection of in-stent restenosis by high-pitch dual-source coronary CT angiography
Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Electrical Capacitance Tomography Based on Calderon's Method
Iterative learning control for uncertain time-delay systems
Iterative computational approach to the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equation in nonlinear optimal control
Iterative learning fault-tolerant control for injection molding processes against actuator faults
Iteration method for detecting disease genes in terms of the integration of the cellular compartment information with the protein-protein interaction data
Iterative Learning Fault Estimation Design for Nonlinear System with Random Trial Length
Iterative roots of upper semicontinuous multifunctions
Iterative quality enhancement via residual-artifact learning networks for low-dose CT
Iterative Learning Control with Forgetting Factor for Urban Road Network
Iterative Dipole Moment Method for the Dielectrophoretic Particle-Particle Interaction in a DC Electric Field
Iterative Schemes for Nonconvex Quasi-Variational Problems with V-Prox-Regular Data in Banach Spaces
Iterative Identification of Hammerstein Parameter Varying Systems With Parameter Uncertainties Based on the Variational Bayesian Approach
Iterative learning fault diagnosis algorithm for non-uniform sampling hybrid system
Iterative range-domain weighted filter for structural preserving image smoothing and de-noising
Iterative tighter nonparallel hyperplane support vector clustering with simultaneous feature selection
Iterative learning identification and control for point-to-point tracking of linear time-varying systems with unknown parameters and stochastic noise
Iterative Changing Supply Rates, Dynamic State Feedback, and Adaptive Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems
Iterative Learning Control Based Robust Distributed Algorithm for Non-holonomic Mobile Robots Formation
Iterative positive thresholding algorithm for non-negative sparse optimization
Iterative algorithms for solving some tensor equations
Iterative Reconstrained Low-rank Representation via Weighted Nonconvex Regularizer
Iterative learning control for a class of parabolic system fault diagnosis
Iterative Learning Control of Two-Phase Laminar Flow Interface in Y-Shaped Microfluidic Channel
Iterative Learning Control for a Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle Under Distributed Disturbances
Iterative Per-Vector Equalization for Orthogonal Signal-Division Multiplexing Over Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels
Iterative Clipping Noise Elimination of Clipped and Filtered SCMA-OFDM System
Iterative algorithm for the symmetric and nonnegative tensor completion problem
Iterative Kernel Principal Component for Large-Scale Data Set
Iterative weighted estimation based on variance modelling in linear regression models
Iterative learning control for discrete singular time-delay systems
Iterative phase retrieval by combining modulus constraints and angle relationships
Iterative Learning Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Randomly Variable Input Trail Length
Iterative learning control for noninstantaneous impulsive fractional-order systems with varying trial lengths
Iteration based calculation of position and orientation of grinding wheel for solid cutting tool flute grinding
Iterative learning control for boundary tracking of uncertain nonlinear wave equations
Iterative learning control for linear discrete delay systems via discrete matrix delayed exponential function approach
Iteratively Linearized Reweighted Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Nonconvex Problems
Iterative learning control for MIMO parabolic partial difference systems with time delay
Iterative learning control and initial value estimation for probe–drogue autonomous aerial refueling of UAVs
Iterative tuning of modified uncertainty and disturbance estimator for time-delay processes: A data-driven approach
Iterative expectation maximization for reliable social sensing with information flows
Iterative Learning Method for Drilling Depth Optimization in Peck Deep-Hole Drilling
Iterative learning fault-tolerant control for networked batch processes with event-triggered transmission strategy and data dropouts
Iterative Intercell Interference Cancellation in MIMO Multicell Networks
Iterative reconstruction algorithm for the inverse problems in electrical capacitance tomography
Iterative correction of the thickness for transmission-mode GaAs photocathode optical performance
Iterative learning control for linear continuous-time switched systems with observation noise
Iterative Identification Algorithms for Bilinear-in-parameter Systems by Using the Over-parameterization Model and the Decomposition
Iterative feature mapping network for detecting multiple changes in multi-source remote sensing images
Iterative High-Accuracy Parameter Estimation of Uncooperative OFDM-LFM Radar Signals Based on FrFT and Fractional Autocorrelation Interpolation
Iterative learning control for image feature extraction with multiple-image blends
Iterative learning control for linear generalized distributed parameter system
Iterative approach to impedance model for small-signal stability analysis
Iterative complexities of a class of homogeneous algorithms for monotone nonlinear complementarity problems over symmetric cones
Iterative Compressive Sensing for the Cancellation of Clipping Noise in Underwater Acoustic OFDM System
Iterative hybrid precoder and combiner design for mmWave MIMO-OFDM systems
Iterative Material Decomposition Method Eliminating Photoelectric Effect for Dual-MeV Energy Computed Tomography
Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Fractional Order Distributed Parameter Systems
Iterates of $M_1$
Iterative thresholding algorithm based on non-convex method for modified l(p)-norm regularization minimization
Iterative Equalization Algorithm Based on Precoding Matrix
Iterative algorithms for finding the zeroes of sums of operators
Iterative phase retrieval without support
Iterative learning control strategy for the application of CCM vibration System
Iterative learning observer based robust output feedback tracking control for flexible manipulator
Iterative method on recognition of sensitive parameter for nuclear reactor passive system physical progress
Iterative Soft-Decision Decoding of Hermitian Codes
Itga2b Regulation at the Onset of Definitive Hematopoiesis and Commitment to Differentiation
Ithaka S+R高校图书馆科研支持服务调研实证研究
IthaGenes: An Interactive Database for Haemoglobin Variations and Epidemiology
ithlete Heart Rate Variability app: knowing when to train
Ithomiini Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) of Antioquia, Colombia
Itinerary Planning for Energy-Efficient Agent Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks
Itinerant electron model and conductance of DNA
Itinerant f-electron elements
Itinerant Ferromagnetism in a Polarized Two-Component Fermi Gas
Itinerary-Based Mobile Agent as a Basis for Distributed OSGi Services
Itinerant ferromagnetism and geometrically suppressed metal-insulator transition in epitaxial thin films of Ca2RuO4
Itinerant ferromagnetism of repulsive two-component Fermi gas in the triple-well traps
Itinerant 5f electrons in U2T21B6 (T=Ni and Co)
Itinerant magnetism in URhGe revealed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Itinerant electron magnetism of eta-carbides Co6M6C and Ni6M6C (M = Mo and W)
Itinerary of vesicles to primary cilia
Itinerant electronic ferromagnetism in Sr2ScO3CoAs with largely spaced CoAs conduction layers
Itinerant Versus Localized Heavy-Electron Magnetism
Itinerant ferromagnetism and p plus ip ' superconductivity in doped bilayer silicene
Itinerant electrons, local moments, and magnetic correlations in the pnictide superconductors CeFeAsO1-xFx and Sr(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2
Itinerant density wave instabilities at classical and quantum critical points
Itinerary provision and pricing in container liner shipping revenue management
Itinerant Ferromagnetism in the As 4p Conduction Band of Ba0.6K0.4Mn2As2 Identified by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
Itinerant antiferromagnetism in FeMnP0.8Si0.2 single crystals
Itinerant Electron Metamagnetism in eta-Carbide-Type Compound Co3Mo3C
Itinerant Ferromagnetism of a Repulsive Atomic Fermi Gas: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
Itinerant half-metallic ferromagnets Co(2)TiZ (Z=Si, Ge, Sn): Ab initio calculations and measurement of the electronic structure and transport properties
Itinerant ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional atomic gas
Itinerant Helimagnetic Single-Crystalline MnSi Nanowires
Itinerant antiferromagnetism in infinite dimensional Kondo lattice
Itineraries of rigid rotations and diffeomorphisms of the circle
Itinerant G-type antiferromagnetism in D0(3)-type V(3)Z (Z = Al, Ga, In) compounds: A first-principles study
Itinerant and Localized Magnetization Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Ho
Itinerancy between attractor states in neural systems
Itinerant spin excitations in SrFe2As2 measured by inelastic neutron scattering
Itinerant helimagnet MnSi
Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn2CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory
Itinerant magnetism in doped semiconducting beta-FeSi2 and CrSi2
Itinerant nature of magnetism in iron pnictides: A first-principles study
Itinerant ferromagnetism in an interacting Fermi gas with mass imbalance
Itinerant ferromagnetism in ultracold Fermi gases
Itinerant electron metamagnetism and magnetocaloric effect in RCo2-based Laves phase compounds
Itinerant Half-Metal Spin-Density-Wave State on the Hexagonal Lattice
Itinerant ferromagnetism with finite-ranged interactions
Itinerant ferromagnetism in an atomic Fermi gas: Influence of population imbalance
Itinerant ferromagnetism in an atom trap
Itinerant antiferromagnetism in BaCr2As2: Experimental characterization and electronic structure calculations
Itinerant multipolar order in URu2Si2 and its signature in magnetic and lattice properties
Itinerant U 5f Nature in Antiferromagnet U(Ru0.97Rh0.03)(2)Si-2: Soft X-ray Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Itinerant and local-moment magnetism in EuCr2As2 single crystals
Itinerant Ferromagnet RhFe3N: Advanced Synthesis and Fe-57 Mossbauer Analysis
Itinerant Ferromagnetism in a Fermi Gas of Ultracold Atoms
Itinerant Magnetic Excitations in Antiferromagnetic CaFe2As2
Itinerant origin of the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in Fe(Ga,Ge)(3)
Itinerant Electron-Driven Chiral Magnetic Ordering and Spontaneous Quantum Hall Effect in Triangular Lattice Models
Itinerant electron metamagnetism and magnetocaloric effect in Dy(Co,Si)(2)
Itinerant metamagnetism and possible spin transition in LaCoO3 by temperature/hole doping
Itinerant Magnetism in Metallic CuFe2Ge2
Itinerant spin excitations near the hidden order transition in URu2Si2
Itinerant exosomes: emerging roles in cell and tissue polarity
Itinerant and localized magnetism on the triangular lattice: Sodium-rich phases of Na(x)CoO(2)
Itinerant nature of U 5f states in uranium mononitride revealed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Itinerant Magnetic Multipole Moments of Rank Five as the Hidden Order in URu2Si2
Itinerant Flat-Band Magnetism in Hydrogenated Carbon Nanotubes
Itinerant Ferromagnetism in the Electronic Localization Limit
Itinerant electron metamagnetism in LaCo9Si4
Itinerant in-plane magnetic fluctuations and many-body correlations in NaxCoO2
Itinerancy and hidden order in URu2Si2
Itinerant-electron metamagnetic transition in LaFe12B6
Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in RuO2
Itinerant Routing in Elastic Optical Networks
Itinerant G-type antiferromagnetic order in SrCr2As2
Itinerant ferromagnetism in actinide 5f-electron systems: Phenomenological analysis with spin fluctuation theory
Itinerant magnetic metals
Itinerary planning for mobile sinks in network-coding-based wireless sensor networks
Itinerant Conductance in Fuse-Antifuse Networks
Itinerant-Electron Magnet of the Pyrochlore Lattice: Indium-Doped YMn2Zn20
Itinerant Nature of Atom-Magnetization Excitation by Tunneling Electrons
Itineraries for inverse limits of tent maps: A backward view
Itinerant scenario for Fe pnictides: Comparison with quantum Monte Carlo
Itinerary of high density lipoproteins in endothelial cells
Itinerant-Electron Ferromagnetism in a Titanium-Rich Magnesium Titanate Ilmenite Solid Solution
Itinerant ferromagnetic phase of the Hubbard model
Itinerant-electron metamagnetism of the Hf1-x,TaxFe2 (x=0.125 and 0.14) compounds under high pressure
Itinerant ferromagnetism of two-dimensional repulsive fermions with Rabi coupling
Itinerant quantum multicriticality of two-dimensional Dirac fermions
Itinerant to localized electronic behavior in phase segregated ruthenates
Itinerant Microwave Photon Detector
Itinerary recommender system with semantic trajectory pattern mining from geo-tagged photos
Itk Controls the Spatiotemporal Organization of T Cell Activation
Itk kinase inhibitors: Initial efforts to improve the metabolical stability and the cell activity of the benzimidazole lead
Itk Signals Promote Neuroinflammation by Regulating CD4(+) T-Cell Activation and Trafficking
Itk Derived Signals Regulate the Expression of Th-POK and Controls the Development of CD4(+) T Cells
Itk inhibitors: a patent review
Itk-mediated integration of T cell receptor and cytokine signaling regulates the balance between Th17 and regulatory T cells
Itm2a, a Target Gene of GATA-3, Plays a Minimal Role in Regulating the Development and Function of T Cells
Itm2a Is a Pax3 Target Gene, Expressed at Sites of Skeletal Muscle Formation In Vivo
Itm2a Expression in the Developing Mouse First Lower Molar, and the Subcellular Localization of Itm2a in Mouse Dental Epithelial Cells
Ito equations out of domino cellular automaton with efficiency parameters
Ito formula for one-dimensional continuous-time quantum random walk
Ito calculus without probability in idealized financial markets
Ito and Stratonovich integrals on compound renewal processes: the normal/Poisson case
Ito type stochastic fuzzy differential equations with delay
Ito 型滞后随机系统的实用稳定性
Ito's theorem and metabelian Leibniz algebras
Ito's formula for finite variation Levy processes: The case of non-smooth functions
Ito's stochastic calculus: Its surprising power for applications
Ito's excursion theory and random trees
Ito's rule and Levy's theorem in vector lattices
Ito's formula for the L-p-norm of stochastic W-p(1)-valued processes
Ito, Stratonovich, Hanggi and all the rest: The thermodynamics of interpretation
Ito-Taylor Schemes for Solving Mean-Field Stochastic Differential Equations
Ito-SDE MCMC method for Bayesian characterization of errors associated with data limitations in stochastic expansion methods for uncertainty quantification
Ito-Free Flexible Electronics: Screen-Printed Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(Styrenesulfonate) Grids as ITO-Free Anodes for Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (Adv. Funct. Mater. 11/2018)
Itokawa's cratering record as observed by Hayabusa: Implications for its age and collisional history
Itokawa Dust Particles: A Direct Link Between S-Type Asteroids and Ordinary Chondrites
Itolizumab provides sustained remission in plaque psoriasis: a 5-year follow-up experience
Itolizumab, a novel anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody: a safe and efficacious biologic agent for management of psoriasis
Itolizumab in psoriasis
itom: an open source metrology, automation, and data evaluation software
Itopride in the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia in Chinese Patients A Prospective, Multicentre, Post-Marketing Observational Study
Itopride therapy for functional dyspepsia: A meta-analysis
Itosides A-I, new phenolic glycosides from Itoa orientalis
Itosides J-N from Itoa orientalis and structure - Anti-COX-2 activity relationship of phenolic glycosides
Itoside A and 4-hydroxytremulacin from Dovyalis caffra and Dovyalis zeyheri
Itpr3 Is Responsible for the Mouse Tufted (tf) Locus
Itraconazole-enhanced vindesine neurotoxicity in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Itraconazole, a Commonly Used Antifungal that Inhibits Hedgehog Pathway Activity and Cancer Growth
Itraconazole in chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis: a randomised controlled trial and systematic review of literature
Itraconazole and Arsenic Trioxide Inhibit Hedgehog Pathway Activation and Tumor Growth Associated with Acquired Resistance to Smoothened Antagonists
Itraconazole: an update on pharmacology and clinical use for treatment of invasive and allergic fungal infections
Itraconazole prophylaxis for invasive Aspergillus infection in lung transplantation
Itraconazole-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin loaded deformable liposomes: In vitro skin penetration studies and antifungal efficacy using Candida albicans as model
Itraconazole solid dispersion prepared by a supercritical fluid technique: preparation, in vitro characterization, and bioavailability in beagle dogs
Itraconazole solid dispersion prepared by a supercritical fluid technique: preparation, in vitro characterization, and bioavailability in beagle dogs (vol 9, pg 2801, 2015)
Itraconazole Inhibits Enterovirus Replication by Targeting the Oxysterol-Binding Protein
Itraconazole treatment reduces Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis prevalence and increases overwinter field survival in juvenile Cascades frogs
Itraconazole and clarithromycin inhibit P-glycoprotein activity in primary human sinonasal epithelial cells
Itraconazole-resistant Candida auris with phospholipase, proteinase and hemolysin activity from a case of vulvovaginitis
Itraconazole and Rifampin Alter Significantly the Disposition and Antihistamine Effect of Ebastine and Its Metabolites in Healthy Participants
Itraconazole Treatment of Nonmeningeal Coccidioidomycosis in Children Two Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Itraconazole-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid nanoparticles for improved antifungal activity
Itraconazole-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for pulmonary treatment of aspergillosis in falcons
Itraconazole therapy in a pancreatic adenocarcinoma patient: A case report
Itraconazole oral solution enhanced vincristine neurotoxicity in five patients with malignant lymphoma
Itraconazole and domperidone: a placebo-controlled drug interaction study
Itraconazole-induced Torsade de Pointes in a patient receiving methadone substitution therapy
Itraconazole Inhibits Angiogenesis and Tumor Growth in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Itraconazole may increase the risk of early-onset bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy
Itraconazole inhibits TNF-alpha-induced CXCL10 expression in oral fibroblasts
Itraconazole: Its possible role in inhibiting angiogenesis in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Itraconazole Side Chain Analogues: Structure-Activity Relationship Studies for Inhibition of Endothelial Cell Proliferation, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR2) Glycosylation, and Hedgehog Signaling
Itraconazole vs Fluconazole as a Primary Prophylaxis for Fungal Infections in HIV-Infected Patients in Thailand
Itraconazole cis-diastereoisomers activate aryl hydrocarbon receptor AhR and pregnane X receptor PXR and induce CYP1A1 in human cell lines and human hepatocytes
Itraconazole-induced thrombocytopenia
Itraconazole and antiretroviral therapy: strategies for empirical dosing Reply
Itraconazole or Amphotericin B for Talaromycosis
Itraconazole and antiretroviral therapy: strategies for empirical dosing
Itraconazole-Induced Cholestasis: Involvement of the Inhibition of Bile Canalicular Phospholipid Translocator MDR3/ABCB4
Itraconazole or Amphotericin B for Talaromycosis Reply
Itraconazole 800 mg for the prophylaxis of fungal infections in patients with acute leukemia and severe neutropenia
Itraconazole, a P-Glycoprotein and CYP3A4 Inhibitor, Markedly Raises the Plasma Concentrations and Enhances the Renin-Inhibiting Effect of Aliskiren
Itraconazole Inhibits AKT/mTOR Signaling and Proliferation in Endometrial Cancer Cells
Itraconazole Modulates Hedgehog, WNT/beta-catenin, as well as Akt Signalling, and Inhibits Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells
Itraconazole attenuates hepatic gluconeogenesis and promotes glucose uptake by regulating AMPK pathway
Itraconazole-Induced Inhibition on Human Esophageal Cancer Cell Growth Requires AMPK Activation
Itraconazole inhibits invasion and migration of pancreatic cancer cells by suppressing TGF-beta/SMAD2/3 signaling
Itraconazole targets cell cycle heterogeneity in colorectal cancer
Itraconazole inhibits the proliferation of gastric cancer cells in vitro and improves patient survival
Itraconazole inhibits proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells through activation of Bak-1
Itrust: Interpersonal Trust Measurements from Social Interactions
Its length polymorphism in oysters and its use in species identification
Its time to make changes: modulation of root system architecture by nutrient signals
Its own reward: lessons to be drawn from the reversed-reward contingency paradigm
Its not only the kidneysugenetic determinants of glomerular filtration marker levels
Its Preferential Interactions with Biopolymers Account for Diverse Observed Effects of Trehalose
Itsy Bitsy Topological Field Theory
Itsy bitsy spider? Valence and self-relevance predict size estimation
ittle cFirst law of black hole mechanics in variable background fields
Ittoqqortoormiit and the National Park of Greenland: a community's option for tourism development
Iturin Levels on Wheat Spikes Linked to Biological Control of Fusarium Head Blight by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Iturin A is the principal inhibitor in the biocontrol activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PPCB004 against postharvest fungal pathogens
Iturin produced by Bacillus pumilus HY1 from Korean soybean sauce (kanjang) inhibits growth of aflatoxin producing fungi
Iturin A-like lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis trigger apoptosis, paraptosis, and autophagy in Caco-2 cells
Itzhak Ohad (1930-2016) OBITUARY
Itzi (version 17.1): an open-source, distributed GIS model for dynamic flood simulation
Iuiuia caeca gen. n., sp n., a new troglobitic planthopper in the family Kinnaridae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) from Brazil
Iulius Casserius: revolutionary anatomist, teacher and pioneer of the sixteenth and seventeenth century
Iulius Casserius and the First Anatomically Correct Depiction of the Circulus Arteriosus Cerebri (of Willis)
Iunius: A Cross-Layer Peer-to-Peer System With Device-to-Device Communications
Iushi zhongguo effect of nano/ultrafine grain on passive film properties of metastable austenitic stainless steels with and without loading
Ius和right的词义变迁 谈两大法系权利概念的历史演进
IutB participates in the ferric-vulnibactin utilization system in Vibrio vulnificus M2799
IvACT after Aneurysm Clipping as an Alternative to Digital Subtraction Angiography - First Experiences
Ivabradine and outcomes in chronic heart failure
Ivabradine potential for correcting myocardial electrical instability predictors in coronary heart disease
Ivabradine inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase in acute coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis
Ivabradine significantly improves cardiac function in patients with ischemic heart disease: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Ivabradine and atrial fibrillation: what should we tell our patients?
Ivabradine Protects Against Ventricular Arrhythmias in Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Rat
Ivabradine in Stable Coronary Artery Disease without Clinical Heart Failure
Ivabradine in treatment of sinus tachycardia mediated vasovagal syncope
Ivabradine: a preliminary observation for a new terapeutic role in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Ivabradine in Combination With Metoprolol Succinate in the Treatment of Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia
Ivabradine in the Treatment of Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia in Patients after Successful Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Atrioventricular Node Slow Pathway
Ivabradine Might Improve Exercise Capacity in Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Comparison With Bisoprolol: Assessment With the Ergospirometry Test
Ivabradine is cost-effective in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Ivabradine: potential clinical applications in critically ill patients
Ivabradine for the prevention of inappropriate shocks due to sinus tachycardia in patients with an implanted cardioverter defibrillator
Ivabradine: Heart Rate and Left Ventricular Function
Ivabradine but not propranolol delays the time to onset of ischaemia-induced ventricular fibrillation by preserving myocardial metabolic energy status
Ivabradine Prevents Low Shear Stress Induced Endothelial Inflammation and Oxidative Stress via mTOR/eNOS Pathway
Ivabradine on Aortic Stiffness in Patients With Heart Failure
Ivabradine poisoning with suicide intention
Ivabradine treatment prevents dobutamine-induced increase in heart rate in patients with acute decompensated heart failure
Ivabradine prolongs phase 3 of cardiac repolarization and blocks the hERG1 (KCNH2) current over a concentration-range overlapping with that required to block HCN4
Ivabradine and the SIGNIFY conundrum
Ivabradine in Cardiovascular Disease: Heart Rate Isn't Everything
Ivabradine: A Unique and Intriguing Medication for Treating Cardiovascular Disease
Ivabradin and atenolol effectiveness comparison in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Ivabradine in the Treatment of Patients With Angina Pectoris: Lessons of the BEAUTIFUL Trial
Ivabradine as a heart rate-lowering agent in a patient with end-stage renal failure after heart trasplantation
Ivabradine in heart failure-no paradigm SHIFT ... yet
Ivabradine in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia
Ivabradine versus bisoprolol
Ivabradine Reduces Chemokine-Induced CD4-Positive Lymphocyte Migration
Ivabradine and outcomes in chronic heart failure Reply
Ivabradine and outcomes in chronic heart failure (SHIFT): a randomised placebo-controlled study
Ivabradine: Appropriate treatment for inappropriate sinus tachycardia
Ivabradine: Heart Failure and Beyond
Ivabradine and the anti-inflammatory effects in patients with ischemic heart disease
Ivabradine and atrial fibrillation: A double-edged sword
Ivabradine in Heart Failure Hope or Hype?
Ivabradine: A promising drug in cardiogenic shock to prevent the undesirable sinus tachycardia induced by dobutamine?
Ivabradine during cardiogenic shock: A clinical case and review of the literature
Ivabradine in systemic sclerosis related pulmonary arterial hypertension
Ivabradine in pulmonary arterial hypertension: can we delay the need for parenteral prostanoid therapy?
Ivabradine: The Hope for a Good Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
Ivabradine: An Intelligent Drug for the Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
Ivabradine Versus Metoprolol for Heart Rate Reduction Before Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography
Ivabradine In Adults with Chronic Heart Failure with Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Ivabradine Improves Left Ventricular Function During Chronic Hypertension in Conscious Pigs
Ivabradine in combination with beta-blocker therapy for the treatment of stable angina pectoris in every day clinical practice
Ivabradine A Ray of Hope for Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia
Ivabradine (a hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel blocker) elevates the threshold for maximal electroshock-induced tonic seizures in mice
Ivabradine in Combination with Beta-Blockers in Patients with Chronic Stable Angina After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Ivabradine in heart failure: NICE guidance
Ivabradine: Pharmacodynamic Aspects of its Clinical Use
Ivabradine Attenuates the Microcirculatory Derangements Evoked by Experimental Sepsis
Ivabradine in the management of coronary artery disease with or without left ventricular dysfunction or heart failure
Ivabradine in acute coronary syndromes: Protection beyond heart rate lowering
Ivabradine attenuates the anticonvulsant potency of lamotrigine, but not that of lacosamide, pregabalin and topiramate in the tonic-clonic seizure model in mice
Ivabradine in Children With Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Symptomatic Chronic Heart Failure
Ivabradine: Current and Future Treatment of Heart Failure
Ivabradine in Heart Failure The Representativeness of SHIFT (Systolic Heart Failure Treatment With the IF Inhibitor Ivabradine Trial) in a Broad Population of Patients With Chronic Heart Failure
Ivabradine reduced ventricular rate in patients with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Ivabradine and metoprolol differentially affect cardiac glucose metabolism despite similar heart rate reduction in a mouse model of dyslipidemia
Ivabradine in Stable Coronary Artery Disease REPLY
Ivabradine in the treatment of orthostatic intolerance
Ivabradine reduces heart rate while preserving metabolic fluxes and energy status of healthy normoxic working hearts
Ivabradine: An hypothesis generating study - An important link between bench and bedside
Ivabradine in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock: A Preliminary Randomized Prospective Study
Ivabradine: Role in the Chronic Heart Failure Armamentarium
Ivabradine (Corlanor) for Heart Failure
Ivabradine in the treatment of heart failure and coronary artery disease
Ivabradine added to guidelines-based therapy in systolic heart failure patients
Ivabradine improves coronary flow reserve in patients with stable coronary artery disease
Ivabradine, a novel heart rate slower: Is it a sword of double blades in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy?
Ivabradine to Treat Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia after the Fast Pathway Ablation in a Patient with Severe Pectus Excavatum
Ivabradine in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease: A Rationale for Use in Addition to and Beyond Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Ivabradine therapy to unmask heart rate-independent effects of beta-blockers on pulse wave reflections
Ivabradine in Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Ivabradine improves left ventricular twist and untwist during chronic hypertension
Ivabradine Treatment Reduces Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis in a Murine Model of Chronic Viral Myocarditis
Ivabradine HCL-Loaded Polymeric Microspheres Consisting of Ethyl Cellulose and Eudragit FS30D for Controlled Drug Release
Ivabradine inhibits carbachol-induced contractions of isolated rat urinary bladder
Ivabradine for systolic heart failure
Ivabradine improved left ventricular function and pressure overload-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis in a transverse aortic constriction mouse model
Ivabradine promotes angiogenesis and reduces cardiac hypertrophy in mice with myocardial infarction
Ivacaftor for patients with cystic fibrosis
Ivacaftor treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with the G551D mutation: a review of the evidence
Ivacaftor for the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis and the G551D mutation: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis
Ivacaftor in a G551D Homozygote with Cystic Fibrosis
Ivacaftor-Induced Proteomic Changes Suggest Monocyte Defects May Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis
Ivacaftor improves appearance of sinus disease on computerised tomography in cystic fibrosis patients with G551D mutation
Ivacaftor therapy in siblings with cystic fibrosis-the potential implications of Itraconazole in dosage and efficacy
Ivacaftor in cystic fibrosis adults: Czech experience with six years of follow-up
Ivacaftor: From Bench to Bedside ... and Back Again
Ivacaftor: A new emerging treatment option in the management of cystic fibrosis
Ivacaftor therapy for cystic fibrosis
Ivacaftor and symptoms of extra-oesophageal reflux in patients with cystic fibrosis and G551D mutation
Ivacaftor and sinonasal pathology in a cystic fibrosis patient with genotype deltaF508/S1215N
Ivacaftor in a young boy with the rare gating mutation S549R-use of lung clearance index to track progress: a case report
Ivacaftor for the p.Ser549Arg (S549R) gating mutation - The Israeli experience
Ivacaftor improved lung function in cystic fibrosis with G551D mutation
Ivacaftor in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis Who Are Homozygous for the F508del-CFTR Mutation
Ivacaftor treatment of cystic fibrosis in children aged 12 to < 24 months and with a CFTR gating mutation (ARRIVAL): a phase 3 single-arm study
Ivacaftor restores CFTR-dependent sweat gland fluid secretion in cystic fibrosis subjects with S945L alleles
Ivaldiceras, a new genus of heteromorphic ammonites from the Lower Aptian of southeast France
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936)
Ivanyukite-Na-T, ivanyukite-Na-C, ivanyukite-K, and ivanyukite-Cu: New microporous titanosilicates from the Khibiny massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) and crystal structure of ivanyukite-Na-T
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936): conditioned reflexes
Ivan Pavlov: A Russian Life in Science
Ivano Bertini 1940-2012 obituary
Ivan M. Sechenov (1829-1905)
Ivan Paul Kaminow obituary
Ivan Malek [1909-1994]: a tribute
Ivan Illich on medical nemesis
Ivan Dikic
Ivan Illich's Medical Nemesis and the "age of the show': On the Expropriation of Death
Ivar A. Mjor, 1933-2017
Ivermectin inhibits LPS-induced production of inflammatory cytokines and improves LPS-induced survival in mice
Iverya averyi gen. nov and sp nov., a New Triadotypomorphan Species from the Middle Triassic at Picton, New South Wales, Australia
Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug
Ivermectin is a specific inhibitor of importin alpha/beta-mediated nuclear import able to inhibit replication of HIV-1 and dengue virus
Ivermectin Dust for the Control of Coptotermes formosanus in Residential Areas
Ivermectin Lotion (Sklice) for Head Lice
Ivermectin sensitivity is an ancient trait affecting all ecdysozoa but shows phylogenetic clustering among sepsid flies
Ivermectin to reduce malaria transmission: a research agenda for a promising new tool for elimination
Ivermectin reduces sexual behavior in female rats
Ivermectin and moxidectin resistance characterization by larval migration inhibition test in field isolates of Cooperia spp. in beef cattle, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Ivermectin blocks the nuclear location signal of parvoviruses in crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus
Ivermectin and abamectin administered at different doses and routes against Cochliomyia hominivorax in the scrotum of newly castrated cattle from southeast region of Brazil
Ivermectin inhibits porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in cultured porcine alveolar macrophages
Ivermectin modulation of pH-sensitive chloride channels in the silkworm larvae of Bombyx mori
Ivermectin binds to Haemonchus contortus tubulins and promotes stability of microtubules
Ivermectin treatment of free-ranging endangered Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) pups effect on hookworm and lice infection status, haematological parameters, growth, and survival
Ivermectin as a Complementary Strategy to Kill Mosquitoes and Stop Malaria Transmission?
Ivermectin for the treatment of mice (Mus muscullus) infected by mites
Ivermectin-dependent release of IL-1beta in response to ATP by peritoneal macrophages from P2X(7)-KO mice
Ivermectin Antagonizes Ethanol Inhibition in Purinergic P2X4 Receptors
Ivermectin and River Blindness Science and philanthropy put an end to blindly following the next generation
Ivermectin is a nonselective inhibitor of mammalian P-type ATPases
Ivermectin versus Malathion for Head Lice REPLY
Ivermectin-loaded lipid nanocapsules: toward the development of a new antiparasitic delivery system for veterinary applications
Ivermectin Induces Cytostatic Autophagy by Blocking the PAK1/Akt Axis in Breast Cancer
Ivermectin 1% Cream (Soolantra) for Inflammatory Lesions of Rosacea
Ivermectin Treatment and Sanitation Effectively Reduce Strongyloides stercoralis Infection Risk in Rural Communities in Cambodia
Ivermectin exhibits potent anti-mitotic activity
Ivermectin in Human Medicine, An Overview of the Current Status of Its Clinical Applications
Ivermectin, 'Wonder drug' from Japan: the human use perspective
Ivermectin reduces alcohol intake and preference in mice
Ivermectin Cream (Soollantra) for Rosacea
Ivermectin inhibits the sporogony of Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae
Ivermectin binding sites in human and invertebrate Cys-loop receptors
Ivermectin induces P-glycoprotein expression and function through mRNA stabilization in murine hepatocyte cell line
Ivermectin-loaded microparticles for parenteral sustained release: in vitro characterization and effect of some formulation variables
Ivermectin-dependent attachment of neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells to Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae in vitro
Ivermectin disrupts the function of the excretory-secretory apparatus in microfilariae of Brugia malayi
Ivermectin and Milbemycin Oxime in Experimental Adult Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) Infection of Dogs
Ivermectin Resistance in Onchocerca volvulus: Toward a Genetic Basis
Ivermectin resistance and overview of the Consortium for Anthelmintic Resistance SNPs
Ivermectin Acts as a Posteclosion Nymphicide by Reducing Blood Feeding of Human Head Lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae) That Hatched From Treated Eggs
Ivermectin Interacts With Human ABCG2
Ivermectin-induced blindness treated with intravenous lipid therapy in a dog
Ivermectin: panacea for resource-poor communities?
Ivermectin Inhibits Growth of Chlamydia trachomatis in Epithelial Cells
Ivermectin alters reproductive success, body condition and sexual trait expression in dung beetles
Ivermectin efficacy against Biomphalaria, intermediate host snail vectors of Schistosomiasis
Ivermectin to reduce malaria transmission I. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic considerations regarding efficacy and safety
Ivermectin to reduce malaria transmission III. Considerations regarding regulatory and policy pathways
Ivermectin to reduce malaria transmission II. Considerations regarding clinical development pathway
Ivermectin: a complimentary weapon against the spread of malaria?
Ivermectin lipid-based nanocarriers as novel formulations against head lice
Ivermectin susceptibility and sporontocidal effect in Greater Mekong Subregion Anopheles
Ivermectin-treated cattle reduces blood digestion, egg production and survival of a free-living population of Anopheles arabiensis under semi-field condition in south-eastern Tanzania
Ivermectin - Old Drug, New Tricks?
Ivermectin activates GIRK channels in a PIP2-dependent, G(beta gamma)-independent manner and an amino acid residue at the slide helix governs the activation
Ivermectin treatment of Loa loa hyper-microfilaraemic baboons (Papio anubis): Assessment of microfilarial load reduction, haematological and biochemical parameters and histopathological changes following treatment
Ivermectin as an adjunct in the treatment of refractory epilepsy
Ivermectin induces PAK1-mediated cytostatic autophagy in breast cancer
Ivermectin cream improves health-related quality of life in patients with rosacea: data from a randomized trial
Ivermectin failure in the control of Oxyuris equi in a herd of ponies in France
Ivermectin-Activated, Cation-Permeable Glycine Receptors for the Chemogenetic Control of Neuronal Excitation
Ivermectin residues in squab
Ivermectin versus albendazole or thiabendazole for Strongyloides stercoralis infection
Ivermectin residues in milk of lactating donkey (Equus asinus): current regulation and challenges for the future
Ivermectin for onchocercal eye disease (river blindness)
Ivermectin Residue Depletion in Food Producing Species and its Presence in Animal Foodstuffs With a View to Human Safety
Ivermectin resistance status and factors associated in Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) populations from Veracruz, Mexico
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted 'wonder' drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
Ivermectin: A Review in Rosacea
Ivermectin susceptibility, sporontocidal effect, and inhibition of time to re-feed in the Amazonian malaria vector Anopheles darlingi
Ivermectin residues disrupt dung beetle diversity, soil properties and ecosystem functioning: An interdisciplinary field study
Ivermection-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: preparation, characterisation, stability and transdermal behaviour
Ivermectin 1% (CD5024) for the treatment of rosacea
Ivermectin versus permethrin in the treatment of scabies: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Ivermectin: repurposing an old drug to complement malaria vector control
Ivermectin inhibits DNA polymerase UL42 of pseudorabies virus entrance into the nucleus and proliferation of the virus in vitro and vivo
Ivermectin treatment inhibits the replication of Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) in vitro and mitigates the impact of viral infection in piglets.
Ivermectin inhibits the growth of glioma cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in vitro and in vivo.
ivga: A fast force-directed method for interactive visualization of complex networks
Ivies, extracurriculars, and exclusion: Elite employers' use of educational credentials
Ivision of Ordovician limestone aquifer water rich area in Micun Coal Mine
ivnpiv-Neutrosophic soft sets and their decision making based on similarity measure
Ivo Pitanguy, MD, 1923 to 2016
Ivor Lewis subtotal esophagectomy with two-field lymphadenectomy for squamous cell carcinoma of the lower thoracic esophagus
Ivory identification by DNA profiling of cytochrome b gene
Ivor Lewis与左胸后外侧手术径路治疗食管癌的效果分析
Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy for esophageal cancer after distal gastrectomy
Ivory Vertebra on F-18-Sodium Fluoride Scan An Old Sign in a New Modality
Ivory debitage by fracture in the Aurignacian: experimental and archaeological examples
Ivory Towers Built on Quicksand, Or: What Makes It so Difficult Transferring Evidence-based Psychotherapy to Routine Care?
Ivor Grattan-Guinness (June 23, 1941-December 12, 2014) In Memoriam
Ivory or bone? A report on practical experience determining material from the Mesolithic site Klein Breese (Northern Germany)
Ivory gulls breeding on ice
Ivor-Lewis Esophagectomy With and Without Laparoscopic Conditioning of the Gastric Conduit
Ivory species identification using electrophoresis-based techniques
Ivory poachers and poison: drivers of Africa's declining vulture populations
Ivory Tower of Power
Ivory crisis: Role of bioprinting technology Response
Ivory crisis: Growing no-trade consensus
Ivory versus Antler: A Reassessment of Binary Structuralism in the Study of Prehistoric Eskimo Cultures
Ivor-Lewis minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancer- an excellent operation that improves with experience
Ivosidenib Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) inhibitor Treatment of hematological cancer Treatment of solid tumors
Ivrea mantle wedge, arc of the Western Alps, and kinematic evolution of the Alps-Apennines orogenic system
Ivsite, Na3H(SO4)(2), a new mineral from volcanic exhalations of fumaroles of the Fissure Tolbachik Eruption of the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L. Voigt) root suppresses adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells
Ivy sign, misery perfusion, and asymptomatic moyamoya disease: FLAIR imaging and O-15-gas positron emission tomography
Ivy Sign on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Images in Moyamoya Disease: Correlation with Clinical Severity and Old Brain Lesions
Ivy and Neurogliaform Interneurons Are a Major Target of mu-Opioid Receptor Modulation
Ivy Loop Wiring: A Useful Form of Endotracheal Tube Stabilization in Burn Patients
Ivy signs on FLAIR images before and after STA-MCA anastomosis in patients with Moyamoya disease
Ivy leaves extract based - lipid nanocarriers and their bioefficacy on antioxidant and antitumor activities
Ivy leaves dry extract EA 575 (R) decreases LPS-induced IL-6 release from murine macrophages
Ivy: an underappreciated key resource to flower-visiting insects in autumn
Ivy: Safety Verification by Interactive Generalization
IwC Special Issue "Feminism and HCI: New Perspectives" Special Issue Editors' Introduction
iwCLL guidelines for diagnosis, indications for treatment, response assessment, and supportive management of CLL
Iwahori-Matsumoto Involution and Linear Koszul Duality
Iwahori-Hecke Algebras of SL2 over 2-Dimensional Local Fields
Iwahori-Hecke algebras for p-adic loop groups
Iwahori component of the Gelfand-Graev representation
Iwao's patchiness regression through the origin: biological importance and efficiency of sampling applications
Iwasawa decomposition: a new approach to 2D affine registration problem
Iwasawa Theory for K2nOF
Iwasawa theory and p-adic L-functions over Z(p)(2)-extensions
Iwasawa nilpotency degree of non compact symmetric cosets in N-extended supergravity
Iwasawa N=8 attractors
Iwasawa theory for symmetric powers of CM modular forms at nonordinary primes, II
Iwasawa lambda-invariants and congruence of Galois representations
Iwasawa theory for modular forms at supersingular primes
Iwasawa theory of totally real fields for certain non-commutative p-extensions
Iwasawa theory for symmetric powers of CM modular forms at non-ordinary primes
Iwasawa theory of quadratic twists of X (0)(49)
Iwateite, Na2BaMn(PO4)(2), a new mineral from the Tanohata mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Iwayoside A, a New Diterpene Glycoside from Artemisia iwayomogi Kitamura that Enhances IL-2 Secretion
Iwr1 Directs RNA Polymerase II Nuclear Import
Iwr1 facilitates RNA polymerase II dynamics during transcription elongation
Iwr1 Protein Is Important for Preinitiation Complex Formation by All Three Nuclear RNA Polymerases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
IxV Curves of Boron and Nitrogen Doping Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons
Ixabepilone plus capecitabine with capecitabine alone for metastatic breast cancer
Ixabepilone Administered Weekly or Every Three Weeks in HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients; A Randomized Non-Comparative Phase II Trial
Ixabepilone for the treatment of endometrial cancer
Ixabepilone: targeting beta III-tubulin expression in taxane-resistant malignancies
Ixabepilone, a Novel Microtubule-Targeting Agent for Breast Cancer, Is a Substrate for P-Glycoprotein (P-gp/MDR1/ABCB1) but not Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP/ABCG2)
Ixabepilone: Providing New Hope for Women With Breast Cancer After Anthracycline and Taxane Failure
Ixabepilone-associated peripheral neuropathy: data from across the phase II and III clinical trials
Ixabepilone plus capecitabine in advanced breast cancer patients with early relapse after adjuvant anthracyclines and taxanes: A pooled subset analysis of two phase III studies
Ixabepilone: Clinical Role in Metastatic Breast Cancer
Ixabepilone for the treatment of breast cancer
Ixabepilone Plus Capecitabine for Breast Cancer Patients With an Early Metastatic Relapse After Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Two Clinical Trials
Ixabepilone, a New Treatment Option for Metastatic Breast Cancer
Ixabepilone (Ixempra) for breast cancer
Ixabepilone for the treatment of solid tumors: a review of clinical data
Ixabepilone: A novel antineoplastic agent with low susceptibility to multiple tumor resistance mechanisms
Ixabepilone for the treatment of taxane-refractory breast cancer
Ixabepilone, a novel epothilone analog in the treatment of breast cancer
Ixabepilone: a new microtubule-targeting agent for breast cancer
Ixabepilone plus capecitabine for metastatic breast cancer progressing after anthracycline and taxane treatment
Ixabepilone: A new antimitotic for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer
Ixabepilone In Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer
Ixabepilone-induced mitochondria and sensory axon loss in breast cancer patients
Ixabepilone, Mitoxantrone, and Prednisone for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer After Docetaxel-Based Therapy A Phase 2 Study of the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium
Ixazomib: an oral proteasome inhibitor for the treatment of multiplemyeloma
Ixazomib suppresses human dendritic cell and modulates murine graft-versus-host disease in a schedule-dependent fashion
Ixazomib enhances parathyroid hormone-induced beta-catenin/T-cell factor signaling by dissociating beta-catenin from the parathyroid hormone receptor
Ixazomib for the treatment of multiple myeloma
Ixazomib, an oral proteasome inhibitor, induces rapid mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells in mice
Ixazomib for Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma: Review from an Evidence Review Group on a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
Ixazomib promotes CHOP-dependent DR5 induction and apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells
Ixchelia, a new genus of Violaceae from Mexico and Mesoamerica
Ixekizumab for psoriasis
Ixekizumab for psoriasis Reply
Ixekizumab for treatment of psoriasis
Ixekizumab for treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
Ixekizumab, an interleukin-17A specific monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis: results from the 24-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled and active (adalimumab)-controlled period of the phase III trial SPIRIT-P1
Ixekizumab treatment improves fingernail psoriasis in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: results from the randomized, controlled and open-label phases of UNCOVER-3
Ixekizumab for the treatment of patients with active psoriatic arthritis and an inadequate response to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: results from the 24-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled period of the SPIRIT-P2 phase 3 trial
Ixekizumab Is Effective in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis With Significant Nail Involvement: Results From UNCOVER 3
Ixekizumab: A Review in Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis
Ixekizumab: First Global Approval
Ixekizumab: a new anti-IL-17A monoclonal antibody therapy for moderate-to severe plaque psoriasis
Ixekizumab for Treating Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
Ixekizumab for acrodermatitis continua
Ixekizumab treatment shows a neutral impact on cardiovascular parameters in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: Results from UNCOVER-1, UNCOVER-2, and UNCOVER-3
Ixekizumab treatment for psoriasis: integrated efficacy analysis of three double-blinded, controlled studies (UNCOVER-1, UNCOVER-2, UNCOVER-3)
Ixekizumab: an anti-IL-17A monoclonal antibody for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis
Ixekizumab and psoriasis: an important entry into the therapeutic landscape
Ixeris dentata NAKAI Reduces Clinical Score and HIF-1 Expression in Experimental Colitis in Mice
Ixeris dentata-induced regulation of amylase synthesis and secretion in glucose-treated human salivary gland cells
Ixeris dentata Decreases ER Stress and Hepatic Lipid Accumulation through Regulation of ApoB Secretion
Ixeris dentata (Thunb) Nakai Ethylacetate Extract Attenuates Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Proteins-1c via AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activation
Ixeris dentata (Thunb. Ex Thunb.) Nakai Extract Inhibits Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells through Akt/NF-B Pathways
Ixeris dentata Extract Increases Salivary Secretion through the Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in a Diabetes-Induced Xerostomia Rat Model
Ixiaro (R): a new vaccine against Japanese encephalitis
Ixia nutans, a new species of Ixia sect. Morphixia (Iridaceae) from the western Little Karoo, Western Cape, South Africa
Ixmyelocel-T for patients with ischaemic heart failure: a prospective randomised double-blind trial
Ixmyelocel-T, an expanded multicellular therapy, contains a unique population of M2-like macrophages
Ixodes scapularis salivary gland protein P11 facilitates migration of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from the tick gut to salivary glands
Ixodes scapularis JAK-STAT Pathway Regulates Tick Antimicrobial Peptides, Thereby Controlling the Agent of Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis
Ixodid ticks associated with feral swine in Texas
Ixodes ricinus and Borrelia prevalence at the Arctic Circle in Norway
Ixodes ricinus ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) as a vector of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Borrelia miyamotoi in Lower Silesia, Poland - Preliminary study
Ixodes ricinus ticks infected with the causative agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, have higher energy reserves
Ixodid Tick Infestation in Cattle and Wild Animals in Maswa and Iringa, Tanzania
Ixodid ticks of traditionally managed cattle in central Nigeria: where Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus does not dare (yet?)
Ixodes pacificus Ticks Maintain Embryogenesis and Hatching after Antibiotic Treatment of Rickettsia Endosymbiont
Ixodes ricinus infestation in free-ranging cervids in Norway-A study based upon ear examinations of hunted animals
Ixodid fauna and zoonotic agents in ticks from dogs: first report of Rickettsia rickettsii in Rhipicephalus sanguineus in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, mid-western Brazil
Ixodidae ticks in cattle and sheep in Sistan and Baluchestan Province (Iran)
Ixodes tick saliva suppresses the keratinocyte cytokine response to TLR2/TLR3 ligands during early exposure to Lyme borreliosis
Ixodes scapularis Tick Saliva Proteins Sequentially Secreted Every 24 h during Blood Feeding
Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes ricinus tick cell lines respond to infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus: transcriptomic and proteomic analysis
Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae), an occasional phoront on necrophagous and coprophagous beetles in Europe
Ixodes affinis (Acari: Ixodidae) in dogs from the rural communities of Yucatan, Mexico: prevalence, abundance and associated factors
Ixodes ricinus defensins attack distantly-related pathogens
Ixodes ricinus Salivary Serpin IRS-2 Affects Th17 Differentiation via Inhibition of the Interleukin-6/STAT-3 Signaling Pathway
Ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting humans in Tokat Province of Turkey: species diversity and seasonal activity
Ixodes ricinus tick saliva modulates tick-borne encephalitis virus infection of dendritic cells
Ixodid ticks on domestic dogs in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and in Namibia
Ixodes scapularis dystroglycan-like protein promotes Borrelia burgdorferi migration from the gut
Ixodes persulcatus, a major vector of Alphaproteobacteria in Russia
Ixodes ricinus Is Not an Epidemiologically Relevant Vector of Bartonella Species in the Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
Ixodes scapularis tick serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) gene family; annotation and transcriptional analysis
Ixodes ricinus ticks are reservoir hosts for Rickettsia helvetica and potentially carry flea-borne Rickettsia species
Ixodid ticks of road-killed wildlife species in southern Italy: new tick-host associations and locality records
Ixodes ricinus abundance and its infection with the tick-borne pathogens in urban and suburban areas of Eastern Slovakia
Ixodes vespertilionis Koch and first report of Ixodes simplex Neumann (Acari: Ixodidae) from bats in the Republic of Korea
Ixodes ventalloi: morphological and molecular support for species integrity
Ixodid ticks in the megapolis of Kyiv, Ukraine
Ixodes ricinus immunogenic saliva protein, homologue to Amblyomma americanum AV422: Determining its potential for use in tick bite confirmation
Ixodicide activity of Eysenhardtia polystachya against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus
Ixodids in wild animals of the mountainous plateau Region of Santa Catarina State, Brazil
Ixodes ricinus and Its Endosymbiont Midichloria mitochondrii: A Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Salivary Glands and Ovaries
Ixodoidea of the Western Palaearctic: A review of available literature for identification of species
Ixodes scapularis Tick Cells Control Anaplasma phagocytophilum Infection by Increasing the Synthesis of Phosphoenolpyruvate from Tyrosine
Ixodidae fauna of domestic dogs in Parana, southern Brazil
Ixodes persulcatus Ticks as Vectors for the Babesia microti US Lineage in Japan
Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) Distribution Surveys in the Chicago Metropolitan Region
Ixodid ticks on ruminants, with on-host initiated moulting (apolysis) of Ixodes, Haemaphysalis and Dermacentor larvae
Ixodid ticks, fleas and lice infesting dogs and cats in Hawassa, southern Ethiopia
Ixodes affinis (Acari: Ixodidae) in southeastern Virginia and implications for the spread of Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease
Ixodes scapularis and Borrelia burgdorferi Among Diverse Habitats Within a Natural Area in East-Central Illinois
Ixodid ticks collected from the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides albus and the common raccoon Procyon lotor in southern Hokkaido, Japan
Ixodid ticks parasitizing wild carnivores in Romania
Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) Reservoir Host Diversity and Abundance Impacts on Dilution of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetales: Spirochaetaceae) in Residential and Woodland Habitats in Connecticut, United States
Ixodes inopinatus - Occurring also outside the Mediterranean region
Ixonnexin from Tick Saliva Promotes Fibrinolysis by Interacting with Plasminogen and Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator, and Prevents Arterial Thrombosis
Ixorapeptide I and ixorapeptide II, bioactive peptides isolated from Ixora coccinea
Ixora parviflora Protects against UVB-Induced Photoaging by Inhibiting the Expression of MMPs, MAP Kinases, and COX-2 and by Promoting Type I Procollagen Synthesis
Ixorene, a New Dammarane Triterpene from the Leaves of Ixora coccinea Linn.
Ixorine, a New Cyclopeptide Alkaloid from the Branches of Ixora brevifolia
Ixoroid: A New Triterpenoid from the Flowers of Ixora coccinea
Ixora (Rubiaceae) on the Philippines - crossroad or cradle?
Ixr1 Is Required for the Expression of the Ribonucleotide Reductase Rnr1 and Maintenance of dNTP Pools
Iyama's finiteness theorem via strongly quasi-hereditary algebras
Iyengar-Yoga Compared to Exercise as a Therapeutic Intervention during (Neo) adjuvant Therapy in Women with Stage I-III Breast Cancer: Health-Related Quality of Life, Mindfulness, Spirituality, Life Satisfaction, and Cancer-Related Fatigue
Iyengar Yoga for Young Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From a Mixed-Methods Pilot Study
Iyengar Yoga and the Use of Props for Pediatric Chronic Pain: A Case Study
Iyengar Yoga for Adolescents and Young Adults With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Iyengar Yoga versus Enhanced Usual Care on Blood Pressure in Patients with Prehypertension to Stage I Hypertension: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Iyengar Yoga for Distressed Women: A 3-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial
Iyoite, MnCuCl(OH)(3) and misakiite, Cu3Mn(OH)(6)Cl-2: new members of the atacamite family from Sadamisaki Peninsula, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Izenamides A and B, Statine-Containing Depsipeptides, and an Analogue from a Marine Cyanobacterium
Izergin-Korepin Analysis on the Projected Wavefunctions of the Generalized Free-Fermion Model
Izhakiella capsodis gen. nov., sp nov., in the family Enterobacteriaceae, isolated from the mirid bug Capsodes infuscatus
Izhikevich neuron circuit using stochastic logic
IziNambuzane: IsiZulu names for insects
Izmir Mental Health Survey for Gene-Environment Interaction in Psychoses (TurkSch): Objectives and Methodology
Izmir grape polyphenol oxidase (Vitis vinifera L.): Partial purification and some kinetic properties
Iznik tiles: A new production technology and respective characterization
Izu-Bonin arc subduction under the Honshu island, Japan: Evidence from geological and seismological aspect
Izumiphenazines A-C: Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Phenazine Derivatives from Streptomyces sp. IFM 11204
Izumo1 and Juno: the evolutionary origins and coevolution of essential sperm-egg binding partners
Izumiphenazine D, a New Phenazoquinoline N-Oxide from Streptomyces sp IFM 11204
I~IV型登革病毒包膜蛋白B细胞中和表位的鉴定Mapping of the B-cell Neutralizing Epitopes on EDⅢ of Envelope Protein from Dengue Virus